OT Connect Workflow
A1 - Define connection to OT Source
Persona: Solution Administrator
Define OT Source connection endpoint. Standard OT Source interfaces offer connection to field device systems, such as condition monitoring devices, instrumentation, process historians, and so on.
A2 - Define Data Acquisition Parameters of OT Source
Persona: Solution Administrator
Define parameters for the acquisition of data from the OT Source in APM. These parameters can include data polling frequency (that is, how often data will be acquired and aggregated for evaluation), filtering (for example, severity and type of data), and so on.
A3 - Test connection to OT Source
Persona: Solution Administrator
After the data acquisition parameters are defined, test the connection to ensure that the OT Source is communicating with APM.
A4 - Synchronize Source Tag Metadata from OT Source
Persona: Solution Administrator
An initial data synchronization is conducted that creates records representing Tags in APM. A Source Tag can represent a time series of data for a single monitored parameter, a summarized or calculated result, or a stream of events. Tags are kept in synchronization with changes in the field data systems. If a Tag used in APM is removed from the source system, the deleted Tag will be flagged as deleted. The Tag will not display in the user interface, but will remain in the APM database.
A5 - Preview Source Tag Data
Persona: Solution Administrator
Interrogate synchronized Tags from APM to confirm data delivery and coherence.
A6 - Link Source Tag to APM Content
Persona: Solution Administrator
Relate Tags to APM content (Health Indicators, Policy Instances, and so on) and Assets (Equipment and Functional Locations) to provide the correct context for data analysis. This can establish a subscription to retrieve data automatically, if the content requires it and the OT Source supports subscriptions.
Monitored data is used in Asset Health Management, Policies, and Production Loss Accounting processes. For more information, refer to the relevant workflows.