
About Route Checkpoints

Checkpoints are the stops along a Route at which a user will need to record a reading. For each Checkpoint that you want to include in a Route, you will need to add one Measurement Location or Lubrication Requirement to the Route. The order in which the Checkpoint nodes are displayed in the left pane represents the order in which the Checkpoints will appear to the user on the mobile device. Additionally, you can change the order in which the Checkpoint nodes are displayed.


A Checkpoint can be linked to the following:

One Route as a successorIn the left pane, a node representing a successor Checkpoint that is linked to the Route appears directly below the Route node. When a Route is initially opened, and a Checkpoint is selected, the Identification tab is displayed. If you select a different tab on a Checkpoint (Schedule, Readings, Reference Documents), and then select a different Checkpoint, the same tab appears for the new Checkpoint.
Checkpoint conditions as a predecessor or successorIn the left pane, a node representing a successor Checkpoint that is linked to a Checkpoint condition appears below the Checkpoint condition node representing that Checkpoint condition. Likewise, a node representing a predecessor Checkpoint record that is linked to a Checkpoint condition record is displayed. When a Route is initially opened, and a Checkpoint condition is selected, the Identification tab is displayed. If you select a different tab on a Checkpoint condition (Readings or Reference Documents), and then select a different Checkpoint condition, the previous tab appears for the new Checkpoint condition.

If you select the Schedule tab for a Checkpoint, and then select a Checkpoint condition, the Identification tab appears as there is no Schedule tab for a Checkpoint condition. If you select a condition or use search, then the next time a Checkpoint is selected, the same tab is displayed.

Checkpoint records that appear below a Checkpoint condition record will appear to a device user only if the condition defined in the Checkpoint condition is met.

When you add a Checkpoint record to a Route, the new node that appears in the left pane for that record will appear in a location that is relevant to the currently selected node. Before you create a Checkpoint record, use the following guidelines to determine which node to select in the left pane so that the new node will appear in the desired location:

  • If you want the new Checkpoint node to appear below a Checkpoint node, select that Checkpoint node.
  • If you want the new Checkpoint node to appear below a Checkpoint condition node, select that Checkpoint condition node.
  • If you want the new Checkpoint record to appear below the last node in the pane, select that Route node.

When you are adding Checkpoint records to a Route, keep in mind that the values in the record define the Checkpoint and directly represents what the device user will see on the mobile device. More specifically, the values stored in some Checkpoint family fields are displayed directly on the Rounds Data Collection page when you are recording a reading for the corresponding Checkpoint.

About Route Checkpoint Arrangement

The order in which the Checkpoints are presented on the device corresponds to the order in which the Checkpoint nodes appear in the left pane when viewing a route in Route Designer.

In order to maximize system performance, sequence information for each Route is stored as a single record in a database table , not on the route, Checkpoint, or condition records themselves. When changing the sequence of a Route, the value representing the Route sequence in the supporting database table will be updated automatically to reflect the current location of each node. In order to support Rounds on Windows Mobile devices — which use Catalog queries - sequence information is also stored as Rounds Sequence Information records.

Selecting the Save Route Sequence button on a Route after reordering allows the Route sequence to be immediately reflected when you download the route to a handheld. Otherwise, Rounds Sequence Information records will be updated after the route has been closed or on a defined schedule.

Checkpoint represented by a Measurement Location

A Checkpoint represented by a Measurement Location with the Sequence value 1 will appear before a Checkpoint represented by a Measurement Location with the Sequence value 2. On the Measurement Location datasheet, the Sequence field is disabled and populated automatically by the APM system, based upon the current location of that Measurement Location node in the left pane.

You can use the left pane to sequence the Measurement Location nodes according to the order in which you want the Checkpoints to appear to a user on the mobile device. We recommend that you sequence the Route by arranging Measurement Location nodes in an order that corresponds to the proximity of the associated equipment and locations. For example, suppose you want to perform a visual inspection of a pump. You will want to create Measurement Locations that represent each Checkpoint on the pump that you will need to visually inspect. Further, you will want to arrange the Measurement Location nodes in the order in which the user should conduct the visual inspection. For example, you may want the user to start at the back of the pump and move towards the front.

