General Reference

eLog Data Model

The following diagram shows the relationships between the families used in eLog.

Note: In the diagram:
  • Boxes represent entity families.
  • Arrows that are labeled represent relationship families that are configured in the baseline database.
  • Arrows that are not labeled represent foreign key relationships.
  • Arrows that are dotted represent a relationship between a family and its subfamily.
You can determine the direction of each relationship from the direction of the arrow head: the box from which the arrow originates is the predecessor, and the box to which the arrow head points is the successor.

eLog Security Groups

The following table lists the baseline Security Groups available for users within this module, as well as the baseline Roles to which those Security Groups are assigned.

Important: Assigning a Security User to a Role grants that user the privileges associated with all of the Security Groups that are assigned to that Role. To avoid granting a Security User unintended privileges, before assigning a Security User to a Role, be sure to review all of the privileges associated with the Security Groups assigned to that Role. Also, be aware that additional Roles, as well as Security Groups assigned to existing Roles, can be added via Security Manager.
Security GroupRoles
MI eLog Viewer

Log Viewer

MI APM Viewer

MI eLog Contributor

Log Contributor

MI Health User

MI eLog Administrator

Log Administrator

MI Health Admin

MI Health Power

The baseline family-level privileges that exist for these Security Groups are summarized in the following table.

FamilyMI eLog ViewerMI eLog ContributorMI eLog Administrator
Entity Families
Data Entry Form DefinitionViewViewView, Insert, Update, Delete
Data Entry Form FieldViewViewView, Insert, Update, Delete
eLog AssignmentViewView, Insert, UpdateView, Insert, Update, Delete
eLog Assignment AnswerViewView, Insert, UpdateView, Insert, Update, Delete
eLog EntryViewView, Insert, UpdateView, Insert, Update, Delete
eLog Entry CommentViewView, Insert, UpdateView, Insert, Update, Delete
eLog Entry Type ColorViewViewView, Insert, Update, Delete
eLog LoginViewView, Insert, UpdateView, Insert, Update, Delete
eLog Role ConfigurationViewViewView, Insert, Update, Delete
eLog TemplateViewViewView, Insert, Update, Delete
ShiftViewViewView, Insert, Update, Delete
Relationship Families
eLog Assignment Has Assignment AnswersViewView, Insert, UpdateView, Insert, Update, Delete
eLog Entry Has Causing AssetViewView, Insert, UpdateView, Insert, Update, Delete
eLog Has Primary EventsViewView, Insert, UpdateView, Insert, Update, Delete
eLog Template Has Data Entry FormViewViewView, Insert, Update, Delete
eLog Template has eLog AssignmentsViewView, Insert, UpdateView, Insert, Update, Delete
eLog Template Has ShiftsViewViewView, Insert, Update, Delete

eLog URLs

The URL route that is associated with eLog is elog. The following table describes the various paths that build on the route, and the elements that you can specify for each path.

Tip: For more information, refer to the URLs section of the documentation.
ElementDescriptionAccepted Value(s)Notes
elog/dashboard/0: Displays the eLog Overview page.
elog/dashboard/shift-summary/<EntityKey>/assignments: Displays the My Assignments workspace in the Shift Summary page.
<EntityKey>Represents the Entity Key of the Shift that is associated with the assignments that you want to access.Numeric Entity Key that corresponds to a Shift.You must be signed in to the Shift to access this URL.
elog/dashboard/shift-summary/<EntityKey>/shift-logs/0: Displays the Shift Log workspace in the Shift Summary page.
<EntityKey>Represents the Entity Key of the Shift that is associated with the log entries that you want to access.Numeric Entity Key that corresponds to a Shift.None.
elog/dashboard/shift-summary/<EntityKey1>/shift-logs/<EntityKey2>: Displays the log entry in the Shift Log workspace in the Shift Summary page.
<EntityKey1>Represents the Entity Key of the Shift that is associated with the log entry that you want to access.Numeric Entity Key that corresponds to a Shift.None.
<EntityKey2>Represents the Entity Key of the log entry that you want to access.Numeric Entity Key that corresponds to a log entry.None.
elog/dashboard/shift-summary/<EntityKey>/sign-in-out/0: Displays the Shift Sign-In/Out Log workspace in the Shift Summary page.
<EntityKey>Represents the Entity Key of the Shift that is associated with the sign-in and sign-out logs that you want to access.Numeric Entity Key that corresponds to a Shift.None.
elog/dashboard/shift-summary/<EntityKey1>/sign-in-out/<EntityKey2>: Displays the sign-in and sign-out log in the Shift Sign-In/Out Log workspace in the Shift Summary page.
<EntityKey1>Represents the Entity Key of the Shift that is associated with the sign-in and sign-out log that you want to access.Numeric Entity Key that corresponds to a Shift.None.
<EntityKey2>Represents the Entity Key of the sign-in and sign-out log that you want to access.Numeric Entity Key that corresponds to a sign-in and sign-out log.None.
elog/admin/shifts: Displays the Shifts workspace in the eLog Administrator page.
elog/admin/data-entry-forms: Displays the Data Entry Forms workspace in the eLog Administrator page.
elog/admin/data-entry-forms/<EntityKey>: Displays the data entry form.
<EntityKey>Represents the Entity Key of the data entry form that you want to access.Numeric Entity Key that corresponds to a data entry form.None.
elog/admin/templates: Displays the Templates workspace in the eLog Administrator page.
elog/admin/templates/<EntityKey>: Displays the Template.
<EntityKey>Represents the Entity Key of the Template that you want to access.Numeric Entity Key that corresponds to a Template.None.
elog/admin/eLogMapping: Displays the Log Entry Type workspace in the eLog Administrator page.
elog/admin/role-configuration: Displays the Role Configuration workspace in the eLog Administrator page.
elog/admin/role-configuration/<EntityKey>: Displays the Role Configuration record.
<EntityKey>Represents the Entity Key of the Role Configuration record that you want to access.Numeric Entity Key that corresponds to a Role Configuration record.None.


