Configuration Files
Working with Configuration Files
Like other APM Services on the App Server, most of the configuration should be done through appsettings.Global.json to ensure that all the services share a common configuration.
In this release, the only exception is Logging, which is best configured via the appsettings.json file in C:\Program Files\Meridium\OTConnect\Conductor.
As Adapters are typically installed on an OT Connect Process Data Server without other APM services, they do not require the appsettings.Global.json file. However, if that file is present, any settings in it will be used by all installed Adapters by default.
Typically all the settings will be configured within C:\Program Files\Meridium\OTConnect\Adapter\<SourceName>, including Logging.
An OT Connect Adapter Service needs to connect to ActiveMQ and Redis, and identify itself to APM:
Field | Description | Default | Example | Required? |
TenantId | Datasource Id | - | V4040000_QA | Yes |
OtSource.Name | Name of the Source; must be unique across the tenant and exactly match the OT Source Name configured in APM. | - | Source T1002 | Yes |
OtSource.FolderFilters | List of folders on the Historian that should not be searched for tags. | - | %OSI | No |
OtSource.HDAReadingsDateRangeInDays | Number of days that the Historian should go back in time to gather readings. | 1461 | 900 | No |
OtSource.ReadingAccessType | Indicates how the adapter should get reading data from the Historian, using aggregates or raw data. | Aggregate | Raw | No |
OtSource.AggregationType | Aggregation that should be used (for example, Average, Minimum, Maximum, Last). | Last | Average | No |
OtSource.MaxReadingRawValues | Number of readings that should be considered when calculating the aggregate for raw readings. | 10000 | 10 | No |
Field | Description | Default | Example | Required? |
ActiveMqHost | IP or hostname of ActiveMQ broker | - | Myappserver | Yes |
ActiveMqPort | Port the ActiveMQ broker is listening on | - | 61616 | Yes |
Username | Username for ActiveMQ | - | Admin | Yes |
Password | Password for ActiveMQ user | - | P@55w0rd | Yes |
FailoverHosts | Array of ActiveMqHosts to use for failover in a clustered environment | - | [“myappserver1”, “myappserver2”] | No |
MqSslSettings.UseSsl | Use SSL to secure the connection to ActiveMQ | false | true | No |
Field | Description | Default | Example | Required? |
Host | IP or hostname of the Redis server | localhost | myappserver | Yes |
Port | Port the Redis server is listening on | 6379 | 6379 | No |
Password | Password for Redis | - | P@55w0rd | No |
ConnectionTimeout | Timeout when opening a connection | 3000 | 3000 | No |
SyncTimeout[WS1] | Timeout for Redis operations- when working with large data, it’s recommended to increase this value | 500 | 15000 | No |
Ssl | Use SSL to secure the connection to Redis | false | true | No |
"Adapter": {
"TenantId": "V4040000_QA",
"OtSource": {
"Name": "Source T1002",
"HDAReadingsDateRangeInDays": 900,
"ReadingAccessType": "Raw",
"AggregationType": "Average",
"MaxReadingRawValues": 10,
"FolderFilters": [
"MessageBus": {
"QueueOptions": {
"ActiveMqHost": "App Server hostname or IP",
"ActiveMqPort": 61616,
"Username": "admin",
"Password": "admin"
"CacheOptions": {
"Host": "App Server hostname or IP",
"SyncTimeout": 15000