Measurement Locations are sequenced automatically starting with 1, based upon the record to which they are linked as a successor. In other words, all the Measurement Locations that are linked directly to the Route as successors will be numbered 1, 2, 3, and 4 and all the Measurement Locations that are linked to Checkpoint conditions will be numbered as 1, 2, 3, and 4 within that condition.

Consider the following image, which shows:

  • Four Measurement Location nodes that are positioned directly below the Route node. These route-level Checkpoints are numbered 1 through 4.
  • Two Checkpoint condition nodes that are positioned directly below the Measurement Location node (ACHE 001~General Check). These Checkpoint condition nodes are numbered 2.1 and 2.2.
  • Four Measurement Location nodes that are positioned directly below two Checkpoint conditions.

    The Measurement Location nodes under 2.1 If General Check is Ok then: are numbered 2.1.1 and 2.1.2. The Measurement Location nodes under 2.2 If General Check is Not Ok then: are numbered 2.2.1 and 2.2.2.

About The Node Pin Board

Using the Node Pin Board pane, you can use the drag-and-drop method to move one or more locations, or conditions from the Route to the Node Pin Board pane, and then later move them to new Checkpoints or remove them from the Route.

  • Checkpoints or conditions on the Node Pin Board pane include any child Checkpoints or conditions that are linked to the parent node.
  • You will not be able to drag and drop an item until the dark blue insertion marker appears under the node where the item will be dropped.
  • A Checkpoint that contains conditions and subsequent Checkpoints can be dragged and dropped as a single entity. However, if you want to drag two top-level Checkpoints, you have to drag and drop each one separately.
  • When a condition is deleted from the Route, the Checkpoints and conditions that were successors to that condition will be moved to the Node Pin Board pane.
  • You cannot drag and drop an Equipment or Functional Location to the Node Pin Board pane. However, if you remove an asset group from the Route, the associated Checkpoints, including any related conditions and subsequent Checkpoints, will be moved to the Node Pin Board.

About Alerts Based on Measurement Location Records

If you want device users to receive alerts on a device when they record reading values that meet certain criteria, you can define the criteria in the Limit Values section of the default datasheet for the Measurement Location family. You can configure alerts for either character readings or for numeric readings, depending on the value stored in the ML Type field of the Measurement Location.

Note: If you create Readings in the Record Manager or Route Management, alerts will not be displayed for the reading value.

About Alerts for Character Readings

When a Measurement Location requires a character reading, you can configure alerts that will appear when the readings equal a specified value. For example, suppose the Measurement Location for the Filter Check Checkpoint contains the following allowable values: OK, Leak, and Vibration and Noise. In this case, you might configure alerts that would appear on the device if a user entered a reading value of Leak, Vibration or Noise. To do so, you would configure the Limit Values section of the Measurement Location datasheet, as shown in the following image.

Notice that the Character column contains the values that will cause an alert to appear: Leak, Vibration and Noise. The Message column contains the message that will be displayed for each alert, and the Action column contains the values that will be available in the Action list on the Rounds Data Collection screen.

Note: The values in the Action Values tab list on the device will be displayed in the order in which they appear (from top to bottom) in the Action column on the Limit Values tab.

Example: Pump Check Checkpoint

The following image shows what the Pump Check Checkpoint looks like on the device with the Reading drop-down list box.

If you enter a reading value of Leak for this Checkpoint, the text Create Maintenance Recommendation should be displayed on the device, as indicated by the Message column in the corresponding Measurement Location. This value is shown in the image of the Limit Values section. The following image shows what the alert for the reading value Leak looks like on the device.

The Action Taken drop-down list would contain the values indicated by the Action Values tab list column.

