Manage Asset Filters

About Asset Filters

Asset Filters determine asset applicability when deploying an analytic.

During the configuration of an analytic deployment, users can define the asset(s) that the analytic will deploy against. Applicability determines what assets within the asset model the analytic is intended to execute on. This is performed through the use of Asset Filters, which captures an applicable group of assets and/or types of assets. Asset Filters can be used by any number of analytic deployments that share the same asset applicability. For example, an analytic that detects high vibration anomalies on gas turbines would use an Asset Filter for all gas turbine type assets.

What is Applicability?

Asset Filters are saved Predix Essentials asset queries. These filters can be reused to define asset applicability during analytic and orchestration deployments. The retrieval of assets based on Asset Filters happens during deployment. Input and output mappings defined using the Map for all assets option will be applied to all assets resolved from the selected Asset Filter.

For Orchestration deployment, the Asset Filter is resolved once and used for each step of the orchestration. Asset Filters are created using one or more rules within each asset deployment hierarchy level, that is, asset, segment, site, and enterprise.

Asset Filters allows you to add rules at any level in the asset business hierarchy when creating a query. Asset Filters allow adding multiple values for a single rule. It also allows the Is not operation.

Return assets where 
Asset Type Is GE90 OR CF34 
AND position Is not 1
Return Assets where 
Site Name Is Doha 
AND Train Is 5 
AND Asset Type Is Wind Turbine OR Gas Turbine OR Steam Turbine
Return Sites where 
Asset Type Is Wind Turbine 
AND Country Is USA 
AND Site Type Is Wind farm

Asset Filters

You can use filter sets to create Asset Filters that can be used for asset applicability during the deployment of an analytic.

You can access, but cannot modify the Asset Filter if it has been used in a deployment. You need delete permissions to delete an existing Asset Filter. Make sure you are aware of any applicability usage prior to deleting an Asset Filter. You cannot delete an Asset Filter that has been used in a deployment.

When the Asset Filter is used in a deployment, the analytic is executed against all assets that meet the filter criteria. In addition, during I/O mapping, you can only access and map tags that are associated with assets that meet the filter criteria.

The following operators can be used within each rule:
  • Is
  • Is not

Query Logic

The following query logic is used to retrieve query results from the asset model:

  • When multiple values are entered within a rule, the OR condition is applied. For example, for a single rule where Asset Type is GE90, CF34 is defined, the query results in all asset types matching GE90 or CF34.
  • When multiple rules are entered, the AND condition is applied. For example, if you define a rule - Asset Type Is Wind Turbine and another rule - Country Is USA, the query should result in asset type that are Wind Turbines located in USA.
Note: You cannot apply rules at a lower hierarchy level than the asset deployment hierarchy level of the Asset Filter.

Predix Essentials provides API endpoints to add additional query fields. For more information on using the APIs, contact GE Global Support.

Create Asset Filters

You can create asset filters that are used to determine asset applicability while deploying an analytic.

Before You Begin

You must have the required access permissions to perform this task.

About This Task

You can create an asset filter that contains specified attributes and their values. You can use asset filters during asset selection in deployment to determine the assets needed to deploy the analytic.

Important: Using custom attributes in asset filters is only available for tenants that have the feature enabled in the analytic_tenant_config table during tenant provisioning. Contact your tenant or system administrator if you want to configure asset filters with custom attributes.


  1. In the module navigation menu, navigate to Analytics > Asset Filters.
  2. Select on the page heading.
  3. In the workspace of the Asset Filters page, enter a unique name for the asset filter in the NAME box.
  4. Enter a description in the DESCRIPTION box.
  5. Select one of the options in the ASSET HIERARCHY DEPLOYMENT LEVEL drop-down list box. The default selection is Asset.
  6. In the respective section, select + Add Rule to add a new attribute filter.
    Note: A disabled + Add Rule box indicates that all available attributes have already been used in the asset filter.
    1. In the ATTRIBUTE box, select an attribute value and then select a value in the CONDITION box.
    2. In the VALUE box, enter one or more values as the search keywords for the filter. Use commas to separate multiple values.
      Each attribute appears in the filter set. To remove an attribute, select at the end of the row for the attribute.
  7. Add additional filters as needed. For each filter combination, select or enter the parameters and values needed to complete the string.
    For example, to include all asset names that start with GE-9 in the model, but exclude GE-901, create this combination:
    1. In the Assets section, select + Add Rule.
    2. In the ATTRIBUTE box, select Asset Name, and then select Is in the CONDITION box.
    3. Enter GE-9* to find all asset names that start with GE-9.
    4. In the Assets section, select + Add Rule to add another rule.
    5. In the ATTRIBUTE box, select Asset Name, and then select Is not in the CONDITION box.
    6. Enter GE-901 to exclude all asset names that start match GE-901.
    Note: You must enter a value for each attribute field. You can use wildcards in search.
  8. Select Create.
    Attention: If you reset prior to saving, all changes and additions for the asset filter are removed.
    The asset filter is saved and becomes available in the pane for selection during deployment.

What To Do Next

Before you use the newly added asset filter in a deployment, preview the filter results and make any required modifications.

Access and Modify Asset Filters

You can preview the filter results and make any required modifications to an existing asset filter.

Before You Begin

You must have the required access permissions to perform this task.

About This Task

Make sure that you are aware of any applicability usage before modifying an asset filter. Consider creating a new asset filter instead.

Note: You cannot modify an asset filter if the feature analytic_tenant_config table is enabled during provisioning.
Note: You cannot modify an asset filter if it has been used in a deployment.
Note: You cannot apply rules at a lower hierarchy level than the asset deployment hierarchy level of the asset filter.


  1. In the module navigation menu, navigate to Analytics > Asset Filters.
  2. In the Search pane, select , and then enter characters in the box to find an asset filter.
    Suggestions narrow as you enter characters.
  3. Select an asset filter to open it in the workspace.
  4. Select Preview to access the Asset Filter Sample Result window.
  5. Make any necessary modifications to name, description, and rules. You cannot modify the values in the ASSET HIERARCHY DEPLOYMENT LEVEL box.
  6. Repeat the preview and modification steps till you get the expected results from the asset filter.
  7. Select Save Changes to save the asset filter or Cancel to cancel the modifications.

Delete Asset Filters

You can delete an asset filter that is not being used by a deployment.

Before You Begin

You must have the required access permissions to perform this task. Deletion is currently disabled in tenants that have

About This Task

You can delete an asset filter that contains specified attributes and their values. Deleting an asset filter cannot be undone.

Note: You cannot delete an asset filter if the feature analytic_tenant_config table is enabled during provisioning.
Note: You cannot delete an asset filter if it has been used in a deployment.


  1. In the module navigation menu, navigate to Analytics > Asset Filters.
  2. In the Search pane, select , and then enter characters in the box to find an asset filter.
    Suggestions narrow as you enter characters.
  3. Select an asset filter to open it in the workspace.
  4. Select Delete.


The asset filter is removed from the pane and is no longer available for use during deployment.