General Reference

GAA Data Model

The following diagram shows how the families used in GAA are related to one another.

Note: In the diagram, boxes represent entity families and arrows represent relationship families that are configured in the baseline database. You can determine the direction of the each relationship definition from the direction of the arrowhead: the box from which the arrow originates is the predecessor, and the box to which the arrowhead points is the successor.

In addition to the families shown in the GAA data model, the following additional families are used for GAA reference:

  • Amplification Codes
  • Cause Codes
  • GAA Code Mapping
  • GAA Event Categories
  • GAA Event Transition
  • GAA Event Types
  • GAA Fuel Types
  • GAA Supported Organizations
  • GAA Unit Types

GAA Security Groups

The following table lists the baseline Security Groups available for users within this module, as well as the baseline Roles to which those Security Groups are assigned.

Important: Assigning a Security User to a Role grants that user the privileges associated with all of the Security Groups that are assigned to that Role. To avoid granting a Security User unintended privileges, before assigning a Security User to a Role, be sure to review all of the privileges associated with the Security Groups assigned to that Role. Also, be aware that additional Roles, as well as Security Groups assigned to existing Roles, can be added via Security Manager.
Security GroupRoles
MI GAA Viewer

MI APM Viewer

MI GAA Administrator

MI GAA Analyst

MI GAA Operator

MI GAA Supervisor

MI GAA Administrator

MI GAA Administrator

MI GAA Analyst

MI GAA Analyst

MI GAA Operator

MI GAA Supervisor


To access the Health Summary page for an Asset, you must be member of one of the following Asset Health Manager Security Groups:

  • MI AHI Administrator

  • MI AHI User

  • MI AHI Viewer

The baseline family-level privileges that exist for these Security Groups are summarized in the following table.

FamilyMI GAA Viewer

MI GAA Administrator

MI GAA Analyst
Entity Families
Amplification CodesViewView, Update, Insert, DeleteView, Update, Insert
APM EventViewView, Update, Insert, DeleteView, Update, Insert
Capacity IncidentViewView, Update, Insert, DeleteView, Update, Insert
Cause Codes ViewView, Update, Insert, DeleteView
Contributing EventViewView, Update, Insert, DeleteView, Update, Insert
GAA Code MappingViewView, Update, Insert, DeleteView
GAA Company ViewView, Update, Insert, DeleteView
GAA ConfigurationViewView, Update, Insert, DeleteView
GAA Event CategoriesViewView, Update, Insert, DeleteView
GAA Event TransitionViewView, Update, Insert, DeleteView
GAA Event TypesViewView, Update, Insert, DeleteView, Update, Insert
GAA Fuel TypesViewView, Update, Insert, DeleteView, Update, Insert
GAA PerformanceViewView, Update, Insert, DeleteView, Update, Insert
GAA Performance FuelViewView, Update, Insert, DeleteView, Update, Insert
GAA Performance IndexesViewView, Update, Insert, DeleteView, Update, Insert
GAA Performance SummaryViewView, Update, Insert, DeleteView, Update, Insert
GAA Plant ViewView, Update, Insert, DeleteView
GAA Report DetailsView View, Update, Insert, DeleteView, Update, Insert
GAA Supported OrganizationsViewView, Update, Insert, DeleteView
GAA Unit ViewView, Update, Insert, DeleteView
GAA Unit CapacityViewView, Update, Insert, DeleteView
GAA Unit TypesViewView, Update, Insert, DeleteView
GAA Unit StatesViewView, Update, Insert, DeleteView
Generation PoolViewView, Update, Insert, DeleteView
Primary Event ViewView, Update, Insert, DeleteView, Update, Insert
Primary Event DetailsViewView, Update, Insert, DeleteView, Update, Insert, Delete
Primary Event HistoryViewView, Update, Insert, DeleteView, Insert
RCA AnalysisViewViewView
Reference DocumentViewView, Update, Insert, DeleteView, Update, Insert
Relationship Families
Associated with APM Event ViewView, Update, Insert, DeleteView, Update, Insert, Delete
Functional Location Has Generation CompanyViewView, Update, Insert, DeleteView
Functional Location Has Generation PlantViewView, Update, Insert, DeleteView
Functional Location Has Generation UnitViewView, Update, Insert, DeleteView
Has Capacity History ViewView, Update, Insert, DeleteView, Update, Insert, Delete
Has Incident ViewView, Update, Insert, DeleteView, Update, Insert, Delete
Has Plant ViewView, Update, Insert, DeleteView
Has Reference Documents ViewView, Update, Insert, DeleteView, Update, Insert, Delete
Has Unit ViewView, Update, Insert, DeleteView
Log has EventsViewView, Update, Insert, DeleteView, Update, Insert
Primary Incident Has RCA AnalysisViewView, Update, Insert, DeleteView, Update, Insert, Delete
Unit Has RecordsViewView, Update, Insert, DeleteView