About Configuring Alerts for Numeric Readings

When a Measurement Location requires a numeric reading value, you can configure alerts that will appear when the reading value equals a specified value or falls between a certain range of values, depending on the following conditions:

  • If allowable values are defined for a Measurement Location where the ML Type field contains the value Numeric, you can configure alerts that will appear when the readings are equal to those values.
  • If allowable values are not defined in a Measurement Location where the ML Type field contains the value Numeric, you can configure alerts that will appear when the readings fall within a range of values.

Example: Temperature Check Checkpoint

Suppose a Checkpoint requires a temperature check and accepts numeric reading values. If you do not define allowable values in the Identification section of the datasheet for Measurement Location, users can enter any reading value on the device. You might want to define these allowable values so that an alert will be sent if the temperature falls below a certain temperature or rises above a certain temperature.

In the following image, you can see that values have been defined for Upper Level 3, Upper Level 2, Upper Level 1, Lower Level 1, Lower Level 2, and Lower Level 3 limits.

The Upper Level 3 value of 750 indicates that if a reading value is greater than or equal to 750, an alert will be displayed with the message Extreme operating temp - shut down, as specified by the value in the Message cell.

Note: The values in the list Action Values tab on the device will be displayed in the order in which they appear (from top to bottom) in the Action column on the Limit Values tab.

When you are working with lower-level values, keep in mind that any reading that is less than or equal to the value will trigger the alert. Likewise, when working with upper-level values, keep in mind that any reading that is greater than or equal to the value will trigger the alert.

Example: Daily Temperature Readings

Suppose that you configure a Measurement Location with an Upper Level 2 value of 100 and an Upper Level 3 value of 200, and the message associated with the Upper Level 2 is "Pump stroke too high". If a device user enters a reading value of 185 at this Checkpoint, the following alert would appear.

In the list on the Action Values tab , you would also see the list of actions indicated by the values in the Action column for the corresponding Measurement Location. Device users can select one of these values to indicate which task was performed in response to the alert.

About Checkpoint Conditions

When you create a Checkpoint condition, its corresponding node will appear in the left pane below the predecessor Checkpoint node. If you want to add a Checkpoint condition node in a particular location (for example, between two Checkpoint condition nodes), you should select the Checkpoint condition node after which the new Checkpoint condition node should appear.

Depending upon the type of Checkpoint for which you are creating a condition (that is, character or numeric), the values that you define will vary.

  • For Measurement Locations, the type of condition is determined by the value in the ML Type field in the predecessor Measurement Location. The value of this field can contain either Character or Numeric.
  • For all types of Lubrication Requirements, the condition is based on the character reading values.

About Character Checkpoint Conditions

When you create a Checkpoint condition that is linked to a Measurement Location whose ML Type field contains the value Numeric, the following text appears on the Checkpoint condition node:

If <ML Category> <Relational Operator> <Reading Value> then:


  • <ML Category> is the value stored in the Category field in the Measurement Location. This value is populated automatically after you create the Checkpoint condition and is used to identify the predecessor Measurement Location whose reading value may trigger the additional Checkpoints to appear.
  • <Relational Operator> is the operator (that is, is or is not) that you select in the Select Relation drop-down list box when creating a Checkpoint condition. By default, the operator, is, appears in the Select Relation drop-down list box.
  • <Reading Value> is the value that you select in the Select Value drop-down list box in the workspace for the Checkpoint condition.

The following image shows an example of what a character Checkpoint condition record looks when it is selected in the left pane.

In this image, you can see that Filter Check is the ML Category and Leak is the reading value.

About Numeric Checkpoint Conditions

When you create a Checkpoint condition that is linked to a Measurement Location whose ML Type field contains the value Character, the following text appears on the Checkpoint condition node:

If <ML Category> <=><Reading Value> then:

... where:

  • <ML Category> is the value stored in the Category field in the Measurement Location. This value is populated automatically after you create the Checkpoint condition and is used to identify the predecessor Measurement Location whose reading value may trigger the additional Checkpoints to appear.
  • <=> is the quantifier (i.e., <, <=, =, >=, or >) selected in the Select Relation list in the workspace. This specifies the parameters of the condition when used in conjunction with the value in the <Reading Value> cell. The default value is = (equals).
  • <Reading Value> is the value entered in the Select Value cell in the workspace.

