General Information

Requirements for APM Connect Data Loaders

All APM Connect Data Loaders have the same mapping and security settings requirements.

Security Settings

The Security User performing the data load operation must be associated with either the MI Data Loader User or MI Data Loader Admin Security Role.


The Data Loaders map the datasheet columns in the Excel workbook to fields in GE Digital APM families by field ID. The captions may be changed as needed, but do not change the field IDs.

About Populating Site Reference Data

The APM Family Data Loader can be used to populate the Site Reference on Equipment and Functional Location records in GE Digital APM.

About This Task

The APM Family Data Loader populates the ENTY_KEY system field and the MI_SITE_KEY system field associated with the Site Reference value to be populated. On asset records, the Site Reference is stored in the MI_SITE_KEY field, a system field in GE Digital APM. The APM Data Loader uses the Site Name (MI_SITE_NAME) to translate the value to the corresponding Site Key and populate the MI_SITE_KEY field; therefore, you do not need to know the key to be able to populate the site reference. This functionality is important because this value can change from one database to another.


  1. On the data worksheet, add a column that contains MI_SITE_NAME in the column name.
    For example if you are working with a relationship, where a distinction needs to be made regarding which family is associated with each column, then the column name will be prefaced with the Family ID. As shown in the following image, the column name might take the form MI_EQUIP000|MI_SITE_NAME, where MI_EQUIP000 is the Family ID.
  2. Enter the site name to designate the site by which the asset record, once loaded into GE Digital APM, will be filtered.
  3. Continue populating the source workbook, and then run the data loader.