Define Component
RBI: Define Components
This workflow describes the process of identifying and creating records for the following elements of a process unit:
- Corrosion loops
- Components
- Potential degradation mechanisms for each component
Blue text in a shape indicates that a description is provided for that step in the following sections. For more information, refer to the topic Interpreting the Workflow Diagrams.

Define Process Unit
Persona: Analyst
Define the Process Unit record that corresponds to the unit on which you want to perform an RBI analysis. A Functional Location record for which the Is Unit check box is selected is the Process Unit record.
Corrosion Loop Needed?
Persona: Analyst
Identify whether the process unit can be divided into corrosion loops in the process unit. Although this is not always required, defining corrosion loops allows components in the loop to inherit Potential Degradation Mechanisms (PDMs) from the loop. Defining a corrosion loop is not applicable in the case of a storage tank.
Define Corrosion Loop
Persona: Analyst
Create a Corrosion Loop record for each corrosion loop that you have identified in the process unit. Groups of assets or components that are subject to similar degradation mechanisms can be part of a single corrosion loop.
Identify Potential Degradation Mechanisms (PDMs)
Persona: Analyst
PDMs are processes that induce deleterious micro and macro material changes over time that are harmful to material condition or mechanical properties. Damage mechanisms are usually incremental, cumulative, and, in some instances, unrecoverable. Common damage mechanisms include corrosion, chemical attack, creep, erosion, fatigue, fracture, and thermal aging.
GE Digital APM provides a library of PDMs that you can link to a corrosion loop. The available PDMs differ between RBI 580 and RBI 581. They store the details of the damage mechanisms to which the assets or components in the corrosion loop are vulnerable. PDMs also provide details on how the damage mechanisms will be evaluated while performing an RBI analysis.
Identify RBI Component
Persona: Analyst
Identify RBI Components, each of which is a part of an asset that is modeled for the purpose of performing an RBI Risk Assessment. Create a Criticality Calculator RBI Component record for each component that you have identified.
These RBI Components may be comprised of one or more subcomponents. For example, a Column top RBI Component might consist of the head, nozzle, and shell asset subcomponents.
Define Static Data for RBI Component
Persona: Analyst
Provide process and design data of the component such as operating pressure, operating temperature, and so on in the Criticality Calculator RBI Component record that you have created. This information is used to calculate an RBI analysis. If you want to perform an RBI 581 Risk Analysis, then you should also provide details in the RBI 581 section of the RBI Component datasheet.
Link RBI Component to Corrosion Loop
Persona: Analyst
Link the RBI Components that have been created to the corresponding Corrosion Loop. PDMs created in a corrosion loop are inherited by the RBI Components in that loop. These PDMs serve as a starting point when you perform an RBI analysis on the component.
Validate PDMs Inherited from Corrosion Loop
Persona: Analyst
For each RBI Component, validate the PDMs that have been inherited from the corrosion loop. This will help you decide whether additional PDMs need to be linked to the RBI Component, or if existing PDMs can be removed.
Identify Additional PDMs Specific to RBI Component
Persona: Analyst
Identify additional PDMs that may need to be added to the RBI Component based on its specific conditions, design, or process. Link the RBI Component to the appropriate PDM by selecting from the library of PDMs available. The available PDMs differ between RBI 580 and RBI 581.
Associate RBI Component with Inspection Profile
Persona: Analyst
To utilize data from the Inspection History and Corrosion History records of an RBI Component, associate the related RBI Component with the Inspection Profile. This information can be used to perform an RBI analysis on the component.
Perform RBI Analysis
Persona: Analyst
Go to the Perform RBI Analysis workflow.
Identify PDMs with RBI Component
Persona: Analyst
If you have not defined a corrosion loop in the process unit, PDMs will not be inherited by the RBI Components. Therefore, you have to link the RBI Component to applicable PDMs. The PDMs used in RBI 580 differ from those used in RBI 581.