Catalog Items

Catalog Items

The ASI catalog folders contain queries, graphs, and dashboards that appear throughout the ASI for SAP module and display information contained in the records that make up ASI.

About the ASI Catalog Folder Structure

The main ASI Catalog folder is \\Public\Meridium\Modules\Asset Strategy Management\Implementation. This folder contains a subfolder, Queries, which contains baseline queries that are used by default in ASI.

If desired, you can store additional items in the main ASI Catalog folder or in the Queries subfolder. In addition, you can create new subfolders to store additional items.

Note: All Public folders exist by default. Any baseline item in the Baseline folder is also available in the corresponding Public folder. Throughout this documentation, however, we refer to items in the Public folder.

Dashboards Folder

The Catalog folder \\Public\Meridium\Modules\Asset Strategy\Dashboards contains the baseline dashboards that are used for the ASI Overview page. The following table identifies and describes the dashboards.


Behavior and Usage

ASI Dashboard

Displays the dashboard for the ASI module, which contains the ASI - Package Count and Percentage of Actions Implemented graphs.

Graphs Folder

The Catalog folder \\Public\Meridium\Modules\Asset Strategy Management\Implementation and \\Public\Meridium\Modules\Asset Strategy\Dashboards contain the baseline graphs that are used the ASI Overview page. The following table contains the graph names and details.


Behavior and Usage

ASI - Package CountThis graph shows the number of ASI packages that currently exist, broken down by the state that the package is in.
Percentage of Actions ImplementedDisplays a graph representing the number of actions which have been implemented versus the total number of actions.

Queries Folder

The queries listed in the following table are provided in the Catalog folder \\Public\Meridium\Modules\Asset Strategy Management\Implementation\Queries. In this table, the values listed in the Query column refer to the query names. The baseline captions are the same as the names.

Important: With the exception of the Get SAP ID for Equipment and Get SAP ID for Functional Location queries, you should not modify these queries in any way or move them to another Catalog folder. Also, while modifying the design of the Get SAP ID for Equipment and Get SAP ID for Functional Location queries is allowed, if you are using the baseline Equipment and Functional Location families, it is not necessary.


Behavior and Usage

ASI - Package CountReturns the number of packages that currently exist in the database.
ASI Overview Filter QueryReturns the parameters used for filtering on the ASI Overview page.
ASI Packages - No AssetsReturns all packages in the database, but without associated assets.
ASIAllPackagesReturns all packages that currently exist in the database.

Asset Is Equipment

This query is used in the ASI Action Mappings to determine if the Asset tied to the Asset Strategy is a piece of Equipment or a Functional Location. Counts greater than 0 represent Equipment where counts equal to 0 represent Functional Locations.

Get Equipment for SAP ID

Returns the Equipment record that contains the ID corresponding to the value supplied for the SAP Equipment ID prompt and is linked to the SAP System record identified by the value supplied for the SAP System prompt. In the baseline APM database, the query returns records in the Equipment family.

This query is not meant to be run on its own. Instead, the APM system runs this query automatically to determine which Equipment record to link to the new Asset Strategy record when you create an Asset Strategy by importing Maintenance Items, Notifications, or Operations from SAP. When the APM system runs this query, it performs several actions automatically:

  • It passes the Equipment ID of the imported SAP item to the SAP Equipment ID prompt in the query.
  • It locates the Site Reference record that you selected on the Select SAP Object(s) screen of the Asset Strategy Builder and locates the SAP System record that is linked to that Site Reference record. It then passes the value in the Name field in that SAP System record to the SAP System prompt in the query.

If the query returns a record using the provided values, the APM system links that record to the new Asset Strategy record. If the query does not return a record using that value, the APM system runs the Get Functional Location for SAP ID query.

Note: Because the documentation for importing SAP items to create Asset Strategies assumes that you began the workflow by importing Equipment and Functional Location records using the SAP Interfaces, this documentation assumes that you will link your Asset Strategy records to either an Equipment or Functional Location record. You will not, therefore, need to modify the baseline Get Equipment for SAP ID query to include a family other than the baseline Equipment family.

Get Functional Location for SAP ID

Returns the Functional Location record that contains the ID corresponding to the value supplied for the SAP Functional Location ID prompt and is linked to the SAP System record identified by the value supplied for the SAP System prompt. In the baseline APM database, the query returns records in the Functional Location family. This query is not meant to be run on its own. Instead, the APM system runs this query automatically to determine which Functional Location record to link to the new Asset Strategy record when you create an Asset Strategy by importing Maintenance Items, Notifications, or Operations from SAP. When the APM system runs this query, it performs several actions automatically:

  • It passes the Functional Location of the imported SAP item to the SAP Functional Location ID prompt in the query.
  • It locates the Site Reference record that you selected on the Select SAP Object(s) screen of the Asset Strategy Builder and locates the SAP System record that is linked to that Site Reference record. It then passes the value in the Name field in that SAP System record to the SAP System prompt in the query.

If the query returns a record using the provided values, the APM system links that record to the new Asset Strategy record.

Note: : Because the documentation for importing SAP items to create Asset Strategies assumes that you began the workflow by importing Equipment and Functional Location records using the SAP Interfaces, this documentation assumes that you will link your Asset Strategy records to either an Equipment or Functional Location record. You will not, therefore, need to modify the baseline Get Functional Location for SAP ID query to include a family other than the baseline Functional Location family.
Get Package Implemented Action CountReturns the number of implemented actions for a particular implementation package.

Get SAP ID for Equipment

After providing a prompt for an Entity Key, returns the record with the provided Entity Key. In the baseline APM database, the query returns records in the Equipment family. This query is not meant to be run on its own. Instead, APM runs this query automatically to determine whether to populate the Equipment or Functional Location field when you build Notification or Maintenance Item records from Actions.

Get SAP ID for Functional Location

After providing a prompt for an Entity Key, returns the record with the provided Entity Key. In the baseline APM database, the query returns records in the Functional Location family. This query is not meant to be run on its own. Instead, it is run automatically to determine whether to populate the Equipment or Functional Location field when you build Notification or Maintenance Item records from Actions.