Thickness Measurement - Assets Data Loader
About the Thickness Measurement - Assets Data Loader
The Thickness Measurement - Assets Data Loader allows you to create or update Thickness Measurements for TMLs as part of completing an Inspection Task. To import data using the Thickness Measurement - Assets Data Loader, APM provides an Excel template named Thickness Measurement - Assets.xlsx. Throughout the document, the Excel template is referred to as the data loader workbook.
About the Thickness Measurement - Assets Data Loader Requirements
- Ensure that the Inspection Management and Thickness Monitoring modules are deployed.
- Ensure that the TMLs for which you want to create or update thickness measurement values are linked to Inspection Tasks.
Security Settings
- The MI Data Loader User or the MI Data Loader Admin Security Role
- The MI Inspection or the MI Thickness Monitoring Inspector Security Group (or a Security Role that is associated with this Security Group)
About the Thickness Measurement - Assets Data Loader General Loading Strategy
Load Sequence
The data is processed in the following sequence to successfully populate fields, create records, and link them to the predecessor and successor records:
- The Assets worksheet is processed.
The data loader uses the value defined in the Asset Family column to determine which columns to use for asset lookup. If loading for the Equipment family, the fields corresponding to the Equipment will be used. Otherwise, if loading for the Functional Location family, the fields defined in parentheses in the first row will be used to look up the Functional Location record.
If an asset specified on the worksheet does not exist, it will not be loaded. In this case, the Thickness Measurements will not be loaded either.
- The Measurements worksheet is processed. For each row on this worksheet, a Thickness Measurement record is created (or updated), and linked to the TML using the Has Measurements relationship. If you entered values in the Task ID and Task Related Entity ID columns, the created or updated measurements will be linked to a newly created General Inspection, which defines the given Task in the Tasks Addressed field.Note: For a given TML, if two or more rows contain the same value in the Measurement Date field, only one measurement record is created. The fields in that record are populated with values in the last row among them.
Best Practices
- For Oracle databases, valid cell values are case-sensitive.
- If a data loader worksheet contains any blank cells:
- When you create new records, the fields corresponding to the blank cells are updated with the default values, if any.
- When you update existing records, the fields corresponding to the blank cells are not updated.
- The Data Loader maps the datasheet columns in the data loader workbook to fields in APM families by their position. Therefore, do not change the column positions and IDs. You can, however, change the captions if needed.
- ID fields must not include special characters or spaces.
- Columns (including columns representing custom fields) in the worksheets should be formatted as Text.
- You must consider the rules described in the Workbook Layout and Use section of this document while using the data loader workbook.
- When you override the values for Minimum Thickness and Minimum Thickness Type fields, the values from the data loader will be considered.
- In addition to the fields included in the data loader workbook, if you want to add values for more fields for a record, you can add columns for those fields on the appropriate worksheet.Note: The fields that you want to add to the data loader workbook must already exist in the corresponding family. If not, you must add the fields to the family via Configuration Manager.
About the Thickness Measurement - Assets Data Loader Workbook Layout and Use
Worksheet | Description | Family |
Assets | On the Assets worksheet, you will specify Equipment or Function Location linked to Thickness Measurement Locations (TMLs) and TML Groups. The columns that appear on this worksheet also appear on Measurements worksheet. They are used to identify the records that will be linked, directly or indirectly, to the Equipment. The combination of values in the three columns on this worksheet must be unique. | Equipment and Functional Location |
Measurements | This worksheet is used to create or update Thickness Measurements for TMLs as part of completing an Inspection Task. | Thickness Measurement |
Color Coding
Color | Description | Comments |
Grey | Lookup Fields | Indicates columns that contain values that are used by the Thickness Measurement - Assets Data Loader to look up and create records. If these columns are removed from the worksheets, the data load will fail. While the worksheets require that these columns be present, values are not necessarily required in these columns. |
Red | Fields Required for Calculation | Indicates columns that contain values that are required to perform calculations in Risk Based Inspection. Some cells only require values in certain cases. Such cases are found in parentheses in the first row of each worksheet. |
Blue | Recommended Fields | Indicates columns that, according to APM Best Practice for Risk Based Inspection, should contain values. |
Green | Custom Fields | Indicates columns where you can specify custom fields. |
The Thickness Measurement - Assets Data Loader has the following limitations:
- If you modify the format of the values in columns on any of the worksheets, you will not be able to import data.
- You cannot create or update nominal measurements using the data loader workbook. You can only create or update actual measurements.
- The values that you enter in the data loader workbook are case-sensitive.
- You cannot skip measurements using the data loader workbook.
- If you reimport data, the records that have been created by the data loader workbook will be updated. Therefore, while reimporting data related to a record, if you remove the data for a field in the data loader workbook, the value for the corresponding field in APM will be either a default value or blank. Tip: If you do not want to update a field value, you can remove the corresponding column from the data loader workbooks. You cannot, however, remove columns that correspond to required fields.
