Automation Rules: Workflow
Reliability Analytics: Automation Rule Workflow
This workflow describes the process for creating multiple distribution or growth analyses at a single time based on the execution of a query or an asset/event relationship.
Blue text in a shape indicates that a description is provided for that step in the following sections. For more information, refer to the topic Interpreting the Workflow Diagrams.

View Existing Rule
Persona: Analyst
Open an existing automation rule that has been saved on the database and is accessible via hyperlinks from the Automation Rules section in Reliability Analytics
Create Rule
Persona: Analyst
Create a new automation rule using the wizard provided.
Merge Possible Analyses
Persona: Analyst
Merge sections of insufficient data to create enough data to support an analysis.
Execute Rule
Persona: Analyst
Queue the service that runs the rule that provides progress feedback and shows the details of the analyses.
Other APM Workflows
Persona: Analyst
Other APM Workflows provide production data from: SAP, EAM, Recommendations.