The Risk Analysis Mapping family defines the Policy records that are used to populate the RBI Risk Matrix automatically from RBI Analyses. The following table provides the baseline state and behavior of fields that exist in the Risk Analysis Mapping family.
Note: The Risk Analysis Mapping family supports RBI Criticality, RBI Pipeline, and RBI PRD Criticality Analyses. These mappings support both the default and the Standard Practice risk matrices.
Field | Caption | Data Type | Description | Behavior and Usage |
MI_RRSKMAP_ANLY_FAM_C | Analysis Family | Character | The Family ID of the analysis. | This field is populated automatically. |
MI_RRSKMAP_DEG_MECH_C | Degradation Mechanism | Character | The Degradation Mechanism that stores values that are used to populate the Risk Matrix. | This field is populated automatically. |
Policy Name | Character | The name of the Policy that is used to populate the Risk Matrix. | This field is populated automatically. |
MI_RRSKMAP_RISK_CTG_C | Risk Category | Character | The Risk Category that is populated on the Risk Matrix (e.g., Environment, Financial Risk, Operations, Safety). | This field is populated automatically. |
The Policy Input Nodes that are used by the Risk Analysis Mapping family to populate the RBI Risk Matrix depend on both the type of Risk Category that you choose and the Degradation Mechanism that you apply to the family. The information in the following tables indicates which policy nodes and input fields are used when populating your selected RBI Risk Matrix.
Note: When you calculate an RBI Criticality Analysis or RBI Pipeline Analysis, the Failure Frequency field is populated by Degradation Mechanism Evaluation that corresponds to each Degradation Mechanism in the selected RBI Analysis.
The following table provides the range of the financial loss based on the consequence category.
Consequence Category | Description | Range in USD |
A | Catastrophic | > $10,000,000 |
B | Very Serious | $1,000,000 - $10,000,000 |
C | Serious | $100,000 - $1,000,000 |
D | Significant | $10,000 - $100,000 |
E | Minor | < $10,000 |
The value in the Production Loss Category field in a Criticality Consequence Evaluation indicates the amount of financial loss expected from an event. By default, the value in the Production Loss Category field is converted to a numeric equivalent, and mapped to the Production Loss input node in the risk mapping policies. The lowest value in each range is the default production loss value. The following table provides the default value of production loss based on the value in the Production Loss Category field.
Production Loss Category | Default Production Loss Value in USD |
A | $10,000,000 |
B | $1,000,000 |
C | $100,000 |
D | $10,000 |
E | $5,000 |
Risk Category - Environment
The following table provides the values in the Policy Input Node, Source Family, and Source Field fields in the Risk Analysis Mapping Details record for the RISK_MAPPING-ENVIRONMENT and DEFAULT-RISK_MAPPING-ENVIRONMENT policies.
Policy Input Node | Source Family | Source Field |
Component Type | RBI Criticality Analysis | Criticality Item Type |
Environment Category | Criticality Consequence Evaluation | Environmental Consequence Category |
Failure Frequency |
Failure Frequency |
Risk Category | Risk Analysis Mapping | Risk Category |
Risk Category - Financial Risk
The following table provides the values in the Policy Input Node, Source Family, and Source Field fields in the Risk Analysis Mapping Details record for the RISK_MAPPING-FINANCIAL and DEFAULT-RISK_MAPPING-FINANCIAL policies.
Policy Input Node | Source Family | Source Field |
Failure Frequency | Criticality Degradation Mech Evaluation | Failure Frequency |
Maintenance Cost | Criticality Consequence Evaluation | Cleanup Cost |
Production Loss | Criticality Consequence Evaluation | Lost Production Category |
Risk Category | Risk Analysis Mapping | Risk Category |
Risk Category - Operations
The following table provides the values in the Policy Input Node, Source Family, and Source Field fields in the Risk Analysis Mapping Details record for the RISK_MAPPING-OPERATIONS and DEFAULT-RISK_MAPPING-OPERATIONS policies.