There is one URL route associated with Generation Availability Analysis: gaa. The following table describes the various paths that build on the route, and the elements that you can specify for each.

Tip: For more information, refer to the URLs section of the documentation.
ElementDescriptionAccepted Value(s)Notes
gaa/dashboard/0: Displays the GAA Overview page.
gaa/<UnitKey>/performance/0 : Displays the Performance & Reports workspace for the specified GAA Unit.
<UnitKey> Specifies the GAA Unit for which you want to access the Performance records and Reports.Any numeric Unit Key that corresponds to an existing GAA Unit.Opens the workspace in a new tab.
gaa/<UnitKey>/unitsummary/0: Displays the Unit Summary workspace for the specified GAA Unit.

Specifies the GAA Unit whose summary you want to view.

Any numeric Unit Key that corresponds to an existing GAA Unit.Opens the workspace in a new tab.
gaa/<PrimaryEventKey>/primaryevent/null/null/0: Displays the Event datasheet in Events workspace for the specified Primary Event.
<PrimaryEventKey> Specifies the Primary Event whose datasheet you want to view. Any numeric Primary Event Key that corresponds to an existing Primary Event.Opens the workspace in a new tab.
gaa/<UnitKey>/null/null/eventlists: Displays the list of Events in the Events workspace for the specified GAA Unit.
<UnitKey> Specifies the GAA Unit for which you want to access the list of Events.Any numeric Unit Key that corresponds to an existing GAA Unit.Opens the workspace in a new tab.

Example URLs

Example URLDestination
gaa/dashboard/0 The GAA Overview page.


The Performance & Reports workspace for the specified GAA Unit with Unit Key 64256144022


The Unit Summary workspace for the specified GAA Unit with Unit Key 64256144022


The Event datasheet in Events workspace for the specified Primary Event with Primary Event Key 64256144030


The list of Events in the Events workspace for the specified GAA Unit with Unit Key 64256133930

GAA System Code Tables

The following table lists the System Code Tables that are used by Generation Availability Analysis:

Table IDTable DescriptionFunction
MI_GAA_COMMON_MODE_OUTAGE_TYPESHolds values for types of Common Mode Outage.Populates the Common Mode Outage field in the Primary Event record.
MI_GAA_EVENT_CONTR_CODE Event Contribution Code.Populates the Event Contribution Code field in the Contributing Event record.


Holds values for types of GAA Company.Populates the GAA Type field.
MI_GAA_REVIS_N Revision number.Populates the Revision field in the Primary Event record.
MI_GAA_UNIT_APM_EVENT_CRT Holds values for APM Events.Populates the APM Event Creation field in the Unit record.
MI_GAA_UNIT_DRT_CALCU_METH Holds values for Calculation Method.Populates the Derating Calculation Method field in the Unit record.
MI_GAA_UNIT_GENER_COST_MODEL Holds values for Cost Model.Populates the Generation Cost Model field in the Unit record.
MI_GAA_UNIT_RPT_CAP_DATA Holds values for reporting the capacity data.Populates the Report Capacity Data field in the Unit record.
MI_GM_FAILURE_MECHANISM Holds values for Failure Mechanism.Populates the Failure Mechanism code field in the Primary Event record.
MI_GM_NERC_REPORT_FORMAT Holds values for Report Format.Populates the Report Format field in GAA Report records.
MI_GM_NERC_REPORT_TYPE Holds values for Report Type.Populates the Report Type field in GAA Report records.
MI_GM_POWER_PRICE_ZONE Holds values for Zone.Populates the Zone field in GAA Unit records.
MI_GM_POWER_REGION Holds values for Region.Populates the Region field in GAA Unit records.
MI_GM_POWER_SUBREGION Holds values for Subregion.Populates the Subregion field in GAA Unit records.
MI_GM_STATE Holds values for State.

