Risk Based Inspection 581 Deployment

Deploy RBI for the First Time

The following table outlines the steps that you must complete to deploy and configure this module for the first time. These instructions assume that you have completed the steps for deploying the basic system architecture.

These tasks may be completed by multiple people in your organization. GE Vernova recommends, however, that the tasks be completed in the order in which they are listed.

1Review and complete the steps required for deploying R Scripts. This step is required. This will install R Scripts and other third-party software that is used by the RBI 581 module.
2Review the RBI data model to determine which relationship definitions you will need to modify to include your custom equipment and location families. Via Configuration Manager, modify the relationship definitions as needed.This step is required only if you store equipment and location information in families other than the baseline Equipment and Functional Location families.
3 Assign Security Users to one or more of the Security Roles used in RBI.This step is required.
4 Add the following types of RBI 581 users to at least one TM Security Group:
  • Users who are responsible for completing the steps necessary to use TM Analysis values to calculate RBI 581 corrosion rates.
  • Users who should be able to navigate to TM via RBI 581.
This step is required only if you are using the integration between the RBI 581 and Thickness Monitoring modules
5 Select the Is a Unit? check box in Functional Location records that represent units in your facility.This step is required, and marks Functional Location records as Process Units.
6 Using the Belongs to a Unit relationship, link Equipment records to Functional Location records representing units to which that equipment belongs (i.e., the Is a Unit? check box is selected).This step is optional.
7 Add the RBI-581 tab to the datasheet of the following families:
  • Criticality RBI Component - Cylindrical Shell
  • Criticality RBI Component - Exchanger Bundle
  • Criticality RBI Component - Exchanger Header
  • Criticality RBI Component - Exchanger Tube
  • Criticality RBI Component - Piping
  • Criticality RBI Component - Tank Bottom
This step is required only for families for which you have customized the datasheet.
8Using Configuration Management, import the following files located in the C:\Meridium\DbUpg\MI_DB_MASTER_4030000\4030000\20_IEU\50_Other\2_RecordsLinks folder:
  • 06_MI_DATA_GRP.xml
  • 07_MI_MPPG_QRY.xml
  • 08_MI_CLMND_PR.xml
This step is required only if you are deploying RBI 581 on an existing database. This will create data mappings between families in RBI 581.
Important: These data mapping records are used in RBI 581 and Risk Based Inspection. After you complete this step, all existing changes to data mapping in the RBI 581 and Risk Based Inspection will be reverted to baseline. All customization for data mappings will be lost. Do not perform this step unless your organization will be satisfied with the baseline data mappings, or you are prepared to customize the records again following the execution of the script.
9Using Configuration Manager, import the following files located in the C:\Meridium\DbUpg\MI_DB_MASTER_4030000\4030000\20_IEU\50_Other\2_RecordsLinks folder:
  • 101_MI_STMPCNFG.xml
  • 102_MI_STRMAPP.xml
This step is required. This will update the RBI Strategy Mapping Composite entities, overwriting the existing ones.
10Update Risk Matrix Mappings and Policies to account for overridden financial consequence for RBI 581 Risk Analyses.The Operations Category on the Risk Matrix does not account for overridden financial consequence for RBI 581 Risk Analyses. If you are using this feature, you are required to update your Risk Matrix Mappings and Policies by following Article 000035710.
11Using Configuration Manager, import the MI_REPFLUID_581.xml file located in the C:\Meridium\DbUpg\MI_DB_MASTER_4030000\4030000\_IEU_ManualImports folder.This step is required to import the Representative Fluids that are used in RBI 581.

If you want to use only RBI 581 (i.e., you do not want to use RBI 580), you must delete the existing content, and then import this file. This will remove all the information related to the RBI 580 representative fluids.

If you want to verify that the file has been imported successfully, run the following query:


This will return a list of 30 records.

If you want to use both RBI 580 and RBI 581, import these files without deleting the existing content. In this case, the aforementioned query returns a list of 111 records.

12Using Configuration Manager, import the MI_CMT_FLE0.xml file located in the C:\Meridium\DbUpg\MI_DB_MASTER_4030000\4030000\_IEU_ManualImports folder.This step is required to import the Component Damage Flammable records.

If you want to use only RBI 581 (i.e., you do not want to use RBI 580), you must delete the existing content, and then import this file. This will remove all the information related to the RBI 580 Component Damage Flammable records. This will ensure that the content in this table is as per API 3rd Edition table 4.8.

If you want to verify that the file has been imported successfully, run the following query:


This will return a list of 64 records. If you want to use both RBI 580 and RBI 581, import these files without deleting the existing content.

13Add RBI Component Types to the MI RBI COMPONENT TYPES system code table.This step is required only if you want to use additional RBI Component type records that are not provided in the baseline APM database.
14Using Configuration Manager, import the MI_FLD_VSCY_581.xml file located in the C:\Meridium\DbUpg\MI_DB_MASTER_4030000\4030000\_IEU_ManualImports folder.This step is required to import the Fluid Viscosity records.

If you want to use only RBI 581 (i.e., you do not want to use RBI 580), you must delete the existing content, and then import this file. This will remove all the information related to the RBI 580 Fluid Viscosity tables. This will ensure that the content in this table is as per API 3rd Edition table 6.1.

If you want to verify that the file has been imported successfully, run the following query:


This will return a list of 5 records. If you want to use both RBI 580 and RBI 581, import these files without deleting the existing content. In this case, the aforementioned query returns a list of 10 records.

