Thickness Monitoring Upgrade

Upgrade or Update Thickness Monitoring to V5.

Upgrading or updating to the V5. is a two-step process. You need to first upgrade to APM V4. or later and then follow the steps to upgrade or update to V5.

The following table provides you the reference to procedures to upgrade from an earlier APM version to the latest version.

Upgrade from Upgrade to Procedure
V5. through V5. from any version V5. through V5.
V4. through V4. from any version V4. through V4.

Upgrade from any version V5. through V5.

This module will be upgraded to V5. automatically when you upgrade the components in the basic APM system architecture. No additional steps are required.

Upgrade from any version V4. through V4.

The following tables outline the steps that you must complete to upgrade this module to V5. These instructions assume that you have completed the steps for upgrading the basic APM system architecture.

These tasks may be completed by multiple people in your organization. We recommend, however, that the tasks be completed in the order in which they are listed.

1Uninstall the previous version of the Meridium Device Service on all of the machines that will connect to devices that will be used with Thickness Monitoring.This step is required only if you will use any device to collect data that you transfer to Thickness Monitoring.
2Install the Meridium Device Service on all of the machines that will connect to devices that will be used with Thickness Monitoring.This step is required only if you will use any device to collect data that you transfer to Thickness Monitoring. If you are using HTTPS to connect to APM, follow the instructions in HOW TO: V4 Thickness Monitoring - Devices - Dataloggers and Secure HTTPS Browsers on Windows Machines.
3If you have previously modified the following Pipe Properties records, follow the steps mentioned in KBA 000035691 to get the updated values for the records.
ScheduleNominal Diameter - NPSNominal Diameter - DNOutside DiameterNominal Wall Thickness (Old)Internal Diameter (Old)Nominal Wall Thickness (New)Internal Diameter (New)
302.5652.875 (Inches)0.125 (Inches)2.625 (Inches)0.188 (Inches)2.499 (Inches)
403690036 (Inches)0.688 (Inches)34.624 (Inches)0.75 (Inches)34.5 (Inches)
This step is optional.
4Update entity key parameters from :n to :k for the following catalog queries:
  • Public/Meridium/Modules/Thickness Monitoring/Queries folder.
    • TML Groups for an Asset
    • TMLs for an Asset
    • Datalogger TMLs
    • TM Assets
    • AvailableTMTasks
    • Inspection Tasks for MDE
    • Measurement Input Reference
  • Public/Meridium/Modules/Thickness Monitoring/Piping Rotation/Queries folder.
    • Measurement Input Reference for Piping Asset
    • Rotation Revisions by Rotation Event and Band
    • Datalogger TMLs - Piping Asset
    • Piping Components with Number of Positions
    • Rotation History for Component
    • Rotation What-Ifs for Component
  • Public/Meridium/Modules/Mechanical Integrity/Report Queries folder.
    • MI Thickness Monitoring Summary Query

This step is required only if you have previously modified the queries.

This step will be completed automatically when you upgrade the components in the basic APM system architecture.

5Revert the following queries to baseline to remove the references to the MI_ENTITIES family that has been deprecated:
  • Public/Meridium/Modules/Thickness Monitoring/Queries folder.
    • Assets with TM Tasks
    • Assets Near or Past Retirement
    • Corrosion Distribution
    • Excessive Corrosion
    • Measurement Input Reference
    • Remaining Life Less than 180 Months
    • Thickness Inspections
    • TM Assets Requiring a Calculation
    • TM Assets
    • TML Groups for an Asset
    • TMLs for an Asset

This step is required only if you have previously modified the queries.

This step will be completed automatically when you upgrade the components in the basic APM system architecture.

6Family keys stored in the TM Family Preferences are upgraded to store Family IDs.This step will be completed automatically when you upgrade the components in the basic APM system architecture.
7Configure Thickness Monitoring ActiveMQ Settings for MIExecution Service.This step is optional. You can perform this step if you want to modify the default retries or concurrency settings.
8Ensure that the Meridium MIExecution Service is installed and running.If the basic APM system architecture is already installed, the Meridium MIExecution Service is automatically installed, and the service runs automatically.
9Update the following query to add the system field mentioned.

Public/Meridium/Modules/Thickness Monitoring/Piping Rotation/Queries/Rotation History for Component

Column Name: CRT_DT (CRT_DT)
Refer to KBA 000068267 for more details.
10If you use the following query and want to use it in APM V5., you must export the query and import it into APM V5.