In other words, you can specify that if the reading value is equal to the value in the Reading Value cell, the successor Checkpoint should appear.

The following image shows an example of what a numeric Checkpoint condition looks like when it is selected in the left pane.

In this image, you can see that:

  • Pump Stroke Check is the ML Category.
  • <= is the quantifier.
  • 500 is the Reading Value.

About Lubrication Checkpoint Conditions

When you create a Checkpoint condition that is linked to a Lubrication Requirement, the following text appears on the Checkpoint condition node:

If <LR Type> is <Reading Value> then:


  • <LR Type> is the value stored in the LR Type field in the Lubrication Requirement. This value is populated automatically after you create the Checkpoint condition and is used to identify the type of predecessor Lubrication Requirement whose character reading value may trigger the additional Checkpoints to appear. There are three types of Lubrication Requirement:
    • Check Off
    • Change Out
    • Tracking
  • <Reading Value> is the value that you select from the Select Value list in the workspace for the Checkpoint condition. There are two available character reading values for a Lubrication Requirement:
    • Done
    • Skip

The following image shows an example of what a lubrication Checkpoint condition record looks when it is selected in the left pane.

In this image, you can see that Check Off is the LR Type.

About Conditions for Routes

When a device user is executing the Checkpoints along a Route, if the reading value that is taken for a Checkpoint indicates further investigation is needed, you may want the device user to see additional Checkpoints on the device and record reading values for those additional Checkpoints. To accomplish this, you can add conditions to the Checkpoints on the Route. A condition allows you to add logic to the Route to specify that when a particular reading value is recorded for a Checkpoint, additional Checkpoints should be displayed to the device user.


A condition identifies which Checkpoint should appear on the device if the user enters a specific reading value for the previous Checkpoint and defines:

  • The initial Checkpoint whose reading value should trigger a subsequent Checkpoint.
  • The specific reading value that should trigger another Checkpoint.
  • The subsequent Checkpoint that should be triggered by that reading value.

In the APM database, a single condition is represented by:

  • One Checkpoint that identifies the initial Checkpoint.
  • One Checkpoint condition that identifies the specific reading value.
  • One or many Checkpoints that identify the subsequent Checkpoints.

In the left pane, Checkpoint condition nodes are displayed in the context of the Checkpoint node representing the initial and subsequent Checkpoints. Specifically, the Checkpoint condition node appears below the Checkpoint representing the initial Checkpoint. Likewise, the Checkpoint node representing the subsequent Checkpoint appears below the Checkpoint condition node.

The following image shows how the Checkpoint and Checkpoint conditions will be linked to one another to define a condition.

A single Checkpoint condition can be linked as a successor to only one Checkpoint. A Checkpoint, however, can be linked to multiple successor Checkpoint conditions. Likewise, a Checkpoint condition can be linked to multiple successor Checkpoints.

Access a Checkpoint


  1. Access the Route containing the Checkpoint that you want to access.
  2. In the left pane, select a Checkpoint.
    The workspace for the selected Checkpoint appears, displaying the Identification section.

Create a Checkpoints Using a Blank Datasheet

Before You Begin


  1. Access the Route in which you want to create a Checkpoints.
  2. In the left pane, select the node that should appear preceding the new Checkpoints. If no nodes are present, proceed to step 3.
  3. In the upper-left corner of the pane, select , and then select New ML or New LR.
    A blank datasheet for the Checkpoints appears.
  4. As needed, enter values in the available fields for a New ML or available fields for a New LR.
  5. Optionally, in the Schedule section, define a schedule for the Checkpoints.
    Note: The Checkpoints schedule is required if the Route does not have a schedule.
  6. On the upper-right corner of the datasheet, select .

    The Checkpoints is created.

