Compliance Management Workflow

Compliance Management: Compliance Management Workflow

This workflow details the process for managing assets and Inspection Plans for Compliance Management.

Blue text in a shape indicates that a description is provided for that step in the following sections. For more information, refer to the topic Interpreting the Workflow Diagrams.

View Assets without Templates

Persona: Analyst

Review assets that do not have linked Compliance Strategy Templates.

Suggest Templates

Persona: Analyst

Get a list of assets that do not have assigned Compliance Strategy Templates. The list of assets has suggested Compliance Strategy Templates.

Apply Templates

Persona: Analyst

Apply suggested Compliance Strategy Templates to assets without templates.

Assets has Inspection Plan?

Persona: Analyst

Determine if assets with linked Compliance Strategy Templates have Inspection Plans.

Create Inspection Plan

Persona: Analyst

Create an Inspection Plan for an asset.

Review Inspection Plan

Persona: Analyst

Review the Inspection Plan and modify Compliance Recommendations.

Approve Plan?

Persona: Analyst

Determine if the Inspection Plan is ready to be approved.

Implement Plan

Persona: Analyst

Link or create Inspection Tasks for the Inspection Plan, now available in Inspection Management.