Populates the State field in the following records:

  • GAA Company
  • GAA Plant
MI_GM_UNIT_LOADING Holds values for Default Unit Loading.Populates the Default Unit Loading field in GAA Unit records.

GAA State Management for Primary Events

When you are working with Primary Event records, you can use state management to facilitate a workflow that tracks the progress of the events. When you access a Primary Event, options appear that you can use to manage the states for Primary Events. You can follow the standard procedure for managing record states. The following baseline record states are configured for the Primary Event family:
  • New: Indicates that a new Primary Event is created. You can modify or delete a Primary Event that is in this state.
  • In Progress: Indicates that the Primary Event is ready to be proposed to the supervisor. You can modify or delete a Primary Event that is in this state.
  • Pending Review: Indicates that the Primary Event needs to be reviewed. You can modify or delete a Primary Event that is in this state.
  • Reviewed: Indicates that the Primary Event has been reviewed and is awaiting Unit approval. You can modify or delete a Primary Event that is in this state.
  • Unit Approved: Indicates that all the data in a GAA Unit associated with the Primary Event has been approved. You can modify or delete a Primary Event that is in this state.
  • Approved: Indicates that the Primary Event has been approved and is ready to be submitted to NERC. After the state of a Primary Event is changed to Approved, you cannot modify or delete the Primary Event.

Illustration of Primary Events State Configuration

Reserved States and Operations

The following table lists the baseline states and operations and indicates which of these states and operations are reserved. You cannot remove or modify reserved states or operation. You can, however, add your own states and operations to the State Configuration.

StateIs Reserved?
New No
In Progress Yes
Pending Review No
Reviewed No
Unit Approved Yes
Approved Yes
OperationIs Reserved?
Create Yes
Propose to Supervisor


Note: You can rename the Propose to Supervisor operation but cannot remove it.


Note: You can rename the Reject operation but cannot remove it.
Approve No
Rework No
Unit Approval Yes


Note: You can rename the Revise operation but cannot remove it.
Corporate Approved Yes
Alter Yes

State Configuration Roles

The following table lists the baseline states and indicates which State Configuration Roles are assigned to each state and corresponding operation:

StateOperationPrimary RoleOptional Role
New Create

MI GAA Operator

MI GAA Supervisor

MI GAA Analyst

MI GAA Administrator

In Progress Propose to Supervisor MI GAA Operator

MI GAA Supervisor

MI GAA Analyst

MI GAA Administrator

Pending Review


MI GAA Supervisor

MI GAA Analyst

MI GAA Administrator

Reject MI GAA Operator

Unit Approval

MI GAA Analyst

MI GAA Administrator

Rework MI GAA Supervisor
Unit Approved

Corporate Approved

MI GAA Administrator

Revise MI GAA Analyst
Approved Alter

MI GAA Administrator


GAA State Management for Performance Records

When you are working with Performance records, you can use state management to facilitate a workflow that tracks the progress of the Performance records. When you access a Performance record, options appear that you can use to manage the states for Performance records. You can follow the standard procedure for managing record states. The following baseline record states are configured for the GAA Performance family:
  • New: Indicates that a new Performance record is created. You can modify or delete a Performance record that is in this state.
  • In Progress: Indicates that the Performance record is ready to be sent for Unit Approval. You can modify or delete a Performance record that is in this state.
  • Unit Approved: Indicates that all the data in a GAA Unit associated with the Performance record has been approved. This record can now be sent for Corporate Approval. You can modify or delete a Performance record that is in this state.
  • Approved: Indicates that the Performance record has been approved and is ready to be submitted to NERC. After the state of a Performance record is changed to Approved, you cannot modify or delete the Performance record.

