Catalog Items
Analyses Folder
The Catalog folder \\Public\Meridium\Modules\Reliability Manager\Analyses contains the following items.
Item Name |
Behavior and Usage |
All Production Data |
This query is used to create a Production Analysis from PLA Production Data. |
Combined Production Data Codes | This subquery is used by the All Production Data query. |
Production Event Code - Max Loss | This subquery is used by the Combined Production Data Codes subquery. |
Production Impact Code - Max Loss | This subquery is used by the Combined Production Data Codes subquery. |
Production OEE Code - Max Loss | This subquery is used by the Combined Production Data Codes subquery. |
Queries Folder
The Catalog folder \\Public\Meridium\Modules\Reliability Manager\Queries contains the following items.
Item Name |
Behavior and Usage |
Dashboard - Recommendation Summary |
Displays the Recommendation Summary chart on the RA Overview page. |
Dashboard - Top 10 - Cost from Work History by Equipment | Displays the top 10 Equipment based on costs from Work Histories in the Top 10 Bad Actors chart on the RA Overview page. |
Dashboard - Top 10 - Cost from Work History by Functional Location |
Displays the top 10 Functional Locations based on costs from Work Histories in the Top 10 Bad Actors chart on the RA Overview page. |
Dashboard - Top 10 - Equipment Linked to Reliability |
Displays the top 10 Equipment linked by the Reliability family in the Top 10 Bad Actors chart on the RA Overview page. |
Dashboard - Top 10 - Functional Location Linked to Reliability |
Displays the top 10 Functional Locations linked by the Reliability family in the Top 10 Bad Actors chart on the RA Overview page. |
Dashboard - Top 10 - LPO from PLA by Equipment |
Displays the LPO from PLA by Equipment in the Top 10 Bad Actors chart on the RA Overview page. |
Dashboard - Top 10 - Production Cost from PLA by Equipment |
Displays the production costs from PLA by Equipment in the Top 10 Bad Actors chart on the RA Overview page. |
Dashboard - Top 10 Bad Actors with PLA |
Displays the top 10 assets or Functional Locations that are costing you the most with PLA in the Top 10 Bad Actors chart on the RA Overview page. |
Dashboard - Top 10 Bad Actors without PLA |
Displays the top 10 assets or Functional Locations that are costing you the most without PLA in the Top 10 Bad Actors chart on the RA Overview page. |
Dashboard - Track Result - Cost from Work History |
Displays the costs from work history in the Track Results By recommendation Implementation Year chart on the RA Overview page. |
Dashboard - Track Result - Costs of Functional Location |
Displays the sum of maintenance costs and production costs of a Functional Location in the Track Results By recommendation Implementation Year chart on the RA Overview page. |
Dashboard - Track Result - Equipment with FE Recommendations Implemented |
Displays the equipment with FE recommendations implemented in the Track Results By recommendation Implementation Year chart on the RA Overview page. |
Dashboard - Track Result - Equipment with FE Recommendations Implemented - All Years |
Displays the equipment with FE recommendations implemented for all years in the Track Results By recommendation Implementation Year chart on the RA Overview page. |
Dashboard - Track Result - Last 5 Years |
Displays the results of the last 5 years in the Track Results By recommendation Implementation Year chart on the RA Overview page. |
Dashboard - Track Result - Maintenance Costs |
Displays maintenance costs in the Track Results By recommendation Implementation Year chart on the RA Overview page. |
Dashboard - Track Result - Production Loss Costs | Displays production loss costs in the Track Results By recommendation Implementation Year chart on the RA Overview page. |
Dashboard - Track Result - Production Loss Costs - Sub Query | Displays subquery production loss costs in the Track Results By recommendation Implementation Year chart on the RA Overview page. |
Dashboard - Track Result - Total Cost from Work History |
Displays the total cost from work history in the Track Results By recommendation Implementation Year chart on the RA Overview page. |
Dashboard - Track Result - Total Cost from Work History and PLA |
Displays total cost from work history and PLA in the Track Results By recommendation Implementation Year chart on the RA Overview page. |
Dashboard - Track Result with PLA |
Displays results with PLA in the Track Results By recommendation Implementation Year chart on the RA Overview page. |
Dashboard - Track Result without PLA |
Displays results without PLA in the Track Results By recommendation Implementation Year chart on the RA Overview page. |
RAPageFilter | Returns the page filters for the RA Overview page. |
Reliability Manager Folder
The Catalog folder \\Public\Meridium\Modules\Reliability Manager contains the following items.
