Measurement Location Template Groups

About Template Groups

A Template Group serves as a container for multiple Measurement Location Templates and Checkpoint Conditions that are connected to one another in a Route. When you apply a Template Group to a Route, APM creates corresponding Measurement Locations and Checkpoint Conditions in the Route in the same structure as defined in the Template Group. In this way, you can add multiple Measurement Locations and Checkpoint Conditions to a Route simultaneously.

Note: Template Groups should contain no more than 150 Measurement Location Templates.

A Template Group contains the following records:

  • One Template Group
  • One or more Templates
  • One or more Checkpoint Conditions
  • Multiple Checkpoint Template Sequences

Unlike the structure of a Route, the records that make up a Template Group are not linked to one another in the database through a Relationship family. Instead, the structure of the records that are displayed in the UI is stored in multiple records that are created automatically in the Checkpoint Template Sequence family. Throughout the documentation, when we refer to the relationship between the records that make up a Template Group, we will not use the term linked. Instead, we use the term associated to differentiate between records that are related to one another through a physical link in the database and those that are related to one another only visually in the User Interface.

About Conditions in Template Groups

When you add a Checkpoint Condition to a Template Group, you are adding logic to the Template Group that will be applied to the Route to which you add the Template Group.

You can add the following types of conditions to a Template Group using the left pane on the page for a Template Group:

  • Character
  • Numeric

When you apply to a Route a Template Group that contains conditions, for each Checkpoint Condition that exists in the Template Group, one new Checkpoint Condition will be created and added to the Route. The new Checkpoint Conditions will contain the same values that are stored in the source Checkpoint Conditions.

In a Template Group, a single condition is represented by:

  • One Measurement Location Template that identifies the initial Checkpoint.
  • One Checkpoint Condition that identifies the specific reading value that will trigger the Checkpoint.
  • One or many Measurement Location Templates that identify the subsequent Checkpoints.

A single Checkpoint Condition can be associated as a successor to only one Measurement Location Template. A Measurement Location Template, however, can be associated with multiple successor Checkpoint Conditions. Likewise, a Checkpoint Condition can be associated with multiple successor Measurement Location Templates.

Consider the following image, which shows an example of what the Template Group looks like after conditions are defined:

In this image, notice that the Checkpoint Condition nodes display the following text:

If <ML Template Category> is <Reading value> then:

…where <ML Template Category> is the value in the Category field in the related Measurement Location Template, and <Reading Value> is the value that you specify in the condition.

The text that appears on Checkpoint Condition nodes will vary depending on the type of Checkpoint Template with which it is associated (that is, character or numeric). This is determined by the value stored in the ML Type field in the predecessor Measurement Location Template.

About Measurement Location Templates in Template Groups

A Measurement Location Template serves as a template that you can use as the basis for creating multiple Checkpoints, which are the stops along a Route at which a device user will need to record a reading. When you add a Measurement Location Template record to a Template Group, the corresponding node appears in the left pane on the page for a Template Group in a position that is relevant to the currently selected node.

Before you add a Measurement Location Template to a Template Group, use the following guidelines to determine which node to select in the left pane on the page for a Template Group so that the new node will appear in the necessary location:

  • If you want the new Measurement Location Template node to appear below a Measurement Location Template node, select the Measurement Location Template node.
  • If you want the new Measurement Location Template node to appear below a Checkpoint Condition node as the first successor node, select the Checkpoint Condition node.
  • If you want the new Measurement Location Template node to appear at the end of the Template Group, select the Template Group node.

In addition, you can add the same Measurement Location Template to a Template Group more than once, and each instance of that Measurement Location Template can participate in independent predecessor and successor relationships. In other words, a single Measurement Location Template can be represented by multiple nodes in a Template Group. If you modify the contents of a Measurement Location Template that is represented by multiple nodes, your changes will be reflected in all the nodes that represent that Measurement Location Template.