elog/dashboard/shift-summary/12345678912/assignmentsThe My Assignments workspace for the Shift whose Entity Key is 12345678912.
elog/dashboard/shift-summary/12345678912/shift-logs/0The Shift Log workspace for the Shift whose Entity Key is 12345678912.
elog/dashboard/shift-summary/12345678912/shift-logs/23456789123The Shift Log workspace for the Shift whose Entity Key is 12345678912, displaying the log entry whose Entity Key is 23456789123.
elog/dashboard/shift-summary/12345678912/sign-in-out/0The Shift Sign-In/Out Log workspace for the Shift whose Entity Key is 12345678912.
elog/dashboard/shift-summary/12345678912/sign-in-out/34567891234The Shift Sign-In/Out Log workspace for the Shift whose Entity Key is 12345678912, displaying the sign-in and sign-out log whose Entity Key is 34567891234.
elog/admin/data-entry-forms/45678912345Data entry form whose Entity Key is 45678912345.
elog/admin/templates/56789123456Template whose Entity Key is 56789123456.
elog/admin/role-configuration/67891234567The Role Configuration record whose Entity Key is 67891234567.

eLog System Code Tables

The following table provides a list of System Code Tables used by eLog.

Table IDTable DescriptionFunction
MI_ELOG_ENTRY_STATUSeLog StatusesPopulates the Status field in the eLog Entry record.
MI_ELOG_TEMPLATE_GEN_ONeLog Template Generating OptionsPopulates the Generated On field in the eLog Template record.
MI_ELOG_TEMPLATE_PRIORITYeLog Template PrioritiesPopulates the Priority field in the eLog Template record and the eLog Entry record.
MI_ELOG_TEMPLATE_TYPEeLog Template TypesPopulates the Type field in the eLog Template record.
MI_ELOGTYPE_COLOReLog Entry Type ColorsPopulates the Log Entry Type Color field in the eLog Entry Type Color record (that is, the log entry type record).
MI_FF_TYPEData Entry Form Field TypesPopulates the Type field in the Data Entry Form Field record.

eLog State Management

eLog uses the standard State Management functionality to manage assignments. The following baseline states are configured for records in the eLog Assignment family:
  • New: State of an assignment that has been completed.
  • Pending Review: State of an assignment that has been submitted for review or resubmitted for review. You cannot modify such an assignment.
  • Modified: State of an assignment that has been rejected. You can modify such an assignment.
  • Approved: State of an assignment that has been approved. You cannot modify such an assignment.
  • Only a user who is assigned to the following Security Roles can change the status of an assignment from New or Modified to Pending Review:
    • Log Administrator
    • Log Contributor
    • MI Health Admin
    • MI Health Power
    • MI Health User
  • Only a user who is assigned to the following Security Roles can change the state of an assignment from Pending Review to Approved or Modified:
    • Log Administrator
    • MI Health Admin
    • MI Health Power

The following diagram shows the workflow of the baseline eLog State Management process.