Bulk Data Form

About the Bulk Data Form

The Bulk Data Form lets you view the details of multiple records which belong to the same family. This can be useful if you want to compare data for multiple entities without having to switch between records and remember the information in each record.

You can open the Bulk Data Form from the Related Families section in the Record Manager to display all the records in the selected entity family which are linked to the record you initially opened in Record Manager (that is the root record) through a single relationship family.

Using the Bulk Data Form, you can add new records, modify existing records, delete records, and unlink existing records. You can also search, filter, and sort the list of records.

To create, modify, unlink, or delete records in the Bulk Data Form, you must have the necessary privileges to create, update, or delete the relevant entity and relationship families.

The Bulk Data Form is used to display the list of related records in a master/detail datasheet.

Note: If a master/detail datasheet is designated as the default datasheet for a family, at least one non-custom form datasheet must exist for a family before that family can be opened in the Bulk Data Form. If a master/detail datasheet is specified as the default datasheet for a family and you try to open that family in the Bulk Data Form, the Bulk Data Form will display the family using the first non-custom form that appears after the default datasheet in that family's list of datasheets.

You can also open the Bulk Data Form from Global Search, Advanced Search, or using the bulk data form URL, to display any records belonging to the same family. In these cases, you can create new records that are linked to a root record, modify existing records, or delete records from the database.

About Freezing and Unfreezing Columns on the Bulk Data Form

When you view records in the Bulk Data Form, more columns may be available than the number of columns that can be displayed on one screen. In this case, you will need to scroll to the right to view all the columns. In some cases, the first column or the first few columns in the grid may contain information that you need to reference while you view information that appears in subsequent columns. In this case, you can freeze the columns that should remain visible as you are scrolling. When you freeze a column, that column and any column that appears to the left of it will remain in their current positions on the screen, even as you scroll through subsequent columns that appear to the right of the frozen column(s).

After a column or set of columns is frozen, if you want to freeze different columns, you will need select the columns to freeze. You can freeze a maximum of four columns on the Bulk Data Form page. Also, if you change the page setting to view a different page for the records, any columns that were frozen will be unfrozen automatically. Additionally, after you navigate away from the Bulk Data Form, the next time that you view records in that family in the Bulk Data Form, the settings for the column are saved as a user preference for the user, and will be frozen the next time the user accesses the form.

Access the Bulk Data Form from Record Manager


  1. Access Record Manager.
  2. In the Record Explorer pane, in the Related Families section, select a family to expand its contents.
  3. Select , and then select Manage All Related Records.

    If there is more than one possible relationship family between the related records and the first record you opened, the Select Link Family window is displayed.

  4. Select the relationship for which you want to display the related records.
  5. Select Select Link Family.

    All records from the selected link family are related to the record you initially opened appear on the Bulk Data Form.

Freeze and Unfreeze Columns on the Bulk Data Form


  1. Access the Bulk Data Form page.
  2. On the Bulk Data Form page, in the grid, select the column that you want to freeze.
  3. On the upper-right corner of the page, select , and then select Freeze Column.

    The column is frozen, and the scroll bar moves from that column to the next column.

    Note: You can freeze a maximum of four columns in the Bulk Data Form. However, you will not be able to select and freeze the Site column.
  4. To unfreeze a frozen column, select the column that you want to unfreeze, and then select .
  5. Select Unfreeze Column.
    Note: You will not be able to select and unfreeze the Site column.

    The column is now unfrozen.

Choose Columns on the Bulk Data Form


  1. Access the Bulk Data Form.
  2. On the upper-right corner, select .

    The list of available columns appears.

  3. Depending on the columns that you want in the Bulk Data Form datasheet, select or clear the check boxes next to the column names.
  4. Select outside the list of available columns to apply the selection.

    The columns now appear as selected in the datasheet. The settings are saved as a user preference for the user.

Reorder Columns on the Bulk Data Form


  1. Access the Bulk Data Form.
  2. Point to the heading of the column you want to reorder.
  3. Drag the column header to the desired location.
    Tip: A vertical line appears between the columns, where the selected column will be moved when the pointer is in a valid drop location.
    The columns are reordered. The column order settings are saved as a user preference.

Modify an Existing Record on the Bulk Data Form


  1. Access the Bulk Data Form.
  2. As needed, enter values directly into the cells for the record that you want to modify.
    Tip: You can use the Tab key after entering a value to move to the next cell. You can use the Tab key +Shift key to move back.
  3. Select .

    The changes are saved.

Add Reference Documents to a Record on the Bulk Data Form


  1. Access the Bulk Data Form page.
  2. On the Bulk Data Form datasheet, in the grid, select the checkbox next to the record for which you want to add the reference document.
    Note: You can add a reference document to one record at a time.
  3. Select , and then select Reference Documents.

    The Reference Documents window appears.

  4. Select .

    The Add Reference Document datasheet appears.

  5. As needed, enter the values for ID and Description.
  6. In the Document Path field, select .

    The Edit Document Path window appears.

    Note: You can either upload a file from the local network by selecting , and navigating to the path of the file or you can link to an external network file.
  7. Select Save.
  8. In the Edit Reference Document window, select .
  9. In the Reference Document window, select Close.

    The Reference Document is added to the selected record on the Bulk Data Form.

Copy a Record on the Bulk Data Form


  1. Access the Bulk Data Form page.
  2. On the Bulk Data Form datasheet, in the grid, select the check box beside the record which you want to copy.
  3. On the upper-right corner of the page, select , and then select Copy.
  4. On the upper right corner of the page, select , and then select Paste.

    A copy of the record appears at the bottom of the list.

  5. Select .

    The copied record is saved and linked to the root record.

Delete Records on the Bulk Data Form


  1. Access the Bulk Data Form page.
  2. On the Bulk Data Form page, in the grid, select the check box beside one or more records which you want to delete.
  3. On the upper-right corner of the page, select , and then select Delete.

    The Alert dialog box appears, asking you to confirm that you want to delete the record.

  4. Select Yes.

    The selected records are deleted from the database.