
About Route Creation

Before you can define the Checkpoints that should be addressed along a Route, you must create a Route. The records that you create will depend upon the needs of your company.

Suggested Route Guidelines

When you create a Route, adhere to the following suggested guidelines to ensure optimal operation:

  • A single Route should contain no more than 250 Checkpoints.
  • A single condition should contain no more than 15 successor Checkpoints.

A Water Bottling Facility

Consider a water bottling facility, which contains a bottling system that consists of the following equipment:

  • Filling Machine
  • Capping Machine
  • Labeling Machine

Assume that each day you want someone to perform a general plant check on each machine in the bottling system. In this case, you might want to create one Route that will be linked to multiple Measurement Locations, identifying detailed checks that should be performed on each piece of equipment. Alternatively, you could create one Route for a General Plant Check Route, which would include a general check of the entire plant. For a Route like this, you might want to include the following Checkpoints:

  • Leak check
  • Temperature check
  • Ink level check
  • Vibration check

The instructions in this documentation provide details on creating a Route.

Access a Route


  1. Access the RD Overview page.
  2. Select the Routes tab.
    The Routes section appears, displaying a list of Routes.
  3. Select the Route that you want to access.
    The datasheet for the selected Route appears.
  4. As needed, modify values in the available fields.
  5. Select .
    The changes made to the Route are saved.

Assign a Route to Team Members

You must assign a Route to appropriate team members for the Route to be available to those users in Rounds Data Collection.

About This Task

  • To assign a Route to team members, you must be a member of the MI Operator Rounds Administrator or MI Lubrication Management Administrator Security Group, a member of a Security Role that includes one of these groups (that is, MI Health Admin), or a Super User.
  • Routes can only be assigned to team members with access to Rounds Data Collection.
  • To enhance usability for data collectors, assign to team members only Routes that are relevant to those team members. In other words, APM does not recommend assigning all Routes to all team members.
  • For the mobile devices with Windows operating systems, the Download Queries are used to assign users. By default, all Routes are available to all users.
    Note: Team assignments are not available on Windows Mobile Devices.


  1. Access the RD Overview page.
  2. Select the Routes tab.
  3. In the table, select the check box next to the Route that you want to assign to team members, and then select Assign.
    Note: You can assign only one Route at a time. If you select check boxes next to multiple Routes, the Assign button is disabled.

    The Assign to Team Members window appears.

  4. In the <number> Selected section of the window, select one of the following options:
    PeopleSelect this option if you want to assign individual team members to the Route.
    TeamsSelect this option if you want to assign a group of team members to the Route.
    Depending on your selection, either a list of people or a list of teams appears.
    Tip: If you want to modify the details of a team, select the <Team Name> link, and then in the Teams page, modify the required details.
  5. In the <number> Selected section of the window, select the check box next to one or more team members or teams to which you want to assign the Route, and then select .

    The teams or team members that you selected are moved from the <number> Selected section of the window to the <number> Assigned section.

    Note: The team members to whom you assign the Route must have access to the site for the Route.
  6. Optional: If you want to remove a Route assignment from a team or team member, in the <number> Assigned section of the window, select the check box next to the team or team member from which you want to remove the Route assignment, and then select .

    The teams or team members that you selected are moved from the <number> Assigned section of the window to the <number> Selected section.

  7. When you have finished assigning team members to the Route, select Assign to save your changes and close the window.
    The specified teams or team members are assigned to the Route. The number in the User Count column for the Route is updated to display the number of team members to whom the Route is assigned.


  • When the Route is active and due, or when any Checkpoints on the Route are due or overdue, it will appear in Rounds Data Collection for the specified user(s).

What To Do Next

Activate a Route

Before You Begin

About This Task

You must activate a Route in order for it to be available in Rounds Data Collection.


  1. Access the Route that you want to activate.
    The datasheet for the selected Route appears.
  2. In the Status box, select Active.
  3. Select .
    The Route is now active and can be accessed by assigned users in Rounds Data Collection when it is due.

Reorder Nodes within a Route

About This Task

Checkpoint conditions can be arranged on a route. There are three ways to reorder nodes within a Route:

  • Changing the order number
  • Drag-and-drop
  • Drag-and-drop to the Node Pin Board
Note: You cannot use either drag-and-drop method with touch interfaces. When using a touch interface, you must reorder nodes within a Route by changing the order number.
Tip: You can select to open a menu that includes options to expand or collapse all Checkpoints, enabling you to reorder routes more easily.

Reorder Routes by Changing the Order Number


  1. In the left pane, select the node whose order you want to change.
  2. In the Order box, enter the order number denoting where you would like the item to appear in the left pane.

  3. Select .
    The nodes in the left pane are reordered.
  4. To make the new Route sequence available immediately for Windows Mobile handheld devices, select the route level, and then select Save Route Sequence.
    The defined sequence is saved to Rounds Sequence Information records.

Reorder Nodes within a Route using the Drag-and-Drop Method


  1. In the left pane, select the.
  2. Drag the selected item to the new location in the left pane, and then drop it.
    Tip: A blue insertion marker will appear when the node is positioned at a location where it can be dropped.

    The node is reordered.

  3. To make the new Route sequence available immediately for Windows Mobile handheld devices, select the route level, and then select Save Route Sequence.
    The defined sequence is saved to Rounds Sequence Information records.

Reorder Nodes within a Route Using the Node Pin Board


  1. Access the Node Pin Board by selecting .

    The Node Pin Board expands.

  2. In the left pane, select the button next to the node whose order you want to change, drag it to the Node Pin Board pane, and then drop it.

    The node is grayed out in its original location in the left pane.

    Tip: You can repeat this step to move as many nodes to the Node Pin Board as required to complete the reordering operation. Nodes can be left on the Node Pin Board while you compete other tasks on the Route.
  3. In the left pane, navigate to the new location where you want the node to appear.
  4. In the Node Pin Board pane, next to each node that you want to move, select the check box.

    The drag feature is enabled.

  5. Select the button next to one of the nodes in the Node Pin Board pane, drag the node to the left pane, and drop it in the new location.
    Tip: A blue insertion marker will appear when the node placeholder is positioned at a location where it can be dropped.

    A confirmation dialog appears, noting the number of first-level measurement locations and Checkpoint conditions that will be dropped into the Route.

  6. Select Yes.

    The node is reordered.

  7. To make the new Route sequence available immediately for Windows Mobile handheld devices, select the route level, and then select Save Route Sequence.
    The defined sequence is saved to Rounds Sequence Information records.

Remove a Node from a Route

This topic describes how to remove assets, Checkpoints, and Checkpoint conditions from a Route.


  1. Access the Route from which you want to remove related records.
  2. In the left pane, select the node representing the asset, Checkpoint, or Checkpoint condition that you want to remove.
  3. In the left pane, select , and then select Remove.


  • The selected node is removed from the Route. Any removed Checkpoint conditions are deleted from the database. Any removed Checkpoints and related Readings remain in the database. Removing an Equipment or Functional Location from the Route moves all the nodes under that asset node to the Node Pin Board.

Delete a Route

About This Task

Important: You cannot delete a Route that is assigned to a user.


  1. Access the RD Overview page.
  2. In the workspace, select the Routes tab.

    The Routes section appears, displaying a list of Routes.

  3. In the grid, select the check box for each Route that you want to delete.
    Note: You can select multiple Routes.
  4. In the upper-right corner of the section, select .

    A confirmation dialog box appears, asking if you really want to delete the Route.

  5. Select Yes.


The Route is deleted and removed from the Routes section. Checkpoints are kept in the database while the Checkpoint conditions and the Route History is deleted.