Step Templates

About a Step Template

Step Templates enable you to easily add multiple steps for an asset. Step Templates store the template details. You can view or create a Step Template using from the asset hierarchy in the Rounds Designer page. The Steps are then mapped back to the Step Template. When the template is edited, the mapped steps and limits also get updated.

Access a Step Template


  1. Access the Rounds Designer page and select Step Templates.
    The list of available step templates appears in the Step Templates section.
  2. In the list, select the step template whose details you want to view.

    You can also type the name of the step template in the Search box.

    Details of the selected Step Template appear in the Details section.
    Note: As needed, modify the values in the available fields , and then select .

Create a Step Template


  1. Access the Rounds Designer page and select Step Templates.
    The list of available step templates appears in the Step Templates section.
  2. Select .
    The New Step Template workspace appears.
  3. As needed, enter the values in the available fields.
  4. Select .
    The Step Template is created and appears highlighted in blue color in the Step Templates section.

Copy a Step Template

Before You Begin

  • Make sure you understand how to Access a Step Template.
  • You must provide a unique name when you copy an existing template.


  1. Access the Rounds Designer Page and select Step Templates.
    The list of available step templates appears in the Step Templates section.
  2. Select the step template that you want to copy.

    You can also type the name of the step template in the Search box.

  3. Select .
    The Copy Template window appears.
  4. In the Template Name text box, enter a name for the new template.
  5. Select .


The copy of the selected step template is created and appears highlighted in blue color in the Step Templates section.

Update Steps with Changes from the Source Template


  1. Access a Step Template.
  2. In the Details section, as needed, modify the values in the available fields, and then select .
    The Save Changes to Template and Steps page appears, displaying the changes made to the template.
    Note: The CHANGES section displays the following values:
    • CHANGE STEP NAME: This field displays the field name whose value has changed. If the values have changed for more than one field, the field names appear in the ascending order.
    • OLD VALUE: This field displays the previous value of the field whose value has changed.
    • NEW VALUE: This field displays the modified value of the field whose value has changed.
  3. If you want to apply the changes to selected steps linked to the specific template:
    1. Under SAVE CHANGES TO, select Steps.

      The SELECT STEPS TO APPLY CHANGES TO section for the selected template appears, displaying a list of the steps that are based on the template.

    2. In the first column, select the rows for the steps that you want to update with the changes from the source template.
      Tip: You can select the check box in the column heading to select all the rows.
      • You can add or remove a column for a step using the Column Chooser box. However, you cannot remove the STEP NAME, ISSUES, and ASSETS columns as these fields are required fields.
      • The list of steps is sorted by the STEP NAME field in the ascending order initially. However, you can sort the list by the STEP NAME, ISSUES, or ASSETS fields later.
      • If a step has an integrity issue with the template change, that step row is disabled, and you cannot select that row.
      • The ISSUES column displays the count of the issues and the details of each issue when you hover over each issue.
      • The default pagination is 100. Other options are 50, 100, 200, and 500.
    3. Select Save.

      The template changes are applied to the selected steps only.


    If you want to apply the changes to all the steps linked to the specific template:

    1. Under SAVE CHANGES, select Template.
    2. Select Save.

      The changes are saved to the template and applied to all the steps linked to the specific template.

      Note: If you select Cancel, the changes are not saved to the template.
    • When there are many steps associated with a template, the steps are processed in batches.
    • The Jobs Queue (x) drop-down list box appears in the Details page, displaying the percentage completion of each job. x indicates the number of jobs that are under process.
    • When you select the View Log link, a log file appears, displaying the error messages for the steps, if there are any.
    • The Jobs Queue (x) drop-down list box is visible throughout your session unless you close the tab.
  4. Select to close the window.
    The Step Templates page displays the updated values for the steps to which the changes were applied.


The steps are updated with the changes applied to their source templates.

Delete a Step Template


  1. Access the Rounds Designer Page and select Step Templates.
    The list of available step templates appears in the Step Templates section.
  2. Select the step template that you want to delete.

    You can also type the name of the step in the Search box.

  3. Select .
    The Delete window appears, displaying the following options:
    • Template And Disassociate Steps: Allows to delete the template only. The steps associated to the template are unlinked from the template but not deleted from the database. The steps still appear under the asset to which they are assigned.
    • Template And Associated Steps: Allows to delete the template and the associated steps. The steps do not appear under the asset to which they were assigned and are removed form the database.
  4. Select the required option and then select Delete.
    The selected step template is deleted.


Based on the delete option selected, the steps associated to the template are unlinked and remain under the asset or the steps are deleted completely from the database.