Data Loader

About the ASI Data Loader

The Asset Strategy Implementation (ASI) Data Loader allows you to import an ASI Package into APM. Along with the ASI Package, all the Work Management Items (WMIs) (including custom ones as well) are imported.

After the data load, you can access the imported data, along with details such as the date and time when the data was loaded and the user who loaded the data. You can then access the imported ASI Package in the ASI module.

About the ASI Data Loader Requirements

For baseline WMIs, the configuration is available in the Work Management Item Definitions section in the Asset Strategy Implementation Admin page. However, if you want to add a WMI, you must configure the Lookup and Exclude fields for the Data Loader and export features.

About the ASI Data Loader Data Model

The following data model illustrates the records that the ASI Data Loader supports.

About the ASI Data Loader Load Verification

A successful data import will have the same effect as creating a new Asset Strategy Implementation in APM. After a successful data load, if the data loader creates a new strategy or template, it will appear in the Asset Strategies Implementation section or the Templates section in the Strategy Implementation Overview page.

A successful import can also be defined as an event in which partial data on a worksheet is loaded into APM, and a message appears, helping you identify and correct issues resulting from the import.

About the ASI Data Loader Workbook Layout and Use

To import data using the ASI Data Loader, APM provides an Excel workbook, Asset Strategy Implementation (ASI).xlsx, which supports baseline ASI. This workbook must be used to load data. You can modify the Excel workbook to include custom fields used by your organization. The following tables list the worksheets that are included in the workbooks and then the fields in the corresponding worksheets.
  • You cannot update any fields that are disabled in APM.
  • If you attempt to create a Maintenance Plan, Maintenance Item, or a Notification at the root of a package where the same record already exists in another package within APM, a warning message appears, and the duplicate records are not created.

