Legacy Migration Tool
About Legacy Migration Tool
The APM Entity and Relationship families in Rounds Pro are significantly different from Legacy Rounds. Using the Legacy Rounds Migration tool you can migrate data from Legacy Rounds to Rounds Pro.
Following are the highlights of the Migration tool:
- You can run the tool multiple times for the same route. For instance, if you find any issues with the data during the migration process, you can correct the data and re-run the migration utility for the same route. When you re-run the utility for the same route, it updates all the related migrated data in Rounds Pro and may create new records if they were not created in the previous run.
- You can use the tool to migrate all data or subset of data. For example, you can use a query to filter and migrate a single Route for testing purposes or migrate multiple Routes belonging to a specific site.
Migration tool will not delete any data in Legacy Rounds.
The following table provides the terminology in Legacy Rounds versus Rounds Pro:
Legacy Rounds | Rounds Pro | Notes |
Allowable Values | Picklists | None |
Measurement Location | Measurement Step | None |
Route | Route Master/Route Instance | When a Route Master is due a separate Route Instance is created. |
Measurement Location Template | Step Template | None |
Condition | Conditional Step | Conditional Steps are part of the Measurement Step. |
Reading | Step Reading | None |
Operator Rounds Recommendation | Operator Rounds Recommendation | Same family is used in both Legacy Rounds and Rounds Pro. |
Key Considerations
The following data from Legacy Rounds is migrated to Rounds Pro:
- Routes
- Measurement Locations
- Category/Allowable values
- Checkpoint Conditions
- Health Indicators: New Health Indicators are created and then associated with the Measurement Steps. The original Health Indicators associated with Measurement Locations are not updated and will continue to stay.
- Users and Teams assigned to Routes.
- Schedules defined at the Route level and the Measurement Location level
The following limitations exist:
- Data: The Migration tool will migrate the data structure, but not the data generated from Legacy Rounds. The following items will not be migrated to Rounds Pro:
- Readings
- Route History records
- Operator Rounds Recommendations
- Reference Documents
- GIS Data
- Functionality: The following functionality will not be migrated to Rounds Pro:
- Lubrication Requirements and Lubrication Templates: Lubrication Requirements are currently not available in Rounds Pro and hence lubrication requirements will not be migrated. If your route has a lubrication requirement, routes will be migrated without lubrication requirements.
- Templates Groups: Template Groups are currently not available in Rounds Pro and will not be migrated.
- Localization Data: Only English language is supported in Rounds Pro
- Other Modules: Data related to the following modules will not be migrated:
- Policies: Policies created based on the Measurement Location node will not be upgraded to Measurement Steps.
- Health Indicators: New Health Indicators will be created in Rounds Pro. The original Health Indicators associated with Measurement Locations will not be updated.
- Strategy: Measurement Locations with links to Asset Strategy will be migrated as Measurement Steps in Rounds Pro but the measurement steps will not be linked to Asset Strategy.
- Customization:
- Fields: Any custom fields, custom rules that are created on the Legacy Rounds families will not be migrated to Rounds Pro Families
- Catalog Items (Queries/Reports/Graphs): Any custom catalog items using Legacy Rounds Families will not be migrated to Rounds Pro.
- Others:
- Checkpoint Images: If there are checkpoint images associated with the Measurement location, they will not be migrated.
- Measurement Location not linked to Assets: Measurement Steps in Rounds Pro needs an Asset to be linked, which is not required in Legacy Rounds. If there are any Measurement Locations that are not linked to an Asset or unknown assets, they will not be created in Rounds Pro. However, you can create dummy Functional Locations before running the Migration tool, then these will steps be linked with the newly created Functional Locations. Functional Locations should follow the exact naming convention as below:
- Catch-All for unknown Asset: Measurement Locations that are linked to an Unknown asset will be migrated as Measurement Steps and are linked to this Functional Location.
- Catch-All for no Asset: Measurement Locations that are not linked to an asset will be migrated as Measurement Steps and are linked to this Functional Location.
- Actions: Actions in the Measurement Location are not migrated.
Route Migration
When Migration Type is selected as Routes, the complete Route is migrated from Legacy Rounds to Rounds Pro and a new Route Master is created in Rounds Pro. During this process, several other records that are part of the Route will be created like the Picklists/Picklist item, Measurement Steps, and Conditional steps.
Legacy Rounds records are migrated in the following way to Rounds Pro records:
- Measurement Locations are migrated as Measurement Steps
- Routes are migrated as Route Masters
- Allowable Values are migrated as Picklists
Measurement Location to Measurement Step
During the migration process, the Legacy Rounds Migration tool performs the following tasks in the background.
- If there is no Measurement Step (Same Name and Asset relationship) in Rounds Pro, a new Measurement Step is created.