15Using Configuration Manager, import the MI_PRL_CNS0.xml file located in the C:\Meridium\DbUpg\MI_DB_MASTER_4030000\4030000\_IEU_ManualImports folder.This step is required to import the Personal Injury Flammable CE Constants records.

If you want to use only RBI 581 (i.e., you do not want to use RBI 580), you must delete the existing content, and then import this file. This will remove all the information related to the RBI 580 Fluid Viscosity records. This will ensure that the content in this table is as per API 3rd Edition table 4.9.

If you want to verify that the file has been imported successfully, run the following query:


This will return a list of 62 records. If you want to use both RBI 580 and RBI 581, import these files without deleting the existing content. In this case, the aforementioned query returns a list of 62 records.

16On the APM Server, restart Redis.This step is required, and has to be performed after you complete all the previous steps.
17On the APM Server, reset IIS.This step is required, and has to be performed after you complete all the previous steps.
18Configure Risk Based Inspection ActiveMQ settings for MIExecution Service.This step is optional. You can perform this step if you want to modify the default retries or concurrency settings.
19Ensure that the Meridium MIExecution Service is installed and running.If the basic APM system architecture is already installed, the Meridium MIExecution Service is automatically installed, and the service runs automatically.

Add the RBI-581 Tab to Criticality RBI Component Datasheets

Before You Begin

Note: You must repeat this procedure for each Criticality RBI Component datasheet that you have customized.

If you have customized the datasheet for one or more of the Criticality RBI Components, after activating the RBI 581 license, you must perform the following procedure to add the RBI-581 section to those customized datasheets. The following table indicates the fields that must appear on each datasheet.

CaptionField IDCriticality RBI Component - Cylindrical ShellCriticality RBI Component - Exchanger BundleCriticality RBI Component - Exchanger HeaderCriticality RBI Component - Exchanger TubeCriticality RBI Component - PipingCriticality RBI Component - Tank Bottom
Base MaterialBase MaterialMI_CCRBICOM_BASE_MATER_C
Has Release Prevention Barrier?MI_CCRBICTB_HAS_RELEA_PREVE_F
Minimum Structural ThicknessMI_CCRBICOM_MNMM_STRCTRL_THS_N
Percent Liquid VolumeMI_RBICOMPO_PER_LIQ_VOL_N


  1. Access the Family Management page.
  2. In the left section, select the Criticality RBI Component whose datasheet you want to modify.
    In the workspace, the corresponding Criticality RBI Component family appears, displaying the Information section.
  3. In the workspace, select the Datasheets tab, and then select Manage Datasheets.
    The Datasheet Builder page appears, displaying the datasheet layout of the selected Criticality RBI Component family.
  4. In the upper-right corner of the page, select
    A new section tab appears at the top of the workspace, displaying a blank section.
  5. On the new tab, rename new section to RBI-581.
  6. In the RBI-581 section, select .
  7. In the right column, in the top cell, enter Value(s).
  8. In the left pane, locate a field that corresponds to the table at the beginning of this topic, and then add that field into the empty cell in the Value(s) column using the drag-and-drop method.
    In the cell, an input box that corresponds to the selected field appears.
  9. In the left column, enter the caption that corresponds to the field. For example, if you added the Coefficient Y Material field to the Value(s) column, then enter Coefficient Y Material in the corresponding cell in the left column.
  10. In the upper-right corner of the page, select .
    In the RBI-581 section, in the table, a new row appears.
  11. Repeat steps 8 to 10 for each of the fields specified in the table at the beginning of this topic.
  12. In the upper-right corner of the page, select Save.
    The datasheet for the Criticality RBI Component that you selected in step 2 is saved, and the RBI-581 tab appears on the selected Criticality RBI Component datasheet.

Add RBI Component Types


  1. Log in to APM as an administrator.
  2. Go to Admin > Configuration Manager > System Codes and Tables.
  4. In the System Code section, select .
    The Create System Code window appears.
  5. Add the RBI Component Types to the system code table.
  6. Select Save.
  7. Log out of APM and log in.
  8. To add existing RBI Component Types to the MI RBI COMPONENT TYPES system code table, perform the following steps:
    1. Select , and enter EquipmentTypes.
      A blank EquipmentTypes datasheet appears.
    2. In the CriticalityItemType box, select the existing RBI Component Type that you have added.
    3. Enter values in the required boxes, and then select to save the record.

Configure Risk Based Inspection ActiveMQ settings for MIExecution Service

The MIExecution Service, on each APM Server serves RBI, Inspection and Thickness Monitoring module queues. This service is configured to use a single shared ActiveMQ queue service across APM. Available queue configuration options include retries and concurrency limit.


  1. On the APM Server, access the folder that contains the MIExecution Service files.
    Note: If you have installed APM in the default location, you can locate the folder in C:\Program Files\Meridium\ApplicationServer\mi-execution
  2. Access the appsettings.json file in an application that can be used to modify JSON files (for example, Notepad++).
  3. In the file, locate the following text:
    "Queue_Config": {
    	    "Queues": [
    	        "Name": "MI_RBI_Queue", 
    	        "ConcurrencyLimit": 100,
    	        "Retries": 5,
                   "LimitPerTenantRequired": true
    Note: ConcurrencyLimit indicates the maximum number of messages that will be consumed concurrently. Retries indicates the number of times it retries to send the messages to ActiveMQ if it fails. LimitPerTenantRequired indicates whether Maximum Concurrency limit per Tenant is specified in scheduler service for the queue.
  4. Update the key values as desired.
  5. Save and close the file.
    The updated settings will be applied when the MIExecution Service is stopped and restarted.