Inspection Strategies

Inspection Strategies

Inspection Strategy records are used in the following modules:

  • Risk Based Inspection: When you generate RBI Recommendations, Inspection Strategies are used to populate some of the fields in the Recommendation based on the following logic:
    1. The policy that is used to generate RBI Recommendations determines the applicable logic case ID.
    2. This ID is then used to determine the Inspection Strategy that should be used to populate the fields in the RBI Recommendation (such as Recommended Interval Scope, Recommended Inspection Interval, Recommended Inspection Confidence). For each logic case ID, an Inspection Strategy record exists in GE Digital APM.

    The following diagram illustrates how the values in some of the fields are used by a policy to determine the logic case ID for each scenario, and how the logic cases are mapped to Inspection Strategies.

  • Inspection Management: Inspection Strategies are used to populate some of the fields in an Inspection (such as Inspection Extent, Inspection Task Type). These values appear in an Inspection report.

The following topics provide information about Inspection Strategies that are used based on the component type and Degradation Mechanisms (DMs):

The following table provides the details of a logic case that are stored in each field in an Inspection Strategy record.

Logic Case DetailName of the Field in Inspection Strategy
Logic case IDInspection Strategy ID
Logic case descriptionInspection Strategy Description
Task type IDInspection Task Type
Recommended inspection scopeRecommended Inspection Scope
The extent of inspectionInspection Extent
Inspection confidenceInspection Confidence
Note: Since the RBI Recommendations generated for an RBI 581 Risk Analysis are non-recurring, the value in the Recommended Inspection Interval field in the Inspection Strategy is always 0.

About Inspection Strategies for Generating RBI Recommendations

GE Digital APM provides a set of baseline Inspection Strategies that are used to generate RBI Recommendations. In other words, RBI Recommendations that you create are populated automatically with values that are stored in the Inspection Strategies.

Before you can generate RBI Recommendations using Inspection Strategies, you must ensure that the Recommendation Creation Enabled check box is selected on the Global Preferences page.

GE Digital APM uses an RBI Strategy Mapping Configuration record to determine which policy should be used to find the Inspection Strategy. Specifically, an RBI Strategy Mapping Configuration identifies the Policy to use based on:

  • The value in the Criticality Item Type field in the source RBI 581 Risk Analysis.
  • The value in the RBI Analysis Family field in the source RBI 581 Risk Analysis. This value identifies the Analysis family for which the Policy and Degradation Mechanism (DM) are valid.

Recommendation Generation

Scenario A

An associated RBI 581 Risk Analysis:

  • Whose Criticality Item Type field contains the value Heat Exchanger-Bundle.
  • That is linked to an RBI Degradation Mechanism whose Degradation Mechanism field contains the value 581-Internal Component Lining Damage.

Scenario B

An associated RBI 581 Risk Analysis:

  • Whose Criticality Item Type field contains the value Storage Tank Bottom.
  • That is linked to an RBI Degradation Mechanism whose Degradation Mechanism field contains the value 581-Internal Component Lining Damage.

The policy that will be selected in Scenario A is different from the Policy that will be selected in Scenario B.

The RBI Strategy Mapping Groups also define additional logic that determines the Inspection Strategy that should be used to populate the RBI Recommendation. This logic relies on the following items:

  • Values stored in the source records that make up the RBI 581 Risk Analysis.
  • Input nodes that exist in the selected Policy.

Inspection Strategies for a Tank Bottom Component

The Inspection Strategies for a Tank Bottom Component are used to generate RBI Recommendations for a Degradation Mechanism (DM) linked to Criticality RBI Component - Tank Bottom.

This topic provides details on the input fields and logic that are used by the RBI 581 Tank Bottom Insp Recommendation policy to determine the logic cases. It also provides a list of Inspection Strategies mapped to each logic case.

Logic used in the Policy to Determine the Logic Case

The RBI 581 Tank Bottom Insp Recommendation policy is used to determine the logic cases based on values in the following fields.

Field NameFamily
Component TypeCriticality Calculator RBI Component
Inspection Will Mitigate RBI 581 Risk Analysis
Recommended Inspection EffectivenessRBI Degradation Mechanisms

The following table provides a list of logic cases based on values in the aforementioned fields.