For example, you can add the Measurement Location Template record with the ML Description General Vent Check to a Template Group as nodes with the sequence values 2 and 4. You can also add Checkpoint Condition nodes and other Measurement Location Template nodes as predecessors and successors to each of the three nodes. Further, if you modify the Template ID value in the Measurement Location Template record from General Vent Check to Vent Check, all the nodes that represent that record will be updated automatically with the new Template ID value. The following image shows a Template Group that contains multiple instance of the same Measurement Location Template record with the Template ID value Vent Check.

About Removing an ML Template from an ML Template Group

Removing a Measurement Location Template from a Template Group does not delete the Measurement Location Template from the database. Instead, only the references stored in the Checkpoint Template Sequences for that Measurement Location Template and its predecessor and successor records are deleted.

If a Template Group should no longer contain a Measurement Location Template or Checkpoint Condition, you can remove that node from the Template Group using the Remove option in the menu accessed via the button in the left pane. When you remove a Measurement Location Template record from a Template Group, the underlying record will not be deleted from the APM database. Instead, only the reference to the Measurement Location Template in the Checkpoint Template Sequence record will be removed. When you delete a Template Group record or remove a Checkpoint Condition record, however, the record itself will be deleted from the APM database.

More specifically, when you delete a Measurement Location Template from a Template Group, the APM system will:

  • Delete the association between the Measurement Location Template record and its predecessor record (that is, in the Checkpoint Template Sequence record).
  • Remove the Measurement Location Template node from the left pane.
  • Remove or delete the successor records that are associated with the Measurement Location Template record. Checkpoint Condition records that are successors to a Measurement Location Template record that is removed from a Template Group will be deleted from the database. Other Measurement Location Template records that are associated with a Measurement Location Template record that is removed from a Template Group, however, will also be removed from the Template Group as described previously.

Likewise, when you delete a Checkpoint Condition record, any Measurement Location Template records that are associated with the Checkpoint Condition record as successors will be removed from the Template Group. Other Checkpoint Condition records that are associated with the Checkpoint Condition record as successors, however, will also be deleted.

If you want to delete an entire Template Group, you can delete the Template Group record, and that Template Group will no longer appear in the Rounds interface. When you do so, only the related Checkpoint Condition records will be deleted from the APM database. The Measurement Location Template records belonging to that Template Group will not be deleted.

About Checkpoint Condition Nodes in the Template Group Pane

In a Route, a Checkpoint Condition defines the circumstances in which conditional Checkpoints should appear on the device if the user enters a specific reading value for the previous Checkpoint. Likewise, in a Template Group, a Checkpoint Condition represents the Checkpoint Condition that will be created when the Template Group is applied to a Route. When you define a condition, you will need to define:

  • The initial Checkpoint whose reading value should trigger a subsequent Checkpoint.
  • The specific reading value that should trigger another Checkpoint.
  • The subsequent Checkpoint that should be triggered by that reading value.

In a Template Group, a single condition is represented by:

  • One Measurement Location Template that identifies the initial Checkpoint.
  • One Checkpoint Condition that identifies the specific reading value.
  • One or more Measurement Location Templates that identify the subsequent Checkpoints.

In the left pane of the page for the Template Group, Checkpoint Condition nodes are displayed within the context of the Measurement Location Template node representing the initial and subsequent Checkpoints. Specifically, the Checkpoint Condition node appears below the Measurement Location Template node representing the initial Checkpoint. Likewise, the Measurement Location Template node representing the subsequent Checkpoint appears below the Checkpoint Condition node.

Consider the following image. In this image, you can see the Checkpoint Condition node, which appears below the initial Measurement Location Template node Vent Check. Below the Checkpoint Condition node If Vent Check is Obstructed then:, you can see the subsequent Measurement Location Template nodes FUEL TANK CHECK and Check offline status.

Create an ML Template Group

About This Task

Note: Template Groups should contain no more than 150 Measurement Location Templates.


  1. Access the RD Overview page.
  2. In the workspace, select the ML Template Groups tab.

    The ML Template Groups section appears, displaying a list of Template Groups.

