Equipment Health Workflow

About Equipment Workflow

The Equipment Health Workflow Content includes families, fields, family policies, system tables and codes, permissions, security groups and roles, policies, and catalog content that supplements the Asset Health Management and Rounds features of APM.

Access EHW Equipment Health Configuration Workflow Dashboard


  1. In the Applications menu, navigate to the TOOLS section.
  2. Select Catalog.
    The Catalog page appears.
  3. Select HomePublicWorkflowsEquipment Health Tracking WorkflowDashboards folder.
    The corresponding Catalog items appear in the grid within the workspace for the selected folder.
  4. Select EHW Equipment Health Configuration Workflow catalog item.
    The Dashboard is displayed will the following widgets:
    • Asset Health Index: Displays the Index number for all assets in the plant.
    • Workflow Steps: Displays the list of steps to be performed in sequence.
    • Asset Health Overview: Displays various parameters around the health of all the assets.

Step 1: Identify Equipment to Monitor


  1. Access EHW Equipment Health Configuration Workflow Dashboard.
  2. In the WORKFLOW STEPS section, select Step 1: Identify Equipment to Monitor.
    A new tab opens, displaying the Assets with no Health Status.
  3. In the ACTION Column, select the Update Health WF Status.
    Record Manager of the asset opens.
  4. In the Health WF Status drop-down list, select To Be Monitored.
  5. Select and then select .
  6. Select the tab displaying the Assets with no Health Status, and then select .
    The Asset selected to be monitored is not shown on the list.

What To Do Next

Rounds Configuration

Step 2.1: Rounds Configuration


  1. Access EHW Equipment Health Configuration Workflow Dashboard.
  2. In the WORKFLOW STEPS section, select Step 2.1: Rounds Configuration.
    A new tab opens, displaying the Assets to be Monitored.
  3. Search for the Asset selected to be monitored in Step 1: Identify Equipment to Monitor.
  4. In the ACTION 1 Column, select the Review Existing MLs.
  5. Review the existing MLs then select and then select .
  6. In the ACTION 2 Column, select the Create New MLs.
  7. Enter the details as needed select and then select .

Step 2.2: Tags Configuration


  1. Access EHW Equipment Health Configuration Workflow Dashboard.
  2. In the WORKFLOW STEPS section, select Step 2.2: Tags Configuration.
    A new tab opens, displaying the Assets to be Monitored.
  3. Search for the Asset selected to be monitored in Step 1: Identify Equipment to Monitor.
  4. In the ACTION 1 Column, select the Review Existing Tags.
  5. Review the existing Tags then select and then select .
  6. In the ACTION 2 Column, select the Create New Tags.
  7. Enter the details as needed select and then select .

Step 2.3: Predictive Diagnostic Configuration


  1. Access EHW Equipment Health Configuration Workflow Dashboard.
  2. In the WORKFLOW STEPS section, select Step 2.3: Predictive Diagnostic Configuration.
    A new tab opens, displaying the Assets to be Monitored.
  3. Search for the Asset selected to be monitored in Step 1: Identify Equipment to Monitor.
  4. In the ACTION 1 Column, select the Link SmartSignal Asset.
  5. Enter the details as needed select and then select .
  6. In the ACTION 2 Column, select the Update Health WF Status.
  7. Select under ACTION 2 Column for the asset.
  8. In Health WF Status drop-down list box , select Ready for Monitoring.
  9. Select and then select .
  10. Select the tab displaying the Assets to be Monitored, select .
    The Asset that is marked as ready for monitoring is not shown on the list.

Step 3: Consolidate Data with Policy


  1. Access EHW Equipment Health Configuration Workflow Dashboard.
  2. In the WORKFLOW STEPS section, select Step 3: Consolidate Data with Policy.
    A new tab opens, displaying the Assets Ready for Monitoring.
  3. Search for the Asset selected to be monitored in Step 1: Identify Equipment to Monitor.
  4. In the ACTION 1 Column, select the Execute Tag Reading Policy.
    The Queued Successfully window appears.
  5. Select OK and then close all the policy tabs.
  6. In the ACTION 2 Column, select the Execute Main Health Policy.
    The Queued Successfully window appears.
  7. Select OK and then close all the policy tabs.
  8. In the ACTION 3 Column, select the Update Health WF Status.
  9. In Health WF Status drop-down list box, select Being Monitored.
  10. Select and select .

Equipment Health Tracking Workflow


  1. Access EHW Equipment Health Configuration Workflow Dashboard.
  2. In the WORKFLOW STEPS section, select Equipment Health Tracking Workflow.
    A new tab opens, displaying the following widgets:
    • Asset Health Index: Displays the Index number for all assets in the plant.
    • Workflow Steps: Displays the list of steps EHW to be performed in sequence.
    • Asset Health Overview: Displays various parameters around the health of all the assets.

What To Do Next

Execute Health Algorithm

Step 4: Execute Health Algorithm


  1. Access Equipment Health Tracking Workflow.
  2. In the WORKFLOW STEPS section, select Step 4: Execute Health Algorithm.
    A new tab opens, displaying the following widgets:
    • Individual Tag Value Reading
    • Individual Asset Health Index Calculation
  3. In the ACTION Column of Individual Tag Value Reading, select the Read this Tag.
    The Queued Successfully window appears.
  4. Select OK and then close all the policy tabs.
  5. In the ACTION Column of Individual Asset Health Index Calculation, select the Calculate Asset Health Index.
    The Queued Successfully window appears
  6. Select OK and then close all the policy tabs.

Step 5: Evaluate Health vs. Criteria


  1. Access Equipment Health Tracking Workflow.
  2. In the WORKFLOW STEPS section, select Step 5: Evaluate Health vs. Criteria.
    A new tab opens, displaying the following widgets:
    • Asset Health Index-AHI
    • Health Index Breakdown
    • Assets Being Monitored
  3. In Assets Being Monitored, under ACTION 1 Column, select the Read this Tag.
  4. Enter the details as needed select and then select .
  5. In the ACTION 2 Column, select the Update Health WF Status.
  6. In Health WF Status drop-down list box, select Being Monitored.
  7. Select and select .
  8. Select the tab displaying the Assets to be Monitored, select .
    The Asset that is marked as ready for monitoring is not shown on the list.