Manual Templates

About Manual Templates

Manual Templates are used to define default values that should appear in a Calibration Template when you perform a manual calibration.

Access a Manual Template


  1. Access the Calibration Admin Preferences page.
  2. In the pane, select Manual Templates.
    The Manual Templates workspace appears, displaying a list of available manual templates.
  3. In the Template ID column, select the link for the manual template that you want to access.
    The selected manual template datasheet appears on a new page, displaying the Calibration Strategy Details and Equipment Details sections. By default, the Calibration Strategy Details section appears.
    Note: As needed, you can modify the values in the available fields, and then select .
    • If the manual template is not linked to a profile, the changes are saved. For more information, refer to the Manage Calibration Profiles section of the documentation.
    • If the manual template is linked to a Profile, the Update Profiles Using this Template window appears, displaying a list of Asset in the Profile. To update the input and output ranges:

      1. Select the check box that corresponds to each asset for which you want to update the input and output ranges with those of the manual template.
      2. Select Update and Save.

        The copies of the templates that are linked to the selected Assets are updated with the modified details of the manual template.

Create a Manual Template


  1. Access the Calibration Admin Preferences page.
  2. In the pane, select Manual Templates.
    The Manual Templates workspace appears, displaying a list of available manual templates.
  3. In the workspace, select , and then select the type of manual template that you want to create.
  4. Depending on the type of manual template that you selected, enter values in the available fields for the following records:
  5. On the page, selects .
    The manual template is created.

Delete a Manual Template


  1. Access the Calibration Admin Preferences page.
  2. In the pane, select Manual Templates.
    The Manual Templates workspace appears, displaying a list of available manual templates.
  3. In the row for each manual template that you want to delete, select the check box.
    Note: You cannot delete a manual template that is associated with a Calibration Profile.

    In the workspace, the button is enabled.

  4. Select .
    The Delete Calibration Template(s) dialog box appears, asking you to confirm that you want to delete each selected manual template.
  5. Select Yes.
    The selected manual template is deleted.