Create a Recommendation from a Home Screen on the Windows Mobile Device


  1. Access Rounds on a Windows mobile Device.

  2. On the Home screen, select Recommendations.

    The Manage Recommendations screen appears.

    If any recommendations have already been created and have not been uploaded to GE Digital APM, this screen will display the last recommendation saved to the Windows Mobile Device. You will need to select Options, and then select + New to see a blank recommendation, where you can continue with the following instructions.


    If no recommendations have been created and saved to the Windows Mobile Device, a message appears, indicating that no recommendations exist and asking if you want to create a new recommendation. Select Yes.

    The New Recommendation screen appears.

  3. In the Asset ID box, enter the Asset ID of the Equipment or Functional Location record to which you want to link the Operator Rounds Recommendation record.

  4. In the Headline box, enter a headline for the recommendation.
  5. In the Description box, enter a description of the recommendation.
  6. In the Priority list, select a priority for the recommendation. You can select: High, Medium or Low.

  7. Select Save.

    The recommendation is saved to the Windows Mobile Device.


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