Line Chart
In a line chart, data points are connected by a line to help visualize the changes in data trends over a period a time.
The widget is available under designing application pages, drag-and-drop Line Chart to a container.
. WhenLine Chart Properties
Field Name | Description |
Line Type | Select from the available list of chart line types. |
Source > Data Source | Provide the input data source to receive values for the chart. |
Use Raw Format | Select the check box to display numbers in raw format. For example, a numeric value with 5 or more decimal places is shown as it is, and not rounded off. |
Number of decimals | This option appears if you do not want to display numbers in raw
format. In that case, enter the decimal places (0-7) to consider after the decimal point to format large numbers. Based on the decimals, the value is rounded off to the nearest whole number. |
Title | Title name for the chart. |
Subtitle | Subtitle name for the chart. |
Y Axis Title | Title name for y-axis. |
X Axis Title | Title name for x-axis. |
X Axis Mode | Format the x-axis:
X Axis Rotation | If you choose to rotate labels, enter the degree of rotation. |
Enable Line Limits | Select/Clear the check box to show/hide line limits. If you choose to show line limits at runtime, then enter the HiHi, Hi, Lo, LoLo limit values. |
Labels External | Enables external labels for the limits. |
HiHi Label | Enter a label name for HiHi limit. |
HiHi | Use the available options to configure the source values. Refer to Bind Your Data to Plug-ins. |
HiHi Color | Select a HiHi line color. |
Hi Label | Enter a label name for Hi limit. |
Hi | Use the available options to configure the source values. Refer to Bind Your Data to Plug-ins. |
Hi Color | Select a Hi line color. |
Lo Label | Enter a label name for Lo limit. |
Lo | Use the available options to configure the source values. Refer to Bind Your Data to Plug-ins. |
Lo Color | Select a Lo line color. |
LoLo Label | Enter a label name for LoLo limit. |
LoLo | Use the available options to configure the source values. Refer to Bind Your Data to Plug-ins. |
LoLo Color | Select a LoLo line color. |
Legend | Select the Visible check box if you want to show
the chart legend. You can also use the vertical/horizontal options to position the legend in the chart. |
Crosshair | Select the check box if you want to show the crosshairs in the chart. |
Show Points | Select the check box if you want to show data points in the chart. |
Point Symbol | Select from the available list of symbols to represent the points in the chart. |
Stacking |
Truncate X-Axis | Select the check box to truncate the x-axis labels. |
Hidden | Select this check box if you want to hide the
plug-in. To show the hidden plug-in in Operations Hub new layout, go
to Page Visuals and under
Action column, select ![]() |
Chart Line at Runtime