Item Name |
Behavior and Usage |
RARecommendationSummary | Displays the Recommendation Summary graph on the RA Overview page. |
RATop10BadActors | Displays the Top 10 Bad Actors chart on the RA Overview page. |
RATop10BadActorsWithPLA | Displays the Top 10 Bad Actors chart with PLA data on the RA Overview page. |
RATrackResultsByRecommendation | Displays the Track Results By Recommendation Implementation Year graph on the RA Overview page. |
RATrackResultsByRecommendationWithPLA | Displays the Track Results By Recommendation Implementation Year graph with PLA data on the RA Overview page. |
Reliability Dashboard | Displays the Reliability Dashboard that contains the Recommendation Summary graph, Top 10 Bad Actors chart, and Track Results By Recommendation Implementation Year graph. |
Reports Folder
The Catalog folder \\Public\Meridium\Modules\Reliability Manager\Reports contains the following items.
Item Name |
Behavior and Usage |
AssetSubreportDistribution |
Displays the subreport for Asset Data in the Reliability Distribution Analysis Report. |
AssetsubreportGrowth |
Displays the subreport for Asset Data in the Reliability Growth Analysis Report. |
Distribution Analysis Report |
Displays the SSRS Report for Distribution Analysis in the Reliability Distribution Analysis Report. |
Exponential Distribution Query |
Returns data for Exponential Distributions in the Probability Distribution Report. |
FailuresubreportGrowth |
Displays the subreport for Failure data in the Reliability Growth Analysis Report. |
GrowthAnalysisQuery |
Displays data in the main and subreports in the Reliability Growth Analysis Report. |
GrowthAnalysisReport |
Displays the main report of the SSRS Reliability Growth Analysis Report. |
Lognormal Distribution Query |
Returns data for Lognormal Distributions of failure data in the Probability Distribution Report. |
Normal Distribution Query |
Returns data for Normal Distributions in the Probability Distribution Report. |
ProbabilityDistributionQuery |
Returns data for the Probability Distribution Report. |
ProbDistReport |
Displays the SSRS Probability Distribution Report for Probability Distribution Analysis. |
ProductionAnalysisQuery |
This is the main query that returns data for the Production Analysis Report. |
ProductionAnalysisQueryLines |
Returns the Lines data for the Production Analysis Report. |
ProductionAnalysisQueryRegions |
Returns Regions data for the Production Analysis Report. |
Production Analysis Report |
Displays the SSRS Production Analysis Report. |
ReliabilityDistributionQuery |
Returns data for the Reliability Distribution Report, including TTF data. |
ReliabilityDistributionTTR | Returns TTR data for the Reliability Distribution Analysis Report. |
ReliabilityExponentialTTF | Returns TTF data for the Exponential Distribution in the Reliability Distribution Analysis Report. |
ReliabilityExponentialTTR | Returns TTR data for the Exponential Distribution in the Reliability Distribution Analysis Report. |
ReliabilityLognormalTTF | Returns TTF data for the Lognormal Distribution in the Reliability Distribution Analysis Report. |
ReliabilityLognormalTTR | Returns TTR data for the Lognormal Distribution in the Reliability Distribution Analysis Report. |
ReliabilityNormalTTF | Returns TTF data for the Normal Distribution in the Reliability Distribution Analysis Report. |
ReliabilityNormalTTR | Returns TTR data for the Normal Distribution in the Reliability Distribution Analysis Report. |
ReliabilityWeibullTTF | Returns TTF data for the Weibull Distribution in the Reliability Distribution Analysis Report. |
ReliabilityWeibullTTR |
Returns TTR data for the Weibull Distribution in the Reliability Distribution Analysis Report. |
Spares |
Displays the Spare information for a Spares Analysis in the Spares Analysis Report. This is a subreport to the Spares Analysis report, named SparesApplication. |
Spares Analysis - Applications |
Returns application information corresponding to a particular Spare in a Spares Analysis. |
Spares Analysis - Charts |
Returns chart data tied to a particular Spares Analysis. |
Spares Analysis - ChartsMain |
Returns a list of charts for a particular Spares Analysis. |
Spares Analysis - Main | Returns property information for a particular Spares Analysis. |
Spares Analysis - Spares | Returns Spare information related to a particular Spares Analysis. |