Create a Checkpoint from a Template


  1. Access the Route in which you want to create a Checkpoint.
  2. In the left pane, select the node that should appear preceding the first new Checkpoint. If there are no nodes present in the left pane, proceed to step 3.
  3. Select , and then select Checkpoint Template.
    The Add New Checkpoints window appears, displaying the Site Selection section.
  4. Select the Site: control, and then select the site associated with the Equipment and Functional Location to which you want to link the new Checkpoint.
    Note: If the Route has a site assigned (other than Global), you may only select Global or the same site selected for the Route. The Next control is inactive until you select a valid site.
  5. Select Next.
    The Asset Selection section appears.
  6. Optionally, using the second drop-down list box under Find Assets, select a family within which to search.
    Note: The selection list contains all the families that are predecessors to the Checkpoint family through the Has Checkpoint relationship.
  7. In the text box directly under Find Assets, enter a search term, and then select .
    The search returns assets assigned to the site selected in the Site Selection section and whose Record ID field contains the search term.
  8. In the search results, select next to each Equipment or Functional Location for which you are adding a new Checkpoint(s).
    • The Equipment or Functional Location related to the node selected in Step 2 is selected by default. You can select next to the Equipment or Functional Location to remove it if necessary.
    • You can add assets from multiple families by repeating the search.
  9. Select Next.
    The ML /LR Template Selection section appears.
  10. Optionally, using the second drop-down list box under Find Templates, select a family within which to search for a template or template group.
  11. In the text box directly under Find Templates, enter a search term, and then select .
    The search returns the relevant Checkpoint Templates or Template Groups.
  12. In the search results, select next to each Template or Template Group that you want to use to create new Checkpoints.
    Note: You can repeat the search to add multiple Templates and Template Groups in the same transaction.
  13. Select Finish.

    The Apply Template Response window appears, displaying a list of the newly created Checkpoints that were added to the Route or a list of any errors that occurred.

Add an Existing Checkpoint to a Route

Before You Begin


  1. Access the Route to which you want to add a Checkpoint.
  2. In the left pane, select the node below which you want the new Checkpoint node to appear. If there are no nodes present in the left pane, proceed to step 3.
  3. Select , and then select Existing ML / LR.
    The Existing ML / LR window appears.
  4. If you want to find specific Checkpoints to add, select .
  5. In each row containing a Checkpoint that you want to add to the Route, select the check box.
  6. Select Add.
    The selected Checkpoints are linked to the Route, and nodes are added to the left pane.

Manually Assign a Scan ID to a Measurement Location


  1. Access the Route that contains the related Measurement Location to which you want to assign a Scan ID.
    Tip: If you know the ID of the Measurement Location whose Scan ID you want to modify, you can also access it by performing a global search.
  2. On the datasheet, in the Scan ID box, enter the Scan ID.
  3. In the upper-right corner of the datasheet, select .
    The Scan ID is assigned to the Measurement Location.


  • After assigning the Scan ID, when you collect data, if you scan the ML, the ML record will open automatically.

Modify a Checkpoint


  1. Access the Checkpoint that you want to modify.
  2. As needed, modify the Checkpoint.
  3. When you have finished making changes, select .
    The Checkpoint is saved.

Use the Node Pin Board

About This Task

Important: The drag-and-drop method to reorder nodes within a Route is not available on touch screen devices.


  1. Access the Route in which you want to access the Node Pin Board pane.
  2. On the upper-right corner of the Route Management page, select .
    The Node Pin Board pane appears.
  3. To move a Checkpoint condition or a Checkpoint to the Node Pin Board, drag the node from the left pane to the Node Pin Board pane.
    Note: You cannot move Assets to the Node Pin Board. However, if you remove an Equipment or Functional Location from the route, all the Checkpoints that are part of that asset group will be moved to the Node Pin Board.
  4. To move items from the Node Pin Board back to the left pane, select the check box next to the each item that you want to move, and then drag the items to the location where you want them to appear in the Route.
  5. To return pinned items to their original locations in the Route, select the check box next to the each item that you want to unpin, and then select Unpin.
  6. To remove pinned items from the Route, select the check box next to the each item that you want to remove, and then select Delete.
    Important: If you delete conditions from the Node Pin Board, they are deleted from the database. When you delete Checkpoints from the Node Pin Board they will remain in the database, and will be unlinked from the route.

