
APM Connect System Requirements

License Requirements

APM Connect has a three-tier license system that enables the APM Connect Framework. One of the following license types is required to take advantage of the APM Connect functionality:

  • APM Connect Basic
  • APM Connect Plus
  • APM Connect Studio
    Note: APM Connect Studio contains numerous libraries that integrate with third-party products, such as GeoRaster. Questions regarding linking these libraries with GE Digital APM should be directed to a member of the GE Digital APM Professional Services department on an individual basis. Specific requirements of third-party products is outside the scope of APM Connect Studio support.

Additional Licensing

The following additional licenses are required to take advantage of the SAP Adapters:

SAP Integration Interfaces:
Enables the SAP Equipment, Functional Location, Work History, and Notification Creation Adapters.
SAP Technical Characteristics:
Enables the SAP Technical Characteristics Adapter.
SAP Work Management:
Enables the SAP Work Management Adapter.

The following additional license is required to take advantage of the SAP PI Adapters:

SAP Process Integration:
Enables the SAP PI Adapters.

The following additional license is required to take advantage of the Maximo Adapters:

Maximo Interfaces:
Enables the Maximo Equipment, Functional Location, Work History, Service Request, and Work Order Generation Adapters.
Note: There is no additional license required to take advantage of the APM Connect Data Loader functionality.

UDLP Versions

The following UDLP versions are currently supported in GE Digital APM:

  • V2.7.0
  • V2.6.0 and V2.6.1

Additional Components Required

In addition to the basic GE Digital APM system architecture, your system must also contain the following components:

Minimum Software Requirements
  • Windows Server 2008 R2
  • Windows Server 2012
  • Windows Server 2016
  • Java SE 8 Update 131 or higher
The third-party components listed in the following table:
Third-Party File NameVersionWhere You Can Obtain It
edtftpj.jarVersion: 2.0.5
ftp4j-1.5.1.jarVersion: 1.5.1
jboss-serialization.jarVersion: 1.0.3.GA
trove.jarVersion: 1.0.2
xom-1.2.7.jarVersion: 1.2.7

Recommended Software

  • Windows Server 2012 R2
  • Windows 7 64-bit OS

Browser Requirements

Web BrowserRecommended or Supported
Microsoft Internet Explorer 11Recommended
Mozilla Firefox 13 to 28Recommended
Microsoft Internet Explorer 10Supported
Apple Safari 5 to 7Supported
Google Chrome 22 to 34Supported

Minimum Hardware Requirements

  • Four Processor Core, 2.0GHz
  • 8 GB RAM
  • 100 GB Free Disk
  • 100 MB Network Interface

Recommended Hardware

  • I5 Processor, 2.0 + GHz
  • 32 GB RAM
  • 300 GB Free Disk
  • 1 GB Network Interface
Tip: APM Connect is input and output intensive, and requires a large amount of storage space. Faster storage is the best way to improve the performance of APM Connect.

Depending on how your system is configured, these requirements may not be sufficient. Parameters that affect the hardware requirements include the number of users, modules purchased, database size, and other factors that can vary from one customer to another. For help refining your specific system requirements, contact GE Digital

System Architecture for EAM Adapters

Figure: Single Server Configuration (Recommended)

The single server configuration is the simplest way to configure APM Connect. However, it does include an embedded database. The following image depicts this configuration.

Note: Only one EAM system is supported for each APM tenant or database.
Figure: External Database Configuration

Many organizations choose to separate their databases. It is possible to install the intermediate repository database on an external server, and to keep the APM Connect Systems database on a different server. The following image depicts this configuration.

Note: The external configuration will affect performance. The single server configuration results in faster performance.

Deploying APM Connect

After you have installed and configured the basic GE Digital APM system architecture, you will need to perform some configuration steps specifically for APM Connect.

Supported Features in APM Now

In the APM Now environment, the following features are unavailable:

  • ACA for SAP
  • ASI for SAP
  • Maximo Integration
  • SAP PI

All other APM Connect features are available.

Required Server Ports

To provide communication between APM Connect and other systems, make sure the listed ports are open.