Spares Analysis - SparesMain | Returns a list of Spares for a particular Spares Analysis. |
SparesAnalysis |
Displays information and graphs for a Spares Analysis. This report also uses the SparesChart and Spares subreports. |
SparesApplication | Displays application information for a Spares Analysis. This is a subreport to the Spares report. |
SparesChart | Displays charts for a Spares Analysis. This is a subreport to the SparesAnalysis report. |
SubreportDistributionAnalysis | Displays the subreport for Reliability Distibution Analyses containing failure data. |
SubReportProbDist | Displays the subreport for Probability Distribution Analyses containing failure data. |
SubreportProductionAnalysis | Displays the subreport for Production Analyses containing Production Data. |
System Reliability - ActionResult | Returns a list of action simulation results for a particular System Reliability Analysis. |
System Reliability - ElementResult | Returns a list of element simulation results for a particular System Reliability Analysis. |
System Reliability - Main | Returns property information for a particular System Reliability Analysis. |
System Reliability - ResourceResult | Returns a list of resource simulation results for a particular System Analysis. |
System Reliability - SummaryResult | Returns root element simulation results for a particular System Analysis. |
SystemReliabilityActionResultReport | Displays the subreport for System Reliability Analyses containing Action Simulation Result Data. |
SystemReliabilityElementResultReport | Displays the subreport for System Reliability Analyses containing Element Simulation Result Data. |
SystemReliabilityMainReport | Displays the SSRS report for System Reliability Analysis. |
SystemReliabilityResourceResultReport | Displays the subreport for System Reliability Analyses containing Resource Simulation Result Data. |
SystemReliabilitySummaryResultReport | Displays the subreport for System Reliability Analyses containing Root Element Simulation Result Data. |
Weibull Distribution Query | Returns data for Weibull Distributions in the reports in the Reliability Analytics module. |
Automation Rule Folder
The Catalog folder \\Public\Meridium\Modules\Reliability Manager\Automation Rule contains the following items.
Item Name |
Behavior and Usage |
Queries Subfolder | |
TileListOfAutomationRule |
Returns the list of Automation Rules in the Automation Rules list on the RA Overview page. |
Probability Distribution Folder
The Catalog folder \\Public\Meridium\Modules\Reliability Manager\Probability Distribution contains the following items.
Item Name |
Behavior and Usage |
Queries Subfolder | |
TileListOfProbabilityDistribution |
Returns the list of Probability Distribution Analyses in the Probability Distribution list on the RA Overview page. |
Production Analysis Folder
The Catalog folder \\Public\Meridium\Modules\Reliability Manager\Production Analysis contains the following items.
Item Name |
Behavior and Usage |
Queries Subfolder | |
TileListOfRAProductionAnalysis |
Returns the list of Production Analyses in the Production Analyses list on the RA Overview page. |
Reliability Distribution Folder
The Catalog folder \\Public\Meridium\Modules\Reliability Manager\Reliability Distribution contains the following items.
Item Name |
Behavior and Usage |
Queries Subfolder | |
TileListOfReliabilityDistribution |
Returns the list of Reliability Distribution Analyses in the Reliability Distribution list on the RA Overview page. |
Reliability Growth Folder
The Catalog folder \\Public\Meridium\Modules\Reliability Manager\Reliability Growth contains the following items.
Item Name |
Behavior and Usage |
Queries Subfolder | |
TileListOfReliabilityGrowth |
Returns the list of Reliability Growth Analyses in the Reliability Growth list on the RA Overview page. |
Spares Folder
The Catalog folder \\Public\Meridium\Modules\Reliability Manager\Spares contains the following items.
Item Name |
Behavior and Usage |
Queries Subfolder | |
TileListOfSpares |
Returns the list of Spares Analyses used in the Spares Analyses list on the RA Overview page. |
System Reliability Folder
The Catalog folder \\Public\Meridium\Modules\Reliability Manager\System Reliability contains the following items.
Item Name |
Behavior and Usage |
Queries Subfolder | |
TileListOfSystemReliability |
Returns the list of System Reliability Analyses in the System Reliability list on the RA Overview page. |