Illustration of Performance Records State Configuration

Reserved States and Operations

The following table lists the baseline states and operations and indicates which of these states and operations are reserved. You cannot remove or modify reserved states or operation. You can, however, add your own states and operations to the State Configuration.

StateIs Reserved?
New No
In Progress Yes
Unit Approved Yes
Approved Yes
OperationIs Reserved?
Create Yes
Unit Approval Yes


Note: You can rename the Revise operation but cannot remove it.
Corporate Approval Yes
Alter Yes

State Configuration Roles

The following table lists the baseline states and indicates which State Configuration Roles are assigned to each state and corresponding operation:

StateOperationPrimary RoleOptional Role
New Create

MI GAA Analyst

MI GAA Administrator

In Progress

Unit Approval

MI GAA Analyst

MI GAA Administrator

Unit Approved


MI GAA Analyst


Corporate Approval

MI GAA Administrator
Approved Alter

MI GAA Administrator


GAA Site Filtering

Site filtering in GAA is achieved by specifying a Site Reference Key for a record. Users must have privileges for the relevant site to access records for the specified site. Users can be assigned to one or many sites. They will be able to see only the records that are assigned to their site(s) or that are global records.

Site filtering is enabled for the following families:

  • Contributing Event: A new Contributing Event record will inherit the site from the associated Primary Event and GAA Unit. After a Contributing Event record is created, you cannot modify the site assigned to the Contributing Event record.
  • GAA Company: You can assign any site to GAA Company record from the available sites. After you save the changes, you cannot modify the site.
  • GAA Performance: A new Performance record will inherit the site from the associated GAA Unit. After a Performance record is created, you cannot modify the site assigned to a Performance record.
  • GAA Plant: You can assign any site to GAA Plant from the available sites. This site could be different than the site assigned to a GAA Company record. After you save the changes, you cannot modify the site.
  • GAA Report Details: A new record will inherit the site from the associated GAA Unit. After a record is created, you cannot modify the site assigned to the record.
  • GAA Unit: You can assign any site to GAA Unit from the available sites. This site could be different than the site assigned to a GAA Company record or a GAA Plant record. After you save the changes, you cannot modify the site.
  • GAA Unit Capacity: A new Unit Capacity record will inherit the site from the associated GAA Unit. After a Unit Capacity record is created, you cannot modify the site assigned to the Unit Capacity record.
  • Primary Event: A new Primary Event record will inherit the site from the associated GAA Unit. After a Primary Event record is created, you cannot modify the site assigned to the Primary Event record.
  • Primary Event History: The information that appears on the Revision History page will inherit the site from the associated GAA Unit.
  • Primary Event Details: The information that appears in the Unit Summary workspace will inherit the site from the associated GAA Unit.
  • Reference Document: A new Regulatory Report record will inherit the site from the associated GAA Unit. After a record is created, you cannot modify the site assigned to the record.

Site filtering is not enabled for the following families. The records in these families are considered as Global records.

  • GAA Configuration
  • Amplification Code
  • Cause Code
  • GAA Fuel Types

Consider an organization that has three sites, Site X, Site Y, and Site Z and contains the following records:

  • Event 1: Assigned to Site X
  • Event 2: Assigned to Site Y
  • Event 3: Assigned to Site Z

Scenario 1: User assigned to only Site X

When this user accesses the GAA Overview page, the user will be able to see the records that are assigned to Site X:

  • Event 1: Assigned to Site X

Scenario 2: User assigned to both Site X and Site Y

When this user accesses the GAA Overview page, the user will be able to see the records that are assigned to Site X and Site Y:

  • Event 1: Assigned to Site X
  • Event 2: Assigned to Site Y

Scenario 3: Super User

When this user accesses the summary of a GAA Unit, the user will be able to see the records that are assigned to any of the sites:

  • Event 1: Assigned to Site X
  • Event 2: Assigned to Site Y
  • Event 3: Assigned to Site Z