The ASI Data Loader Worksheets

MI_IMPPACKG (Implementation Package)This worksheet is used to provide new or existing Implementation package details such as ID, Description, State, and SAP System.
MI_MAINTPLN (Maintenance Package)This worksheet is used to provide maintenance plan details such as the Package ID, Multiple counters, and interval.
MI_CYCLE (Cycle)This worksheet is used to provide Cycle details such as the Cycle Description, Cycle UOM, and Offset.
MI_MAINTITM (Maintenance Item)This worksheet is used to provide Maintenance Plan and details such as the Description of the Package, Equipment, and Functional Location.
MI_OBLSTITM (Object List Item)This worksheet is used to provide the Maintenance Plan, ID, Equipment Number, Functional location ID, and Description.
MI_TASKLIST (Task List)This worksheet is used to provide the Task List details such as the ID, Group, and Functional Location.
MI_OPERTION (Operation)This worksheet is used to provide Operation details such as the Operation Description, Work Centre, and Plant.
MI_MATERIAL (Material)This worksheet is used to provide Material details such as the Material Number, Quantity, and Unit Measure.
MI_PRT (Production Resource Tool)This worksheet is used to provide the PRT details such as the PRT Document and PRT Quantity.
MI_MAINTPKG (Maintenance Package)This worksheet is used to provide the Maintenance Package details such as the Maintenance Package Number, Cycle, and Maintenance Plan.
MI_NOTIFCTN (Notification)This worksheet is used to provide Notification details such as the Functional Location, Description, and Imported Date.
Table 1. Implementation Package Worksheet
Field CaptionField IDData Type (Length)Comments
IDMI_IMPPACKG_ID_CCharacter (255)The ID of the Implementation Package.
DescriptionMI_IMPPACKG_DESC_TTextThe description of the Implementation Package.
MI_SM_STATE_ID_CMI_SM_STATE_ID_CCharacter The state ID of the Implementation Package.
SAP SystemMI_IMPPACKG_SAP_SYS_CCharacterThe SAP System of the Implementation Package.
Table 2. Maintenance Plan Worksheet
Field CaptionField IDData Type (Length)Comments
Package IDMI_IMPPACKG_ID_CCharacterThe ID for the Implementation Package.
IDMI_MAINTPLN_ID_CCharacterThe ID for the Maintenance Package.
Multiple CounterMI_MAINTPLN_MULTI_CNTR_FBooleanYou can enter a value only if you are creating the Maintenance Plan. If you are updating a Maintenance Plan, this field is disabled.
IntervalMI_MAINTPLN_INTERVAL_NNumericThis field is the Interval.
Interval DescriptionMI_MAINTPLN_INTERVAL_DESC_CCharacterThe description of the interval.
Shift Factor for Late CompletionMI_MAINTPLN_SHIFT_LATE_NNumericThe late completion shift factor.
Tolerance for Late CompletionMI_MAINTPLN_TOL_LATE_NNumericThe tolerance for the late completion.
Shift Factor for Early CompletionMI_MAINTPLN_SHIFT_EARLY_NNumericThe early completion shift factor.
Tolerance for Early CompletionMI_MAINTPLN_TOL_EARLY_NNumericThe tolerance for the early completion.
Cycle Modification FactorMI_MAINTPLN_CYCLE_FACTOR_NNumeric
Scheduling PeriodMI_MAINTPLN_SCHED_NNumericThis field is used for scheduling period.
Scheduling UnitMI_MAINTPLN_SCHED_UNIT_CCharacterThis field is used for scheduling unit.
Start DateMI_MAINTPLN_START_DATE_DDateThis field is used for start date
Start CounterMI_MAINTPLN_START_COUNTER_NNumericThis field is counter for the maintenance plan
Sort FieldMI_MAINTPLN_SORT_FIELD_CCharacterThis field is sorting field for the maintenance plan
Scheduling DimensionMI_MAINTPLN_SCHED_DIM_CCharacterThis field is scheduling dimension for the maintenance plan
Interval DimensionMI_MAINTPLN_INTERVAL_DM_CCharacterThis field is internal dimension for the maintenance plan