- If there is an existing Measurement Step in Rounds Pro with same Name and Asset relationship, a new Measurement Step is created and the Step Name is appended with the last four digits of the Entity Key. For example, Step Name [1234].
- Since the information related to Conditions is part of the Measurement Step in Rounds Pro, the Conditions under the parent Measurement Location are now part of the Measurement Step in Rounds Pro.
- In Rounds Pro, it is required for all the Measurement Steps in the Route Master should belong to the same site. Hence, in Legacy Rounds if a Route has Measurement Locations from different sites, these routes and the associated Measurement Locations will not be migrated.
- In Rounds Pro, it is required that all Measurement Steps should belong to an Asset. Hence in Legacy Rounds if there are any routes which have Measurement Locations not related to any Asset, then these Measurement Locations will not be migrated to Rounds Pro, unless dummy Functional Locations are created as mentioned in the previous section.
- Measurement Location Schedules: Schedules in Rounds Pro are managed differently compared to those in Rounds Designer. In Rounds Pro, schedules are stored in a new family named Rounds Pro Schedule. You can associate a Measurement Step with the Rounds Pro Schedule. Multiple Steps can be associated with a single Rounds Pro Schedule. If a Measurement Location contains a schedule, and if there is a Rounds Pro Schedule with the same schedule definition, the Measurement Step is linked to it. Otherwise, a new Rounds Pro Schedule is created and linked to the Measurement Step.
Step Fields | Checkpoint Fields | Notes |
Step ID | Description | The value is copied as-is; however, if there are multiple Measurement Locations with the name same description within the Asset, the Step Name is appended with four digits of the Entity Key (for example, <Step Name> [3456]). |
Related Asset Key | Asset Key | The value is copied as-is; however, catch-all Functional Locations must be configured before using them. |
Step Fields | Checkpoint Entity Fields | Notes |
StepType | MI_CHECK_PT_TYPE_C | If both the Category and Allowable fields contain values, this field is populated with the value Picklist: Single Select; otherwise, this field is populated with the value Text Entry: Character or Text Entry: Numeric, depending on the Measurement Location type. |
UOM | MI_MEAS_LOC_UOM_C | The value is copied as-is. |
ScanId | MI_CHECK_PT_BARCD_ID_C | The value is copied as-is |
MI_STP_INC_HLTH_IND_SRC_L | MI_CHECK_PT_HI_SOURCE_L | The value is copied as-is. |
Step Fields | Checkpoint Fields | Notes |
Locked | MI_CHECK_PT_LOCKED_L | The value is copied as-is. |
Lower1Value | MI_MEAS_LOC_LO_LVL1_ALRT_N, MI_MEAS_LOC_LO_LVL1_ALRT_C | One of the values is used. |
Lower1Message | MI_MEAS_LOC_LO_LVL1_MSG_C | The value is copied as-is. |
Lower2Value | MI_MEAS_LOC_LO_LVL2_ALRT_N, MI_MEAS_LOC_LO_LVL2_ALRT_C | One of the values is used. |
Lower2Message | MI_MEAS_LOC_LO_LVL2_MSG_C | The value is copied as-is. |
Lower3Value | MI_MEAS_LOC_LO_LVL3_ALRT_N, MI_MEAS_LOC_LO_LVL3_ALRT_C | One of the values is used. |
Lower3Message | MI_MEAS_LOC_LO_LVL3_MSG_C | The value is copied as-is. |
Upper1Value | MI_MEAS_LOC_UP_LVL1_ALRT_N, MI_MEAS_LOC_UP_LVL1_ALRT_C | One of the values is used. |
Upper1Message | MI_MEAS_LOC_UP_LVL1_MSG_C | The value is copied as-is. |
Upper2Value | MI_MEAS_LOC_UP_LVL2_ALRT_N, MI_MEAS_LOC_UP_LVL2_ALRT_C | One of the values is used. |
Upper2Message | MI_MEAS_LOC_UP_LVL2_MSG_C | The value is copied as-is. |
Upper3Value | MI_MEAS_LOC_UP_LVL3_ALRT_N, MI_MEAS_LOC_UP_LVL3_ALRT_C | One of the values is used. |
Upper3Message | MI_MEAS_LOC_UP_LVL3_MSG_C | The value is copied as-is. |
Step Fields | Checkpoint Fields | Notes |
MI_MEAS_STP_DWNLD_STORD_DOC_F | MI_MEAS_LOC_DWLD_STRD_DOC_L | The value is copied as-is. |