- If values are provided in the Task ID and Task Related Entity ID fields but do not uniquely match a task in APM, the measurements and the corresponding event will not be created.
- If the Thickness Measurement that you want to create or update is already linked to an Inspection Event, it will not be linked to a new Inspection Event.
- The data loader workbook is not supported for Piping Assets.
Assets Worksheet
Field Caption | Field ID | Data Type (Length) | Comments |
Asset ID (FL:MI_FNCLOC00_FNC_LOC_C) | MI_EQUIP000_EQUIP_ID_C | Character (255) | A value is required in at least one cell in this column. To upload Functional Location data in the same worksheet, specify the Functional Location ID in this column. |
Asset CMMS System (FL:MI_FNCLOC00_SAP_SYSTEM_C) | MI_EQUIP000_SAP_SYSTEM_C | Character (255) | If the Equipment record for an asset contains a value in the CMMS System field, enter that value in this column. To upload Functional Location data in the same worksheet, specify the CMMS System for the Functional Location value in this column. |
Equipment Technical Number | MI_EQUIP000_EQUIP_TECH_NBR_C | Character (255) | If you are required to enter a value for the CMMS System cell for a piece of equipment, and the Equipment record contains a value in the Equipment Technical Number field, enter that value in this column. If there is no value in the CMMS System field, you can leave this column blank (even if the Equipment record contains a value for the Equipment Technical Number field). |
Asset Family ID | ASSET_FAMILY_ID | Character (255) | If you want to upload Functional Location data in the Assets worksheet, enter MI_FNCLOC00 in this column. If the column is not available or data is null in this field, the asset data will be considered as Equipment data. |
Measurements Worksheet
Field Caption | Field ID | Data Type (Length) | Comments |
Asset ID (FL:MI_FNCLOC00_FNC_LOC_C) | MI_EQUIP000_EQUIP_ID_C | Character (255) | A value is required in at least one cell in this column. To upload Functional Location data in the same worksheet, specify the Functional Location ID in this column. |
Asset CMMS System (FL:MI_FNCLOC00_SAP_SYSTEM_C) | MI_EQUIP000_SAP_SYSTEM_C | Character (255) | If the Equipment or the Functional Location record for an asset contains a value in the CMMS System field, enter that value in this column. To upload Functional Location data in the same worksheet, specify the CMMS System for the Functional Location value in this column. |
Equipment Technical Number | MI_EQUIP000_EQUIP_TECH_NBR_C | Character (255) | If you are required to enter a value for the CMMS System cell for an asset, and the Equipment record for the asset contains a value in the Equipment Technical Number field, enter that value in this column. If there is no value in the CMMS System field, this column can be blank, even if the Equipment record contains a value for the Equipment Technical Number field. |
TML Group ID | MI_TMLGROUP_ID_C | Character (50) | A value is required if the corresponding TML is linked to a TML Group. The value that you enter must match the value of the TML Group ID related to the corresponding TML. |
TML ID | MI_DP_ID_CHR | Character (50) | A value is required and must match the value of the TML ID for the corresponding TML. Otherwise, data in this row is not loaded. |
Task ID | MI_TASK_ID | Character(255) | A value is required if the corresponding TML is scoped to an Inspection Task and you want to create an Inspection Event addressing that task during the creation of the Thickness Measurement. |
Task Related Entity ID | MI_TASK_RELAT_ENTIT_ID_CHR | Character(255) | A value is required if the corresponding TML is scoped to an Inspection Task and you want to create an Inspection Event addressing that task during the creation of the Thickness Measurement. |
Readings | MI_THICK_MEASU_READI_C | Character (2000) | A value is required. Enter a number greater than 0. If you have multiple readings, separate them with semicolons. If you do not enter a value in this cell, the data in this row is not loaded. |
Measurement Date | MI_DP_MEAS_TAKEN_DT | Date | Enter a value in the following format: YYYY-MM-DD hh:mm:ss If you do not enter a value, the current date is used. |
Measurement Taken By | MI_DP_MEAS_TAKEN_BY_CHR | Character | Enter a value in the following format: <Last Name>, <First Name> ~ <User ID> If you want to create a Thickness Measurement record using the data loader workbook, and if your user ID appears in the Measurement Taken By field on a Thickness Measurement datasheet, you need not enter a value in this cell. The appropriate value is automatically populated in the Measurement Taken By field after you load data. If not, enter a value that matches the user ID of a Security User in APM. Otherwise, the data in this row is not loaded. If, however, you do not want the Measurement Taken by field to be populated automatically using the data loader workbook, you update the Thickness Measurement record manually by leaving the Measurement Taken By cell blank in the data loader workbook. |
Measurement Comment | MI_DP_MEAS_COMMENT_CHR | Character (255) | None |
Temperature | MI_THICK_MEAS_TEMP_TAKEN_AT_N | Numeric | None |