Add a Condition to a Route for a Character Measurement Location

About This Task

This topic describes how to create a Checkpoint condition and add it to a Route in one of two ways:

  • As a successor to a Measurement Location whose ML Type value is character
  • As a predecessor to a Measurement Location


  1. Access the Route in which you want to add a Checkpoint condition.
  2. In the left pane, select either:
    • The Measurement Location node reading value that should trigger conditional Measurement Locations to appear.
    • The Checkpoint condition node that is linked to the Measurement Location and below which you want a new Checkpoint condition node to appear.
  3. In the left pane, select , and then select Condition.

    A new Checkpoint condition is created, and appears below the selected Measurement Location node.

  4. In the Select Value list, select the reading value that, when combined with the value in the Select Relation box, will trigger the conditional Checkpoint to appear.
  5. In the upper-right corner of the datasheet, select .
    The Checkpoint condition is saved. The Checkpoint condition node displays part of the final condition statement.
  6. In the left pane, select , and then:

    The Measurement Location is added to the Route, and a Measurement Location node appears below the predecessor Checkpoint condition.

  7. As needed, enter or modify the values in the available fields.
  8. On the upper-right corner of the datasheet, select .

    The Measurement Location is saved. The condition statement is complete.

Add a Condition to a Route for a Numeric Measurement Location

About This Task

This topic describes how to create a Checkpoint condition and add it to a Route:

  • As a successor to a Measurement Location whose ML Type value is numeric.
  • As a predecessor to a Measurement Location.


  1. Access the Route in which you want to add a Checkpoint condition.
  2. In the left pane, select:
    • The Measurement Location whose reading value that should trigger conditional Measurement Locations to appear.
    • The Checkpoint condition node that is linked to the Measurement Location and below which you want a new Checkpoint condition node to appear.
  3. In the left pane, select , and then select Condition.
    A new Checkpoint condition is created and appears below the predecessor Measurement Location in the Route pane.
  4. In the Select Relation list, select the desired comparator (that is, <, <=,=, >=, or >).
  5. In the Select Value box, enter the numeric value representing the reading value that, when combined with the value in the Select Relation box, will trigger the conditional Checkpoint to appear.
  6. On the upper-right corner of the datasheet, select .

    The Checkpoint condition is saved.

  7. In the left pane, select .

    The Measurement Location is added to the Route, and a Measurement Location node appears below the predecessor Checkpoint condition.

  8. As needed, enter or modify Measurement Location values in the available fields.
  9. On the upper-right corner of the datasheet, select .
    The Measurement Location is saved. The condition statement is complete.

Add a Condition to a Route for a Lubrication Requirement

About This Task

This topic describes how to create a Checkpoint condition and add it to a Route:

  • As a successor to a Lubrication Requirement for all types of Lubrication Requirements.
  • As a predecessor to a Lubrication Requirement.


  1. Access the Route.
  2. In the left pane, select:
    • The Lubrication Requirement node for which the reading value triggers the conditional Lubrication Requirements to appear.
    • The Checkpoint condition node that is linked to the Lubrication Requirement and below which you want a new Checkpoint condition node to appear.
  3. In the left pane, select , and then select Condition.

    A new Checkpoint condition is created, and appears below the selected Lubrication Requirement or Checkpoint condition node.

  4. In the Select Value box, select the reading value that, when combined with the value in the Select Relation box, will trigger the conditional Checkpoint to appear.
  5. On the upper-right corner of the datasheet, select .

    The Checkpoint condition is saved. The Checkpoint condition node displays part of the final condition statement.

  6. In the left pane, select .

    The Lubrication Requirement is added to the Route, and a Lubrication Requirement node appears below the predecessor Checkpoint condition.

  7. As needed, enter or modify the values in the available fields.
  8. On the upper-right corner of the datasheet, select .

    The Lubrication Requirement is saved. The condition statement is complete.

