
Overview of the 360 View Module

360 View provides a configurable overview of the status of the assets and asset groups in your APM system. When you select an asset or a group in 360 View, a set of dashboards is displayed according to the following factors:

  • The family of the asset record, or the type of asset group that you have selected in the hierarchy
  • The site of the selected asset record
  • Your assigned security roles

You can initiate actions or access related records for assets using the More Options menu.

The content of 360 View is configured by a 360 View Administrator, but you can personalize the view to better support your APM workflow requirements. For example, you can:

  • Select your preferred 360 View from a list if more than one 360 View is available for the asset or group. Your selection is stored as a user preference.
  • Save a selected asset or group as a favorite.
Note: The asset or group that you select in the 360 View page is remembered as a user preference. Next time when you access 360 View, the most recently accessed asset or group is displayed by default. Note, however, that when you select an Asset or Group in the 360 View, it does not update the global asset context for other applications, and the global asset context does not override your saved 360 View preferences.
Tip: You can select at the top of the 360 View page to refresh the content of all dashboards in the current view.

Access the 360 View Page


In the Applications menu, navigate to the ASSET HEALTH section, and then select 360 View.
The 360 View page appears.

Filter Assets


  1. Access the 360 View page.
  2. In the left pane, in the Hierarchy section, select .
    The Filter menu appears.
  3. Enter values as described in the following table.
    CATEGORYSelect a taxonomy category.
    CLASSSelect a taxonomy class.
    TYPESelect a taxonomy type.
  4. Select Apply.
    The hierarchy is filtered according to your selection.

Search for an Asset

Before You Begin

If you want to search for an asset in a filtered assets list, apply the filter before you search for an asset.


  1. Access the 360 View page.
  2. In the left pane, select Hierarchy, select , and then enter at least two characters in the text box.
    The search results appear in the left pane.

Access More Options for an Asset

About This Task

The 360 View More Options menu provides options to open the asset in Record Manager, save the asset as a favorite, and other actions defined by the Associated Pages configured for the asset family.


  1. Access the 360 View page.
  2. Select the Asset for which you want to access the More Options menu.
  3. In the left pane, select , and then select the action that you want to perform.
    The selected action is performed for the Asset.

Add an Asset to Favorites


  1. Access the 360 View page.
  2. Select the Asset that you want to add to favorites.
  3. In the left pane, select , and then select Add to Favorites.
    The selected Asset is added to favorites.

Remove an Asset from Favorites


  1. Access the 360 View page.
  2. Select the Asset that you want to remove from favorites.
  3. In the left pane, select , and then select Remove from Favorites.
    The selected Asset is removed from favorites.