  3. In the upper-left corner of the section, select .

    A blank Template Group datasheet appears.

  4. In the ID box, enter an ID for the Template Group.
  5. In the Description box, enter a description for the Template Group.
  6. In the upper-right corner of the datasheet, select .
    The Template Group is created.

What To Do Next

Access an ML Template Group


  1. Access the RD Overview page.
  2. On the page, select the ML Template Groups tab.

    The ML Template Groups section appears, displaying a list of Template Groups.

  3. Select the Template Group that you want to access.
    The datasheet for the ML Template Group record appears.
  4. As needed, modify values in the available fields, and then, in the upper-right corner of the workspace, select .
    The changes made to the ML Template Group are saved.

Create a New Measurement Location Template and Add It to an ML Template Group

This topic describes how to create a Measurement Location Template and add it to a Template Group.


  1. Access an ML Template Group to which you want to add a Measurement Location.
  2. In the left pane, select the node that will determine the position of the new Measurement Location Template node. For example, if you want a new Measurement Location Template node to appear below an existing Measurement Location Template node, select that existing Measurement Location Template node. In the following image, the last Measurement Location Template node is selected, so the new Measurement Location node will appear below it.

  3. In the upper-left corner of the pane, select , and then select New MLT.
    A new Measurement Location Template node appears in the left pane, and a blank datasheet appears in the workspace.
  4. On the datasheet, in the Template ID box, enter an ID for the Measurement Location Template. This field is required, and the value must be unique.
  5. In the ML Type list, select the value that corresponds to the type of Measurement Location that this Measurement Location Template represents. You can select Character or Numeric.
  6. As needed, enter values in the remaining fields.
  7. In the upper-right corner of the datasheet, select .

    The ML Template Group is saved.

Add an Existing Measurement Location Template to a ML Template Group


  1. Access an ML Template Group.
  2. In the left pane, select the node that will determine the position of the new Measurement Location Template node. For example, if you want a new Measurement Location Template node to appear below an existing Measurement Location Template node, select the existing Measurement Location Template node.
  3. In the upper-left corner of the pane, select , and then select Existing MLT.

    The Existing MLT window appears, displaying a list of Measurement Location Templates.

  4. Select the check boxes that correspond to the Measurement Location Templates that you want to add, and then select Add.

    The selected Measurement Location Templates are added to the ML Template Group, and the corresponding nodes are listed in the left pane. By default, the last Measurement Location Template that you have added is selected.

Modify a Measurement Location Template Linked to an ML Template Group

About This Task

You can manage changes to Measurement Location Templates that currently belong to a Template Group using the left pane on the page for a Template Group, and in Record Manager.


  1. Access the ML Template Group that contains the Measurement Location Template that you want to modify.
  2. In the left pane, select the Measurement Location Template that you want to modify.
    The datasheet for the selected Measurement Location Template appears.
  3. As needed, modify values in the available fields.
  4. On the upper-right corner of the datasheet, select .

    The changes made to the Measurement Location Template are saved.

What To Do Next

  • If the Measurement Location Template has already been applied to one or more Measurement Locations, update the Measurement Locations with the changes you made to the source Measurement Location Template.

Add a Condition to an ML Template Group for a Character Measurement Location Template

About This Task

This topic describes how to create a Checkpoint Condition and add it to an ML Template Group:

  • As a successor to a Measurement Location Template whose ML Type value is character.
  • As a predecessor to a Measurement Location Template.


  1. Access an ML Template Group.
  2. In the left pane, select either:
    • The Measurement Location Template node displaying the Checkpoint whose reading value should trigger additional Checkpoints to appear.
    • The Checkpoint Condition node that is linked to the desired Measurement Location Template and below which you want a new Checkpoint Condition node to appear.
  3. In the upper-left corner of the pane, select , and then select Condition.