Recommended Inspection EffectivenessLogic Case ID

You can access the corresponding Inspection Strategy records in Record Manager.

Inspection Strategies used for Environmental Cracking Damage Mechanisms

The Inspection Strategies for Cracking Damage Mechanisms are used to generate RBI Recommendations for the following Degradation Mechanisms (DMs):

  • 581-Amine Cracking
  • 581-Alkaline Carbonate Stress Corrosion Cracking
  • 581-HIC/SOHIC - HF
  • 581-HIC/SOHIC - H2S
  • 581-Caustic Cracking
  • 581-Hydrogen Stress Cracking
  • 581-Other Cracking
  • 581-Sulfide Stress Cracking
  • 581-Chloride Stress Corrosion Cracking
  • 581-Polythionic Acid Cracking

This topic provides details on the input fields and logic that are used by the RBI 581 Env Cracking Insp Recommendation policy to determine the logic cases. It also provides a list of Inspection Strategies mapped to each logic case.

Logic to Determine the Inspection Strategy

The RBI 581 Env Cracking Insp Recommendation policy is used to determine the logic cases based on values in the following fields.

Field NameFamily
Component Type Criticality Calculator RBI Component
Damage MechanismRBI 581 Cracking Damage Evaluation
Inspection Will Mitigate RBI 581 Risk Analysis
Is Intrusive? RBI 581 Risk Analysis
Recommended Inspection EffectivenessRBI Degradation Mechanisms

The following table provides a list of logic cases based on the values in the aforementioned fields.

Damage MechanismIs Intrusive? Recommended Inspection EffectivenessLogic Case ID

One of the following values:

  • 581-Hydrogen Stress Cracking
  • 581-Amine Cracking
  • 581-Alkaline Carbonate Stress Corrosion Cracking
  • 581-Caustic Cracking
  • 581-Sulfide Stress Cracking

One of the following values:

  • 581-Amine Cracking
  • 581-Alkaline Carbonate Stress Corrosion Cracking
  • 581-Caustic Cracking
  • 581-Sulfide Stress Cracking
581-Hydrogen Stress Cracking NoCRBI581-CR1-NON-INT-C1

One of the following values:

  • 581-Polythionic Acid Cracking
  • 581-Chloride Stress Corrosion Cracking

You can access the corresponding Inspection Strategy records in Record Manager.

Inspection Strategies used for External Cracking Damage Mechanisms

The Inspection Strategies for External Cracking Damage Mechanisms are used to generate RBI Recommendations for the following Degradation Mechanisms (DMs):

  • 581-Austenitic Component Atmospheric Cracking
  • 581-Austenitic Component Cracking Under Insulation

This topic provides details on the input fields and logic that is used by the RBI 581 External Damage Inspection Recommendation policy to determine the logic cases. It also provides a list of Inspection Strategies mapped to each logic case.

Logic to Determine the Inspection Strategy

The RBI 581 External Damage Inspection Recommendation policy is used to determine the logic cases based on values in the following fields.

Field NameFamily
Component Type Criticality Calculator RBI Component
Damage MechanismRBI 581 External Cracking Damage Evaluation
Inspection Will Mitigate RBI 581 Risk Analysis
Recommended Inspection EffectivenessRBI Degradation Mechanisms

The following table provides a list of logic cases based on the values in the aforementioned fields.

Damage MechanismRecommended Inspection EffectivenessLogic Case ID

581-Austenitic Component Atmospheric Cracking


581-Austenitic Component Cracking Under Insulation


You can access the corresponding Inspection Strategy records in Record Manager.

Inspection Strategies used for External Damage Mechanisms

The Inspection Strategies for External Damage Mechanisms are used to generate RBI Recommendations for the following Degradation Mechanisms (DMs):

  • 581-Ferritic Component Atmospheric Corrosion

  • 581-Ferritic Component Corrosion Under Insulation

This topic provides details on the input fields and logic that are used by the RBI 581 External Damage Inspection Recommendation and RBI 581 Tank Shell Ext Corrosion Recommendation policies to determine the logic cases. It also provides a list of Inspection Strategies mapped to each logic case.