MI_MEAS_STP_EHW_WGHT_N | MI_MEAS_LOC_EHW_WGHT_N | The value is copied as-is. |
MI_MEAS_STP_LO_LVL1_ACT_C | MI_MEAS_LOC_LO_LVL1_ACT_C | The value is copied as-is. |
MI_MEAS_STP_LO_LVL2_ACT_C | MI_MEAS_LOC_LO_LVL2_ACT_C | The value is copied as-is. |
MI_MEAS_STP_LO_LVL3_ACT_C | MI_MEAS_LOC_LO_LVL3_ACT_C | The value is copied as-is. |
MI_MEAS_STP_MAX_TRGVAL_N | MI_MEAS_LOC_MAX_TRGVAL_N | The value is copied as-is. |
MI_MEAS_STP_MAX_VLDVAL_N | MI_MEAS_LOC_MAX_VLDVAL_N | The value is copied as-is. |
MI_MEAS_STP_PRODUCT_C | MI_MEAS_LOC_PRODUCT_C | The value is copied as-is. |
MI_MEAS_STP_MIN_VLDVAL_N | MI_MEAS_LOC_MIN_VLDVAL_N | The value is copied as-is. |
MI_MEAS_STP_MIN_TRGVAL_N | MI_MEAS_LOC_MIN_TRGVAL_N | The value is copied as-is. |
MI_MEAS_STP_MORE_INFO_C | MI_MEAS_LOC_MORE_INFO_C | The value is copied as-is. |
MI_MEAS_STP_UP_LVL1_ACT_C | MI_MEAS_LOC_UP_LVL1_ACT_C | The value is copied as-is. |
MI_MEAS_STP_UP_LVL2_ACT_C | MI_MEAS_LOC_UP_LVL2_ACT_C | The value is copied as-is. |
MI_MEAS_STP_UP_LVL3_ACT_C | MI_MEAS_LOC_UP_LVL3_ACT_C | The value is copied as-is. |
MI_STP_EQUIP_TECH_NUM_C | SC_CHECK_PT_EQUIP_TECH_NBR_C | The value is copied as-is. |
MI_STP_REL_RDOC_IMG_KEY_N | MI_CHECK_PT_REFDOC_KEY_N | The value is copied as-is. |
MI_STP_STATUS_C | MI_MEAS_LOC_STAT_C | The value is copied as-is. |
MI_STP_REQ_EQUIP_SHUT_L | MI_CHECK_PT_REQU_EQUI_SHUT_FLG | The value is copied as-is. |
Routes to Route Masters
During the migration process, the Legacy Rounds Migration tool performs the following tasks in the background.
- Route is migrated as a Route Master in Rounds Pro. If the Route belongs to an asset, then the new route master created in Rounds Pro is linked to the same asset.
- The new route master in Rounds Pro is assigned the same site that the route belonged to in legacy.
- All allowable values and measurement locations that are part of the Legacy Rounds are migrated to Rounds Pro. The measurement locations in legacy are migrated in the same sequence as they exist in Legacy Rounds.
- Any conditions and conditional measurement locations that exist in the route are migrated to Rounds Pro as conditions and conditional steps in the new route master.
- All new measurement locations in Rounds Pro after migration belong to the same site as in Legacy Rounds.
Route Master Fields | Legacy Route Fields | Notes |
RouteMasterID | ID | The value is copied as-is. |
Description | RouteDescription | The value is copied as-is. |
RouteSchedule | MI_ROUTE000_SCHED_C | The value is copied as-is. |
IsScheduleActive | MI_ROUTE000_SCHED_C, MI_ROUTE000_STAT_C | If the Status is Active and the Schedule is configured, this field contains the value Active; otherwise, Inactive. |
MI_RTE_MST_LAST_DONE_DT | MI_ROUTE000_LAST_DATE_D | The value is copied as-is. |
MI_RTE_MST_NEXT_DUE_DT | MI_ROUTE000_NEXT_DATE_D | The value is copied as-is. |
MI_RTE_MST_SCAN_ID_C | MI_ROUTE000_BARCD_ID_C | The value is copied as-is. |
Allowable Values to Picklists
During the migration process, the Legacy Rounds Migration tool performs the following tasks in the background.
- If there is no Picklist with the same name as the Category in Rounds Pro a new Picklist is created.
- If the Picklist does not have the Picklist Item, a new Picklist item is added to the Picklist.
- If both the Picklist and Picklist Items are available, the existing ones are used.
Allowable Values | Picklists | Comments |
Category Name | Picklist Name | None |
Type | Picklist Type | None |
Values | Value | None |
Access the Legacy Rounds Migration Page
Before You Begin
- You must be a Super User.
- You must have active Legacy Rounds and Rounds Pro licenses.
- If you are have data in Rounds Pro, you must review the existing Rounds Pro data before starting the migration process to avoid any unnecessary updates to your existing Rounds Pro data.