Monitor Deployments

Monitor Predix (PAF) Runtime Deployments

You can monitor the status of the Predix runtime deployments in the Deployments page.


  1. In the module navigation menu, go to Analytics > Deployments.
    The Deployments page appears.
    Based on the scheduling options, the status appears as follows in the LAST RUN column:
    • For a deployment that are submitted with the Run Once scheduling option, the status appears as Success or Failed based on the actual run results.
    • For a deployment that are submitted with the Recurrent scheduling option, the total successful asset jobs execution percentage appears as link in the the LAST RUN column, for example 100% Assets, and the success ratio of the last three runs appear in the SUCCESS RATIO column.
  2. To view the execution details of deployment with the Recurrent scheduling option, select the link in the LAST RUN column.
    A page that contains the details of the execution appears.
    • To view the execution status of the assets for each run, as needed, select the Next Run or Previous Run button.
    • To download the deployment result for each asset, in the Action column, select .