Port NumbersDescription
80, 9080, 8879, 9043, 9044, 9060, 9061, 9430, 9443, 139, 50000, 50005, 3300Used for SAP and Maximo Interfaces.
8080, 5432, 8000, 8001, 8888, 3690, 8040Used for GE Digital APM Interfaces.
  • 6220 - Dedicated
  • 7220 - RAC
Used for the Oracle client.

APM Connect Version Compatibility Table

This topic provides the installation files that are required for an APM Connect installation, and the version structure for APM Connect.

Version Structure

Description:Area of APM Connect (that is, Data Loaders, EAM, M2M)EAM System released against (that is, SAP, SAP PI, Maximo)Architecture ReleaseMajor ReleaseMaintenance or Patch Release

The following are examples of how to interpret the versions.

  • EAM SAP V1.5.0 is the fifth major release on the APM Connect V1.x architecture; it can be applied to the EAM system SAP.
  • EAM SAP V1.5.1 is a maintenance release that can be applied to EAM SAP V1.5.0.
  • DL V1.4.0 is the fourth major release on the APM Connect V1.x architecture.

APM Compatibility Table

This table includes only the GE Digital APM versions for which a corresponding APM Connect version was released.

GE Digital APM Framework VersionAPM Connect BaseData LoaderEAM MaximoEAM SAPEAM SAP CloudEAM SAP PI
V4. (September 17, 2019)APM Connect Base V2.0.0UDLP V2.6.0 or V2.6.1 and V2.7.0
V4. (June 19, 2019)APM Connect Base V2.0.0UDLP V2.5.0 or V2.5.1 and V2.6.0 or V2.6.1
V4. (March 29, 2019) APM Connect Base V2.0.0UDLP V2.5.0 or V2.5.1 and V2.6.0
V4. (December 7, 2018 APM Connect Base V2.0.0UDLP V2.4.0 and V2.5.0 or V2.5.1
V4. (September 21, 2018) APM Connect Base V2.0.0UDLP V2.4.0 and V2.5.0
V4. (June 22, 2018) APM Connect Base V2.0.0UDLP V2.4.0
V4. (April 25, 2018) APM Connect Base V2.0.0 UDLP V2.3.0
V4. (December 11, 2017)APM Connect Base V2.0.0UDLP V2.2.0EAM SAP PI V2.0.0
V4. (September 22, 2017)APM Connect Base V2.00UDLP V2.1.0EAM MAX V2.0.0UDLP V2.1.0EAM SAP PI V2.0.0
V4. (August 16, 2017)APM Connect Base V2.00DL V2.0.1EAM MAX V2.0.0EAM SAP V2.0.0EAM SAP Cloud V1.0.1EAM SAP PI V2.0.0
V4. (June 30, 2017)APM Connect Base V2.00DL V2.0.0EAM MAX V2.0.0EAM SAP V2.0.0EAM SAP Cloud V1.0.1EAM SAP PI V2.0.0
V4. (March 21, 2017)APM Connect Base V1.0.3DL V1.6.3EAM MAX V1.1.2EAM SAP V1.6.3EAM SAP Cloud V1.0.1EAM SAP PI V1.1.2
V4. (December 13, 2016)APM Connect Base V1.0.3DL V1.6.3EAM MAX V1.1.2EAM SAP V1.6.3EAM SAP Cloud V1.0.1EAM SAP PI V1.1.1
V4. (November 15, 2016)APM Connect Base V1.0.3DL V1.6.3EAM MAX V1.1.0EAM SAP V1.6.3EAM SAP Cloud V1.0.1EAM SAP V1.1.1
V4. (October 17, 2016)APM Connect Base V1.0.3DL V1.6.2EAM MAX V1.1.0EAM SAP V1.6.2EAM SAP Cloud V1.0.1EAM SAP V1.1.1
V4. (September 21, 2016)APM Connect Base V1.0.3DL V1.6.2EAM MAX V1.1.0EAM SAP V1.6.1EAM SAP Cloud V1.0.0EAM SAP V1.1.1
V4.2.0.0 (July 27, 2016)APM Connect Base V1.0.3DL V1.6.1EAM MAX V1.1.0EAM SAP V1.6.1EAM SAP Cloud V1.0.0EAM SAP PI V1.1.1
V4.1.7.0 (June 6, 2016)APM Connect Base V1.0.2DL V1.6.0EAM MAX V1.1.0EAM SAP V1.6.0N/AEAM SAP PI V1.1.0
V4.1.6.3 (June 20, 2016)APM Connect Base V1.0.2DL V1.5.6EAM MAX V1.0.0EAM SAP V1.5.5N/AEAM SAP PI V1.0.1
V4.1.6.2 (May 20, 2016)APM Connect Base V1.0.2DL V1.5.5EAM MAX V1.0.0EAM SAP V1.5.5N/AEAM SAP PI V1.0.1
V4.1.6.0 (March 28, 2016)APM Connect Base V1.0.2DL V1.5.4EAM MAX V1.0.0EAM SAP V1.5.5N/AEAM SAP PI V1.0.1
V4.1.5.1 (March 11, 2016)APM Connect Base V1.0.2DL V1.5.3EAM MAX V1.0.0EAM SAP V1.5.3N/AEAM SAP PI V1.0.0
V4.1.5.0 (February 9, 2016)APM Connect Base V1.0.2DL V1.5.2EAM MAX V1.0.0EAM SAP V1.5.3N/AEAM SAP PI V1.0.0
V4.1.1.1 (December 15, 2015)APM Connect Base V1.0.2DLV1.5.1N/AEAM SAP V1.5.2N/AEAM SAP PI V1.0.0
V4.1.1.0 (November 23, 2015)APM Connect Base V1.0.2DL V1.5.0N/AEAM SAP V1.5.2N/AEAM SAP PI V1.0.0
V4.1.0.3 (March 7, 2016)APM Connect Base V1.0.2DL V1.4.1N/AEAM SAP V1.5.1N/AEAM SAP PI V1.0.0
V4.1.0.0 (October 12, 2015)APM Connect Base V1.0.2DL V1.4.0N/AEAM SAP V1.5.1N/AEAM SAP PI V1.0.0
V4.0.0.0 (July 23, 2015)APM Connect Base V1.0.2WPA V1.2.1N/AEAM SAP V1.5.0N/AEAM SAP PI V1.0.0