Tip: For information on Inspection Strategies related to Criticality RBI Component - Tank Bottom, refer to the following topic: Inspection Strategies used in a Tank Bottom Component.

Logic to Determine the Inspection Strategy

The RBI 581 External Damage Inspection Recommendation and RBI 581 Tank Shell Ext Corrosion Recommendation policies are used to determine the logic cases based on values in the following fields:

Field NameFamily
Component Type Criticality Calculator RBI Component
Damage MechanismRBI 581 External Damage Evaluation
Inspection Will Mitigate RBI 581 Risk Analysis
Recommended Inspection EffectivenessRBI Degradation Mechanisms

The following table provides a list of logic cases based on the values in the aforementioned fields.

Damage MechanismComponent Type Recommended Inspection EffectivenessLogic Case ID

581-Ferritic Component Atmospheric Corrosion

One of the following values:

  • Storage Tank
  • Storage Tank Bottom
Any value other than Storage Tank and Storage Tank BottomARBI581-EXT-CORR-NON-INT-A

581-Ferritic Component Corrosion Under Insulation

One of the following values:

  • Storage Tank
  • Storage Tank Bottom

Any value other than Storage Tank and Storage Tank Bottom


You can access the corresponding Inspection Strategy records in Record Manager.

Inspection Strategies used for Thinning and Lining Damage Mechanisms

The Inspection Strategies for Thinning and Lining Damage Mechanisms are used to generate RBI Recommendations for the following Degradation Mechanisms (DMs):

  • 581-High Temperature Oxidation

  • 581-Cooling Water Corrosion

  • 581-High Temperature H2/H2S Corrosion

  • 581-Amine Corrosion

  • 581-Hydrofluoric Acid Corrosion

  • 581-Sulfuric Acid Corrosion

  • 581-Hydrochloric Acid Corrosion

  • 581-Acid Sour Water Corrosion

  • 581-High Temperature Sulfidic and Naphthenic Acid

  • 581-Alkaline Sour Water Corrosion

  • 581-Soil Side Corrosion

  • 581-Thinning Damage
  • 581-Atmospheric Tank Bottom Corrosion
  • 581-Internal Component Lining Damage

This topic provides details on the input fields and logic that are used by the RBI 581 Thinning and Lining Insp Recommendation and RBI 581 Tank Shell Int Corrosion Recommendation policies to determine the logic cases. It also provides a list of Inspection Strategies mapped to each logic case.

Logic to Determine the Inspection Strategy

The RBI 581 Thinning and Lining Insp Recommendation and RBI 581 Tank Shell Int Corrosion Recommendation policies are used to determine the logic cases based on values in the following fields.

Field NameFamily
Component Type Criticality Calculator RBI Component
Damage MechanismRBI 581 Thinning and Lining Evaluation
Inspection Will Mitigate RBI 581 Risk Analysis
Is Intrusive? RBI 581 Risk Analysis
Liner is Present RBI 581 Thinning and Lining Evaluation
Recommended Inspection EffectivenessRBI Degradation Mechanisms
Thinning Type RBI 581 Thinning and Lining Evaluation

Component Types Other than Storage Tank: The following table provides a list of logic cases for a component of type other than Storage Tank based on the values in the aforementioned fields.

Damage Mechanism Thinning Type Is Intrusive? Recommended Inspection EffectivenessInspection Strategy

One of the following values:

  • 581-High Temperature Oxidation

  • 581-Cooling Water Corrosion

  • 581-High Temperature H2/H2S Corrosion

  • 581-Amine Corrosion

  • 581-Hydrofluoric Acid Corrosion

  • 581-Sulfuric Acid Corrosion

  • 581-Hydrochloric Acid Corrosion

  • 581-Acid Sour Water Corrosion

  • 581-High Temperature Sulfidic and Naphthenic Acid

  • 581-Alkaline Sour Water Corrosion

  • 581-Soil Side Corrosion

  • 581-Thinning Damage
  • 581-Internal Component Lining Damage
  • 581-Atmospheric Tank Bottom Corrosion

Component Type - Storage Tank: The following table provides a list of logic cases for a component of type Storage Tank based on values in the aforementioned fields.

Recommended Inspection EffectivenessLogic Case ID

You can access the corresponding Inspection Strategy records in Record Manager.