Interval UnitMI_MAINTPLN_INTERVAL_UN_CCharacterThis field is internal unit for the maintenance plan
CategoryMI_MAINTPLN_CATEGORY_CCharacterThis field is Category for the maintenance plan
Authorization GroupMI_MAINTPLN_AUTH_GROUP_CCharacterThis field is authorization group for the maintenance plan
DescriptionMI_MAINTPLN_DESC_CCharacterThis field is description for the maintenance plan
Factory CalendarMI_MAINTPLN_CALENDAR_CCharacter
Scheduling IndicatorMI_MAINTPLN_INDICATOR_CCharacterThis field is used for scheduling indicator
Maintenance StrategyMI_MAINTPLN_STRATEGY_CCharacterThis field is maintenance strategy for the maintenance plan
CounterMI_MAINTPLN_COUNTER_CCharacterThis field is counter for the maintenance plan
Table 3. Cycle Worksheet
Field CaptionField IDData Type (Length)Comments
Package IDMI_IMPPACKG_ID_CCharacterThis field is the ID for the Package
Maintenance Plan|IDMI_MAINTPLN_ID_CCharacterThis field is the ID for the Maintenance Plan
Cycle DescriptionMI_CYCLE_CYCL_DESC_CCharacter
Cycle Set SequenceMI_CYCLE_CYCL_SET_SEQ_NNumeric
Counter IDMI_CYCLE_ID_CCharacter
Start CounterMI_CYCLE_START_CNT_NNumeric
Table 4. Maintenance Item Worksheet
Field CaptionField IDData Type (Length)Comments
Package IDMI_IMPPACKG_ID_CCharacterThis field is the ID for the Package
Maintenance Plan|IDMI_MAINTPLN_ID_CCharacterThis field is the ID for the Maintenance plan
Maintenance ItemMI_MAINTITM_ID_CCharacterThis field is maintenance item
Item DescriptionMI_MAINTITM_DESC_CCharacterThis field is the description for item
EquipmentMI_MAINTITM_EQUIPMENT_CCharacterThis field is the equipment
Functional Location LabelMI_MAINTITM_LOCATION_LABEL_CCharacterThis field is functional location for maintenance plan
Functional LocationMI_MAINTITM_LOCATION_CCharacterThis field is functional location
Planning PlantMI_MAINTITM_PLAN_PLANT_CCharacterThis field is plant
Maintenance Planner GroupMI_MAINTITM_PLAN_GROUP_CCharacterThis field is maintenance planned group for maintenance
Business AreaMI_MAINTITM_BUSINESS_AREA_CCharacterThis field is business area for maintenance
Activity TypeMI_MAINTITM_ACTIVITY_TYPE_CCharacterThis field is activity type for maintenance
Order TypeMI_MAINTITM_ORDER_TYPE_CCharacterThis field is order type for maintenance
Notification TypeMI_MAINTITM_NOTIF_TYPE_CCharacterThis field is notification type for maintenance
PriorityMI_MAINTITM_PRIORITY_CCharacterThis field is priority for maintenance
Work CenterMI_MAINTITM_WRK_CTR_CCharacterThis field is Work Center for maintenance
Work Center PlantMI_MAINTITM_WRK_CTR_PLANT_CCharacterThis field is Work Center Plant for maintenance
CategoryMI_MAINTITM_CATEGORY_CCharacterThis field is Category for maintenance
Maintenance StrategyMI_MAINTITM_STRATEGY_CCharacterThis field is maintenance strategy for maintenance item
System ConditionMI_MAINTITM_CONDITION_CCharacterThis field is system condition for maintenance item
Equipment DescriptionMI_MAINTITM_EQUIP_DESC_CCharacterThis field is equipment description for maintenance item
Long TextMI_MAINTITM_LONG_DESC_TXCharacterLong text
Cycle Set SequenceMI_MAINTITM_CYCL_SET_SEQ_NNumeric
Table 5. Object List Item Worksheet
Field CaptionField IDData Type (Length)Comments
Package IDMI_IMPPACKG_ID_CCharacterThis field is package ID for object list
Maintenance Plan|IDMI_MAINTPLN_ID_CCharacterThis field is maintenance plan or ID for object list
Maintenance Item|Maintenance ItemMI_MAINTITM_ID_CCharacterThis field is maintenance item for object list
Equipment NumberMI_OBLSTITM_EQUIP_NUM_CCharacterThis field is equipment number for object list
