T-Min Calculations
About T-Min Calculations
This topic has been intentionally excluded from the APM product documentation website. This topic is available to you via the product documentation that is provided within the APM system.
About the Calculated T-Min Value using Policy
The Calculated T-Min value is determined by performing calculations using T-Min formulas and values from the Thickness Measurement Location (TML). This calculation will be performed using a policy that is provided in the TM Rules Lookup.
- If the T-Min Formula Policy field is set in the TM Rules Lookup record, the T-min calculator will execute the specified policy. Else, the calculator will check the Formula Rule field and execute it.
- The node returning T-Min value should be named T-Min Value, while the node returning Minimum Thickness Type should be named Minimum Thickness Type.
- If the Minimum Thickness Type is returned from policy, then the baseline values are overridden with values returned from the policy.
- If you select the checkbox Override Minimum Thickness Type and modify the value for Minimum Thickness Type, then Minimum Thickness Type value returned from policy will not be retained. You will have to recalculate the TML value in T-Min calculator page.
About the Calculated T-Min Value using Formula
This topic has been intentionally excluded from the APM product documentation website. This topic is available to you via the product documentation that is provided within the APM system.
About Nominal Allowance
The Nominal Allowance T-Min is the minimum thickness value that is derived by deducting Corrosion Allowance from Nominal Thickness.
About Default T-Min
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About User-Defined T-Min
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About the Results of a T-Min Calculation
This topic has been intentionally excluded from the APM product documentation website. This topic is available to you via the product documentation that is provided within the APM system.
About the Calculation Details
This topic has been intentionally excluded from the APM product documentation website. This topic is available to you via the product documentation that is provided within the APM system.
About TML Calculation Details
This topic has been intentionally excluded from the APM product documentation website. This topic is available to you via the product documentation that is provided within the APM system.