Policy Management

About Family Policies

You can use family policies to configure certain actions to occur when a record changes in the GE Digital APM database. For example, you can specify that after a Reading record is added to the database, it should be linked to a Measurement Location record.

Note: For a single family, you can write family-level rules or family policies, not both. You can, however, use the Baseline Rule node in a family policy to execute any existing GE Digital APM baseline rules that correspond to the policy’s family and trigger.

When you create a family policy, you will configure a policy model to represent the inputs, logic, and actions that you want to execute when the corresponding trigger occurs. You can create up to six family policies for a single family, one for each supported type of trigger.

Policy Model

The following image shows an example of a policy model.A policy model is made up of nodes and connections that define the policy logic. Specifically, the nodes in a model represent:
  • The items that you want to monitor (for example, Reading in Error records).
  • The conditions that should trigger acctions to be taken (for example, a comment is something other than test).
  • The actions that should be taken (for example, send an email message).
A policy model does not function like a typical logic diagram. For example, a node does not automatically evaluate the values from the immediately preceding node. Rather, for each node, you can specify an input value that is associated with any predecessor node, even if the nodes are not directly connected. Before you create a policy model, make sure that you understand the basic principles for working with a policy model.

Family Policy Triggers

For any family, you can create one family policy for each available trigger. GE Digital APM supports the following triggers for family policies.

Trigger Description
Before InsertExecutes the policy before a record is created.
After InsertExecutes the policy after a record is created.
Before UpdateExecutes the policy after changes have been made to a record, before those changes are saved to the database.
After UpdateExecutes the policy after changes to a record have been saved.
Before DeleteExecutes the policy before a record is deleted.
After DeleteExecutes the policy after a record has been deleted.

Create a New Family Policy


  1. Access Configuration Manager.

    The Family Management page appears.

  2. Select the family for which you want to create a family policy.

    The workspace for the selected family appears.

  3. At the top of the workspace, select the Rules and Policies tab.

    The Rules and Policies section appears.

  4. Select the Family Policies radio button, and then select .
    Important: If VB Rules was previously selected, family policies will be used instead of any configured rules for the family.

    A list of the possible family policy triggers appears.

  5. Next to the trigger for which you want to create a family policy, select Add.

    The Family Policy page appears, displaying the Design workspace where you can add nodes to the model canvas.

  6. Optionally, in the Details workspace, enter a description for the new family policy.
  7. On the toolbar, select .

    A new family policy is created, and you can now build a to complete the policy.


  • The Family Policy record belonging to the family policy is saved to the GE Digital APM database.

Access a Family Policy


  1. Access Configuration Manager .
  2. Select Family Management.

    The Family Management page appears.

  3. Select the family associated with the family policy that you want to open.

    The workspace for the selected family appears.

  4. At the top of the workspace, select Rules and Policies.

    The Rules and Policies section appears, displaying a list of the possible family policy triggers.

  5. Next to the trigger associated with the family policy that you want to open, select the Edit link.

    The Family Policy page appears, displaying the Design workspace for the family policy that you selected.

Delete a Family Policy

About This Task


  1. Access the policy that you want to delete.
  2. On the toolbar, select .

    A dialog box with a confirmation message appears.

  3. Select OK.

    The policy is deleted from the GE Digital APM database.

Revert a Module Workflow Policy to the Baseline Version

About This Task

Module workflow policies are identified by the text "Module Workflow Policy for module <ModuleName>," which appears at the top of the Details workspace when you open the policy. In the event that a module workflow policy has been changed, but you want to reinstate the original baseline version (that is, the version delivered with the GE Digital APM distribution package that was added during the deployment of the respective module), you can use these steps to revert the policy to baseline.


  1. Access the policy that you want to revert to the baseline version.
  2. At the top of the Details workspace, select Revert to Baseline.
    Note: This button appears only for module workflow policies and is enabled only when the policy has been modified from its original version.

    The Confirm Revert to Baseline dialog box appears.

  3. Select OK.

    The Close Policy Tab dialog box appears.

  4. Select OK.
  5. Close the tab. If you want to view the baseline version, open the policy again.