Functional Location IDMI_OBLSTITM_FUNCT_LOC_ID_CCharacterThis field is functional location for object list
Equipment DescriptionMI_OBLSTITM_EQUIP_DESC_CCharacter
Functional Location LabelMI_OBLSTITM_FUNCT_LOC_LBL_CCharacter
Item KeyMI_OBLSTITM_ITEM_KEY_NCharacterThis field is item key for object list
Table 6. Task List Worksheet
Field CaptionField IDData Type (Length)Comments
Package IDMI_IMPPACKG_ID_CCharacterThis field is package ID for task list
Maintenance Plan|IDMI_MAINTPLN_ID_CCharacterThis field is maintenance plan ID for task list
Maintenance Item|Maintenance ItemMI_MAINTITM_ID_CCharacterThis field is maintenance item for task list
Group CounterMI_TASKLIST_GROUP_CNTR_CCharacterThis field is Group Counter for task list
GroupMI_TASKLIST_GROUP_CCharacterThis field is Group for task list
Equipment DescriptionMI_TASKLIST_EQUIP_DESC_CCharacterThis field is equipment description for task list
Functional Location LabelMI_TASKLIST_LOCATION_LABEL_CCharacterThis field is functional location label for task list
Functional LocationMI_TASKLIST_LOCATION_CCharacterThis field is functional location for task list
Planning PlantMI_TASKLIST_PLAN_PLANT_CCharacterThis field is planning plant for task list
Planner GroupMI_TASKLIST_PLAN_GROUP_CCharacterThis field is planning group for task list
Maintenance StrategyMI_TASKLIST_STRATEGY_CCharacterThis field is maintenance strategy for task list
Work CenterMI_TASKLIST_WRK_CTR_CCharacter
System ConditionMI_TASKLIST_CONDITION_CCharacter
Reference Task List?MI_TASKLIST_REFERENCE_LBoolean
Table 7. Operation Worksheet
Field CaptionField IDData Type (Length)Comments
Package IDMI_IMPPACKG_ID_CCharacterThis field is package ID for Operation
Maintenance Plan|IDMI_MAINTPLN_ID_CCharacterThis field is maintenance plan or ID for Operation
Maintenance Item|Maintenance ItemMI_MAINTITM_ID_CCharacterThis field is maintenance item for Operation
Task List|GroupMI_TASKLIST_GROUP_CCharacterThis field is task list/group for Operation
Task List|Group CounterMI_TASKLIST_GROUP_CNTR_CCharacterThis field is task list/group counter for Operation
OperationMI_OPERTION_ID_CCharacterThis field is Operation
Sub OperationMI_OPERTION_SUB_ID_CCharacter
Work CenterMI_OPERTION_WRK_CTR_CCharacter
Number of ResourcesMI_OPERTION_RESOURCE_COUNT_CCharacter
Normal DurationMI_OPERTION_DURATION_CCharacter
Normal Duration UnitMI_OPERTION_DURATION_UNIT_CCharacter
Purchasing OrganizationMI_OPERTION_PURCH_ORG_CCharacter
Purchasing GroupMI_OPERTION_PURCH_GROUP_CCharacter
User Field Keyword IDMI_OPERTION_USR_FLD_KEYWD_ID_CCharacter
User Field 0MI_OPERTION_USER_FIELD_0_CCharacter
User Field 1MI_OPERTION_USER_FIELD_1_CCharacter
User Field 2MI_OPERTION_USER_FIELD_2_CCharacter
User Field 3MI_OPERTION_USER_FIELD_3_CCharacter
User Field 4 UnitsMI_OPERTION_USER_FIELD_4_UNT_CCharacter
User Field 5 UnitMI_OPERTION_USER_FIELD_5_UNT_CCharacter
User Field 6 UnitsMI_OPERTION_USER_FIELD_6_UNT_CCharacter
User Field 7 UnitsMI_OPERTION_USER_FIELD_7_UNT_CCharacter
User Field 8MI_OPERTION_USER_FIELD_8_DCharacter
User Field 9MI_OPERTION_USER_FIELD_9_DCharacter
User Field 10MI_OPERTION_USER_FIELD_10_FBoolean
User Field 11MI_OPERTION_USER_FIELD_11_FBoolean
Order Quantity UnitMI_OPERTION_ORDER_QTY_UNIT_CCharacter
Order QuantityMI_OPERTION_ORDER_QTY_CCharacter
Package NumberMI_OPERTION_PKG_NUMBER_CCharacter
Execution FactorMI_OPERTION_EXE_FACTOR_CCharacter
System ConditionMI_OPERTION_CONDITION_CCharacter
Previous Operation NumberMI_OPERTION_PREV_ID_CCharacter
Previous Sub Operation NumberMI_OPERTION_PREV_SUB_ID_CCharacter
Table 8. Material Worksheet
Field CaptionField IDData Type (Length)Comments
Package IDMI_IMPPACKG_ID_CCharacterThis field is used as a Package ID