    A new Checkpoint Condition is created and appears below the node representing the selected Measurement Location Template or the Checkpoint Condition. A blank datasheet for the condition appears.

  4. On the Select Value list, select the reading value that should trigger an additional Checkpoint to appear.
  5. In the upper-right corner of the datasheet, select .

    The Checkpoint Condition is created. The Checkpoint Condition node displays part of the final condition statement.

  6. In the left pane, select .

    The Measurement Location Template is added to the ML Template Group, and a Measurement Location Template node appears below the predecessor Checkpoint Condition. A blank datasheet for the Measurement Location Template appears in the workspace.

  7. As needed, enter or modify values in the available fields.
  8. In the upper-right corner of the datasheet, select .

    The Measurement Location Template is saved. At this point, the condition statement is complete.

Add a Condition to an ML Template Group for a Numeric Measurement Location Template

About This Task

This topic describes how to create a Checkpoint Condition and add it to an ML Template Group:

  • As a successor to an Measurement Location Template whose ML Type value is numeric.
  • As a predecessor to an Measurement Location Template.


  1. Access an ML Template Group.
  2. In the left pane, select either:
    • The Measurement Location Template node displaying the Checkpoint whose reading value should trigger additional Checkpoints to appear.
    • The Checkpoint Condition node that is linked to the desired Measurement Location Template and below which you want a new Checkpoint Condition node to appear.
  3. On the upper-left corner of the pane, select , and then select Condition.

    A new Checkpoint Condition is created and appears below the node representing the selected Measurement Location Template or Checkpoint Condition. A blank datasheet for the condition appears.

  4. In the Select Relation list, select the desired comparator. For example, the following image shows the comparator <= (less than or equal to) selected in the Select Relation list.
  5. In the Select Value cell, enter the numeric value representing the reading value that should trigger the additional Checkpoint to appear.
  6. In the upper-right corner of the datasheet, select .

    The Checkpoint Condition is created.

    At this point, the Checkpoint Condition node displays part of the final condition statement. In this example, the condition statement is: If the Temperature Reading is less than or equal to 0, then display the following Checkpoint.

  7. On the left pane, select .

    The Measurement Location Template is added to the ML Template Group, and a Measurement Location Template node appears below the predecessor Checkpoint Condition. A blank datasheet for the Measurement Location Template appears in the workspace.

  8. As needed, enter or modify values in the available fields.
  9. In the upper-right corner of the datasheet, select .

    The Measurement Location Template is saved. At this point, the condition statement is complete.

Remove a Measurement Location Template from an ML Template Group


  1. Access the ML Template Group that is linked to the Measurement Location Template that you want to remove.
  2. In the left pane, select the Measurement Location Template that you want to remove from the ML Template Group.
  3. In the left pane, select , and then select Remove.
  4. Select Yes.

    The selected Measurement Location Template is removed from the Template Group, along with any successor Checkpoint Condition and Measurement Location Templates. If the Measurement Location Template is associated with successor Checkpoint Conditions, those records are deleted as well.

Delete a Checkpoint Condition from an ML Template Group


  1. Access the ML Template Group that is linked to the Checkpoint Condition you want to delete.
  2. In the left pane, select the Checkpoint Condition that you want to delete.
  3. In the left pane, select , and then select Remove.

    The selected Checkpoint Condition is deleted, along with any successor Checkpoint Conditions. In addition, if the Checkpoint Conditions were associated with any Measurement Location Templates, those records are removed from the Template Group.

    Note: The Checkpoint Conditions are deleted from the database, but any Measurement Location Templates that were under the condition will remain in the database.

Delete an ML Template Group


  1. Access an ML Template Group.
  2. Select the row for the Template Group that you want to delete.
  3. In the upper-right corner of the section, select .

    A confirmation message appears, asking if you really want to delete the Template Group.

  4. Select Yes.

    The Template Group is deleted. When you delete a Template Group, only the Checkpoint Conditions will be deleted from the database. The Measurement Location Templates in that Template Group will not be deleted.