Public/Meridium/Modules/Thickness Monitoring/Queries/Measurements Near or Less than T-Min

Note: The query is no longer used in APM and has been removed.
This step is optional.
11Revert the following queries to baseline to fix the query compilation error:
  • Folder: Public/Meridium/Modules/Thickness Monitoring/Queries

    • Thickness Inspections
    • TM Assets
    • TM Assets Requiring a Calculation
This step is required only if you have previously modified the queries.

Install the Meridium Device Service

About This Task

Important: You must repeat this procedure on every machine to which a datalogger will be connected.
Note: If you are using Cloud APM or the URL is secured (https), follow the instructions in KBA 000055071 to install the Meridium Device Service.


  1. Access the TM Dataloggers page.
  2. In the Select TMLs pane, select the check box next to a TML, and then select Apply.
  3. Select Send To Device.
    Note: A datalogger does not need to be connected.
    The Meridium Device Service Not Found window appears.
  4. Select the Download link.
    MeridiumDevices.exe is downloaded.
  5. Run MeridiumDevices.exe, and then follow the instructions in the installer.
    The Meridium Device Service is installed.
  6. In the Meridium Device Service Not Found window, select Continue.
    Dataloggers can now be used with Thickness Monitoring.

Update the Query Parameter Type

After the database upgrade for APM, if the entity key fields are of the type string, you must modify the catalog query parameters to use the correct type by performing the following steps.


  1. Access the Query page.
  2. Select Browse.
    The Select a query from the catalog window appears.
  3. Navigate to the folder containing the query that you want to update, and select the link for the query.
    The Results workspace appears.
  4. Select the SQL tab.
    The SQL workspace appears, where you can modify the SQL code.
  5. Modify all the entity key numeric parameters to key.
    For example, (? :n) must be updated to (? :k).
  6. Select Save.
    The modified query is saved.

Revert the Thickness Monitoring Queries to Baseline

This action is required only if you have modified the Thickness Monitoring queries.

About This Task

If you have modified the following Thickness Monitoring queries, perform the following steps to revert the queries to baseline:
  • Assets Near or Past Retirement
  • Assets with TM Tasks
  • Corrosion Distribution
  • Excessive Corrosion
  • Remaining Life Less than 180 Months
  • Thickness Inspections
  • TM Assets
  • TM Assets Requiring a Calculation


  1. Access the Catalog page.
  2. Navigate to the Public folder for the query that you want to revert.
    For Thickness Monitoring, the public queries are stored in the following folder:
    Public/Meridium/Modules/Thickness Monitoring/Queries
  3. Select the check box next to the query that you want to revert, and then select .
    The Confirm Delete window appears, asking you to confirm if you want to delete the selected query.
  4. Select OK.
    The selected query is deleted.
  5. Navigate to the Baseline folder for queries.
    For Thickness Monitoring, the baseline queries are stored in the following folder:
    Baseline/Meridium/Modules/Thickness Monitoring/Queries
  6. Select the check box next to the query that you want to revert, and then select .
    The Catalog Folder Browser window appears.
  7. Navigate to the folder containing the public query that you deleted in step 3.
  8. Select OK.
    A success message appears indicating that the selected item has been copied successfully.
  9. Repeat Steps 2-8 for each query that you want to revert to baseline.

Configure Thickness Monitoring ActiveMQ Settings for MIExecution Service

The MIExecution Service,on each APM Server serves RBI, Inspection and Thickness Monitoring module queues. This service is configured to use a single shared ActiveMQ queue service across APM. Available queue configuration options include retries and concurrency limit.


  1. On the APM Server, access the folder that contains the MIExecution Service files.
    Note: If you have installed APM in the default location, you can locate the folder in C:\Program Files\Meridium\ApplicationServer\mi-execution
  2. Access the appsettings.json file in an application that can be used to modify JSON files (for example, Notepad++).
  3. In the file, locate the following text:
    "Queue_Config": {
    	    "Queues": [
    	        "Name": "MI_TM_Queue", 
    	        "ConcurrencyLimit": 100,
    	        "Retries": 5,
                   "LimitPerTenantRequired": true
    Note: ConcurrencyLimit indicates the maximum number of messages that will be consumed concurrently. Retries indicates the number of times it retries to send the messages to ActiveMQ if it fails. LimitPerTenantRequired indicates whether Maximum Concurrency limit per Tenant is specified in scheduler service for the queue.
  4. Update the key values as desired.
  5. Save and close the file.
    The updated settings will be applied when the MIExecution Service is stopped and restarted.