Maintenance Plan|IDMI_MAINTPLN_ID_CCharacterThis field is used as a maintenance plan ID
Maintenance Item|Maintenance ItemMI_MAINTITM_ID_CCharacterThis field is used as a maintenance item.
Task List|GroupMI_TASKLIST_GROUP_CCharacterThis field is used as a task list.
Task List|Group CounterMI_TASKLIST_GROUP_CNTR_CCharacter
Material NumberMI_MATERIAL_NUMBER_CCharacter
Unit of MeasureMI_MATERIAL_UOM_CCharacterThis field 'MI_MATERIAL_UOM_C' is disable and cannot be updated.
Table 9. PRT Worksheet
Field CaptionField IDData Type (Length) Comment
Package IDMI_IMPPACKG_ID_CCharacterThis field is the ID for the Package.
Maintenance Plan|IDMI_MAINTPLN_ID_CCharacterThis field is used for maintenance plan ID.
Maintenance Item|Maintenance ItemMI_MAINTITM_ID_CCharacterThis field is used for maintenance item
Task List|GroupMI_TASKLIST_GROUP_CCharacterThis field is used as task list
Task List|Group CounterMI_TASKLIST_GROUP_CNTR_CCharacterThis field is used as task list, group counter
Operation|OperationMI_OPERTION_ID_CCharacterThis field is used for operation.
Item NumberMI_PRT_ITEM_NUM_NNumeric
Document TypeMI_PRT_DOC_TYPE_CCharacterThis field is used to show document type
Document VersionMI_PRT_DOC_VER_CCharacterThis field is used for document version
Document PartMI_PRT_DOC_PART_CCharacterThis field is used for document part
QuantityMI_PRT_QUANTITY_NNumericThis field is used for quantity
Quantity UnitMI_PRT_QUANTITY_UNIT_CCharacterThis field is used for quantity unit
Control KeyMI_PRT_CONTROL_KEY_CCharacterThis field is used as control key
Document BinaryMI_PRT_DOCUMENT_BBinary
Storage CategoryMI_PRT_STORAGE_CATEGORY_CCharacterThis field is used as storage categoy
DocumentMI_PRT_DOC_CCharacterThis field is used for document.
Table 10. Maintenance Package Worksheet
Field CaptionField IDData Type (Length)Comment
Package IDMI_IMPPACKG_ID_CCharacterThis field is used as package id
Maintenance Plan|IDMI_MAINTPLN_ID_CCharacterThis field is used as maintenance plan ID
Maintenance Item|Maintenance ItemMI_MAINTITM_ID_CCharacterThis field is used as maintenance item
Task List|GroupMI_TASKLIST_GROUP_CCharacterThis field represents task list or group
Task List|Group CounterMI_TASKLIST_GROUP_CNTR_CCharacterThis field represents task list or group counter
Operation|OperationMI_OPERTION_ID_CCharacterThis field is used for operation
Maintenance Package NumberMI_MAINTPKG_NUMBER_NNumericThis field is used for maintenance package number.
Table 11. Notification Worksheet
Field CaptionField IDData Type (Length)Comment
Functional LocationMI_NOTIFCTN_LOCATION_CCharacterThis field is used for functional location.
DescriptionMI_NOTIFCTN_DESC_TXTextThis field is used for notification description.
Required Start DateMI_NOTIFCTN_REQ_START_DATE_DTDateThis field is used for required start date.
PriorityMI_NOTIFCTN_PRIORITY_CCharacterThis field is used for priority.
Notification SourceMI_NOTIFCTN_SOURCE_CCharacterThis field is used for notification resource.
Notification TypeMI_NOTIFCTN_NOTIF_TYPE_CCharacterThis field is used for notification type

About the ASI Data Loader Load Verification

A successful data import will have the same effect as creating a new Asset Strategy Implementation in APM. After a successful data load, if the data loader creates a new strategy or template, it will appear in the Asset Strategies Implementation section or the Templates section in the Strategy Implementation Overview page.

A successful import can also be defined as an event in which partial data on a worksheet is loaded into APM, and a message appears, helping you identify and correct issues resulting from the import.