Add an Image to a Checkpoint

About This Task

This topic describes how to add an image to a Checkpoint that will appear when you access the Checkpoint in Rounds Data Collection.

Note: The image must be a compressed file type (for example, .png or .jpg), and the size of the image file must not exceed 100 KB.


  1. Access the Route containing the Checkpoint to which you want to add an image.
  2. In the left pane, select the Checkpoint.
    The datasheet for the Checkpoint appears.
  3. In the datasheet, in the Checkpoint Image box, select .

    The Select Reference Document window appears, displaying reference documents that are one of the following file types:

    • .png
    • .jpg
    • application/octet-stream
  4. If you have already uploaded the image that you want to display, skip to step 10. If you have not previously uploaded the image that you want to display, select Upload Image.
    The Add Reference Document window appears.
  5. In the ID box, enter an ID for the reference document.
    Note: The ID is what appears to the device user in the Select Reference Document window.
    Tip: You should limit the length of the ID to optimize display on the mobile device.
  6. In the Description box, enter a description of the reference document.
  7. In the Document Path box, select .

    The Edit Document Path window appears.

  8. Select the desired document or provide a path to it, and then select Save.

    The Document Path box is populated with the path to the selected file.

  9. Select .

    The new Reference Document record is linked to the selected Checkpoint record, and a preview of the image appears in the Select Reference Document window.

  10. In the Select Reference Document window, select the button next to the image that you want to display, and then select Select.

    The image file is added to the datasheet for the Checkpoint.

  11. In the upper-right corner of the datasheet, select .


  • The Checkpoint is saved.
  • The specified image appears in the workspace for the Checkpoint in Rounds Data Collection.

    Tip: In Rounds Data Collection, you can select the image to display it in full screen.

A Checkpoint with an Image in Rounds Data Collection


Suppose that you have a Route containing a Checkpoint to inspect flanges on a pipe. You can add an image of the flanges to that Checkpoint in Rounds Designer so that it can be easily referenced while collecting readings in Rounds Data Collection, as shown in the following image.

Configure Alerts

Before You Begin

If you are configuring alerts for a Checkpoint with a character ML Type, ensure that allowable values are defined for that Checkpoint.

About This Task

If you want device users to receive alerts on a device when they record reading values that meet certain criteria, you can define the criteria in the Limit Values section of the Checkpoint datasheet. You can configure alerts for either character readings or for numeric readings, depending on the value stored in the ML Type field of the Measurement Location.

Note: If you create Readings in the Record Manager or Route Management, alerts will not be displayed for the reading value.


  1. Access the Checkpoint for which you want to configure alerts.
  2. Select the Limit Values tab.
    The Limit Values section appears, displaying the upper and lower level limit values. Depending on whether the Checkpoint type is numeric or character, either the Numeric column or the Character column is enabled.
  3. In the enabled column, enter or select values in any of the following boxes:
    Limit TypeDescription
    Upper Level 3Indicates a severe upper threshold for readings. When a user enters a reading at this level while collecting data, a red warning message is displayed.
    Upper Level 2Indicates an upper threshold for readings. When a user enters a reading at this level while collecting data, a red warning message is displayed.
    Upper Level 1Indicates an upper threshold for readings. When a user enters a reading at this level while collecting data, a caution message is displayed.
    Lower Level 1Indicates a lower threshold for readings. When a user enters a reading at this level while collecting data, a caution message is displayed.
    Lower Level 2Indicates a lower threshold for readings. When a user enters a reading at this level while collecting data, a red warning message is displayed.
    Lower Level 3Indicates a severe lower threshold for readings. When a user enters a reading at this level while collecting data, a red warning message is displayed.
    Note: If the Checkpoint type is numeric and you have not defined allowable values for the Checkpoint, you can enter limit values in the box that displays the following text: add caption.
  4. In the Message box, enter the message that you want to display when a user enters a limit value while collecting data.
  5. When you have finished making changes, select .


In Rounds Data Collection, when a user enters one of the defined limit values, an alert appears, containing the message that you entered in the Message box.