Enable Google Maps for your applications to display asset
About this task
While designing a page, you can use the Google Maps widget to
display the locations of assets on a map. To do so, you require the API key generated by
Google. This topic describes how to access the key and use it in the application that you want
to create.
Access https://cloud.google.com/maps-platform/,
and follow the on-screen instructions to generate
the API key.
The API key is generated.
Note: Ensure
that the following APIs are enabled for the key:
- The Geocoding API
- The Maps JavaScript API
Modify the
file located here:
C:\Program Files\GE\Operations
Update the file using the API key and version information provided by Google:
Search for "googleMapsVersion"
and enter the version number for
and replace (including the brackets) with
your API key.
Save and close the file.
Restart the Operations Hub IQP Tomcat Web Server service.
The Google Map widget is now available for use in the application. Asset
locations are now displayed on a map.