The Automatic Data Loader Directories

The automatic data loader job uses directories within the directory identified in the SCAN_DIR parameter to identify the data loader to use for a particular workbook.

Data Loaders and Directories

The following table lists the directories that are created when the job starts that correspond to the various data loaders.
Data Loader NameDirectory Name
APM FamilyManageAPM
Asset Criticality Analysis (ACA)ACADataLoader
Asset Ingestion LoaderAssetIngestionLoader
Asset Strategy Management (ASM)ManageASM
Asset Strategy Management (ASM) TemplatesManageAssetStrategyTemplate
CalibrationCalibration Loader
Custom Asset HierarchyCustom Asset Hierarchy Loader
Equipment and Functional LocationManageEquipmentAndFunctionalLocation
Failure Modes and Effects Analysis (FMEA)ManageRCMFMEA
Failure Modes and Effects Analysis (FMEA) Analysis TemplatesManageFMEAAnalysisTemplate
Failure Modes and Effects Analysis (FMEA) Asset TemplatesManageFMEAAssetTemplate
Generation Availability Analysis (GAA) Amplification CodesGAA GADS Amplification Code
Generation Availability Analysis (GAA) Cause CodeGAA GADS Cause Code
Geographic Information System (GIS)GISDataLoader
HazardsHazards Loader
Inspection Management (IM) AssetsManageInspections
Inspection Management (IM) Functional LocationManageInspectionsFL
Production Loss Analysis (PLA)Load PLA
Reliability Centered Maintenance (RCM)ManageRCM
Risk Based Inspection (RBI) 580ManageRBI580
Risk Based Inspection (RBI) 581ManageRBI581
Risk Based Inspection (RBI) Corrosion LoopLoad RBI Corrosion Loop
Root Cause Analysis (RCA)Manage RCA
Rounds Allowable ValuesRounds Allowable Value
Rounds ReadingsRounds Readings
Rounds RoutesRounds Route
Rounds TemplatesRounds MLTG
Tags to Assets RelationshipManageTagLinks
Thickness Monitoring (TM) EquipmentManageTMLGroup
Thickness Monitoring (TM) Functional LocationManageTMLGroupFL
Work HistoryManageWorkHistory