Configure iFIX for Mimics

When using the iFIX HMI/SCADA system as your data source, follow this quick walkthrough to successfully get mimics into Operations Hub.

Install iFIX and Operations Hub on different servers or on the same server.
Note: You can display booleans and enumerations as strings in your mimics. When creating the mimic, use the A_CV attribute on your data sources. If you use F_CV, numeric values are rendered. For inline edits, only booleans currently support selecting a value via a dropdown box.
  1. Log in to Proficy iFIX and perform these tasks:
    1. Go to C:\Program Files (x86)\GE\iFIX and open the secmgr.clr.dll.config file in a notepad.
    2. Save the dll file after verifying and updating these details:
      Ensure that uaa_oauthHost points to the UAA server that provides the authentication services. If default UAA server is installed with Operations Hub, this will generally be the hostname (short or FQDN) used during Operations Hub installation.
    3. Create pictures supporting the Operations Hub objects. To make an object a click target in a Operations Hub mimic, set its is selectable property to true.
    4. To enable an operator to update an iFIX data source tag on a picture and answer an update confirmation question, access the Datalink screen and select the source tag. In the Data Entry section, select In-Place in the Type field, and then select the Confirm check box, as shown below.
    5. In the iFIX Tools Ribbon, select Publish to Operations Hub to export selected pictures in GRF format in to a Picture folder as shown below. These GRF files are exported in to JSON ZIP files. These pictures become mimics (process diagrams) that you associate with asset object types in Operations Hub.
    6. Verify the values in the Advanced section of the Configure iFIX OPC AE Server screen conform to the OPC A&E specification guidelines and use the Operations Hub default dividing point values to separate the alarm severity ranges, as explained in Alarm Microservice.
      The following provides a sample Configure iFIX OPC AE Server screen.
  2. Log in to Operations Hub.
  3. Create a data source with OPC UA configuration in Operations Hub.
    Note: The datasource name should match the iFIX node name.
  4. Import the mimic.
  5. Create an application.
  6. Create application pages for Alarm card and Mimic Card.
  7. Run the application and check to see if mimics are working.