
About a Picklist

When you want to enter a reading value or an action value for a Step on a device, you can enter the exact value (for numeric fields only) or select a value from a list (for both numeric and character fields). You can select a value from a list, only if you configure that picklist in Rounds Designer using the Picklist Management page.

You can reuse picklists and the picklist values in all the steps that are created later. You can use the values to set up alerts that will be displayed if a certain reading value or action value is identified.

In addition, when you define a condition for picklist values on a Route, the picklist values are used to specify which reading value or action value should trigger conditional Steps to appear to the mobile device user.

When you create a route instance, the action values that are added to the steps in the route are independent. Any modifications made to the action values in the Picklist Management page, will not impact the action values in the route instance.

Access a Picklist


  1. Access the Rounds Designer page.
  2. Select the Manage tab, and then select Manage Picklists.

    The Picklist Management page appears in a new tab, displaying the Readings and Actions tabs. By default, the Readings tab is selected and the Readings section appears in the page.


The Readings and Actions tabs include a count of the number of tables in each section. The counts are updated as the tables are added or deleted. Each Picklist consists of a group of values that you can select when you enter records in the Steps. You can expand or collapse a Picklist header to view or hide the Picklist values. You can show or hide selected columns in the Picklist. You can sort and filter the data in the columns in the Picklist.

Create a Readings Picklist


  1. Access the Picklist Management page.
    The Readings section appears by default.
  2. Select .
    The Add Picklist window appears.
  3. In the PICKLIST NAME box, enter a unique name for the picklist.
    The name can contain up to 50 characters.
    Note: If the picklist name is already used in either Readings or Actions section, an error message appears indicating that a picklist table with this name already exists.
  4. In the PICKLIST TYPE drop-down list box, select the type of data to which this picklist applies: Character or Numeric.
  5. Select Save.
    Note: You can modify the picklist name after creating it.

    Select Save changes to save the update or Discard changes to cancel it, before saving.

    The new Picklist is added to the Readings section.


The Picklist names appear in the PICKLIST drop-down list box in the Step Details page.

Note: New Picklists may take some time to appear in the relevant drop-down list boxes in the Step Details page.

Create Readings Picklist Values


  1. Create a Readings Picklist.
  2. Expand the picklist, and then select Add a row.
  3. In the VALUE column, enter the picklist value as needed.
    • Select Discard changes to remove the row added before saving the picklist value.
    • The value can contain up to 50 characters.
    • The # OF STEPS USED IN field displays the total number of steps that are available under Assets and Step Templates for a selected step.
  4. Select Save changes.
    A value is specified for the picklist.


The specified values appear in the PICKLIST VALUES drop-down list box in the Step Details page where the relevant picklist is selected in the Picklist field.

Note: New picklists and picklist values may take some time to appear in the relevant drop-down list boxes in the Step Details page.

Create an Actions Picklist


  1. Access the Picklist Management section.
    The Readings section appears by default.
  2. Select the Actions section and then select .

    The Add Picklist window appears.

  3. In the PICKLIST NAME box, enter a unique name for the picklist.
    The name can contain up to 50 characters.
    Note: If the picklist name is already used in either Readings or Actions section, an error message appears indicating that a picklist table with this name already exists.
    Note: The Actions picklist allows values only with character type.
  4. Select Save.
    Note: You can modify the picklist name after creating it.

    Select Save changes to save the update or Discard changes to cancel it.

    The new Picklist is added to the Actions section.


The Picklist names appear in the ACTION drop-down list on the Step Details page.

Note: New Picklists may take some time to appear in the relevant drop-down lists on the Step Details page.

Create Actions Picklist Values


  1. Create an Actions Picklist.
  2. Expand the picklist, select , and then select Add a row.
  3. In the VALUE column, enter the picklist value as needed.
    • Select , and then select Discard changes to remove the row added before saving the picklist value.
    • The value can contain up to 50 characters.
  4. Select , and then select Save changes.
    A value is specified for the picklist.


The specified values appear in the ACTION VALUES drop-down list on the Step Details page where the relevant picklist is selected in the Picklist field.

Note: New picklists and picklist values may take some time to appear in the relevant drop-down lists on the Step Details page.

Delete a Picklist

Before You Begin

To delete a picklist, the values of that picklist must not be associated actively to any steps.


  1. Access the Picklist Management page.
    The Readings section appears by default.
  2. As needed, select the Readings section or the Actions section.
  3. In the row containing the picklist that you want to delete, select the check box, and then select .

    The selected picklist is removed from the list. The values associated with the picklist are also deleted. A confirmation message appears.

Filter Data in a Picklist Column


  1. Access the Picklist Management page.
    The Readings section appears by default.
  2. As needed, select the Readings section or the Actions section.
  3. Expand the picklist, for which you want to filter the data.
  4. Select .
  5. Enter a few characters in the Filter text box below the column header.
    For example, to find all entries with a specific value, enter the value in the Filter text box for the VALUE column.
    Note: You can use multiple filters on different picklist columns to further narrow the results.
    The data in the column is filtered, showing all entries with that specific value.


You can also filter the picklist columns in the Picklist Management page at section level.

Hide a Column in a Picklist


  1. Access the Picklist Management page.
    The Readings section appears by default.
  2. As needed, select the Readings section or the Actions section.
  3. Select , and clear the check box of the column that you want to hide.
    Note: You cannot hide the PICKLIST NAME column.
    The selected column is hidden.
    Note: To show a column, select the check box of the column.

Show a Column in a Picklist


  1. Access the Picklist Management page.
    The Readings section appears by default.
  2. As needed, select the Readings section or the Actions section.
  3. Select , and select the check box of the column that you want to view.
    The selected column appears.
    Note: To hide a column, clear the check box of the selected column.

Sort Data in a Picklist Column


  1. Access the Picklist Management page.
    The Readings section appears by default.
  2. As needed, select the Readings section or the Actions section.
  3. Expand the Picklist, for which you want to sort the data.
  4. Select a column header, such as VALUE.
    The data in the column is sorted in a specific order (ascending or descending).
  5. Select the column header again to reverse the sort order.
    The data in the column is sorted in the reverse order.


You can also sort the Picklist columns in the Readings section or the Actions section in an ascending or descending order to narrow the results.
Note: Sort criteria is not affected by filtering. For example, if you sort the routes by the VALUE column and then filter by LAST EDITED BY, the sort order remains unchanged.