Policy Input Node | Source Family | Source Field |
Consequence (only for Criticality Int. Deg. Mech. Eval. and Criticality Env. Crack. Deg. Mech. Eval.) | Criticality Consequence Evaluation | Product Leak Category |
Failure Frequency |
Failure Frequency |
Lost Production Category | Criticality Consequence Evaluation | Lost Production Category |
Risk Category | Risk Analysis Mapping | Risk Category |
Risk Category - Safety
The following table provides the values in the Policy Input Node, Source Family, and Source Field fields in the Risk Analysis Mapping Details record for the RISK_MAPPING-SAFETY and DEFAULT-RISK_MAPPING-SAFETY policies.
Policy Input Node | Source Family | RBI Analysis Source Field |
Failure Frequency |
Failure Frequency |
Risk Category | Risk Analysis Mapping | Risk Category |
Toxic Category | Criticality Consequence Evaluation | Toxic Consequence Category |
Flammable Category | Criticality Consequence Evaluation | Flammable Consequence Category |
Risk Category - Operations
The following table provides the values in the Policy Input Node, Source Family, and Source Field fields in the Risk Analysis Mapping Details record for the PRD-DEF-RISK_MAPPING-OPERATIONS and PRD-RISK_MAPPING-OPERATIONS policies.
Policy Input Node | Source Family | Source Field |
Consequence | PRD Consequence Evaluation | Leak Consequence Category |
Probability | Criticality Over Pressure Deg. Mech. Eval. | Failure Frequency of Protected Equipment |
Criticality Leak Deg. Mech. Eval. |
Probability of Leak | |
Risk Category |
Risk Analysis Mapping |
Risk Category |
Risk Category - Safety
The following table provides the values in the Policy Input Node, Source Family, and Source Field fields in the Risk Analysis Mapping Details record for the PRD-DEF-RISK_MAPPING-SAFETY and PRD-RISK_MAPPING-SAFETY policies.
Policy Input Node | Source Family | Source Field |
Consequence | Criticality Over Pressure Deg. Mech. Eval. | Consequence of Failure at Overpressure |
PRD Consequence Evaluation | Leak Consequence Category | |
Probability | Criticality Leak Deg. Mech. Eval. | Probability of Leak |
Criticality Over Pressure Deg. Mech. Eval. | Failure Frequency of Protected Equipment | |
Risk Category | Risk Analysis Mapping | Risk Category |
Risk Category - Environment
The following table provides the values in the Policy Input Node, Source Family, and Source Field fields in the Risk Analysis Mapping Details record for the PL-RISK_MAPPING-ENVIRONMENT and PL-DEF-RISK_MAPPING-ENVIRONMENT policies.
Policy Input Node | Source Family | Source Field |
Component Type | RBI Pipeline Analysis | Criticality Item Type |
Environment Consequence Category - Hole | Criticality Consequence Evaluation | Environment Consequence Category - Hole |
Environment Category - Rupture | Criticality Consequence Evaluation | Environment Consequence Category - Rupture |
Failure Frequency |
Failure Frequency |
Risk Category | Risk Analysis Mapping | Risk Category |
Risk Category - Financial Risk
The following table provides the values in the Policy Input Node, Source Family, and Source Field fields in the Risk Analysis Mapping Details record for the PL-RISK_MAPPING-FINANCIAL and PL-RISK_MAPPING-FINANCIAL policies.
Policy Input Node | Source Family | Source Field |
Failure Frequency | Criticality Degradation Mech Evaluation | Failure Frequency |
Maintenance Cost- Hole | Criticality Consequence Evaluation | Impact Clean Up Cost - Hole |
Maintenance Cost - Rupture | Criticality Consequence Evaluation | Impact Clean Up Cost - Rupture |
Production Loss - Hole | Criticality Consequence Evaluation | Lost Production Category - Hole |
Production Loss - Rupture | Criticality Consequence Evaluation | Lost Production Category - Rupture |
Risk Category | Risk Analysis Mapping | Risk Category |
Risk Category - Operations
The following table provides the values in the Policy Input Node, Source Family, and Source Field fields in the Risk Analysis Mapping Details record for the PL-RISK_MAPPING-OPERATIONS and PL-DEF-RISK_MAPPING-OPERATIONS policies.
Policy Input Node | Source Family | Source Field |
Failure Frequency |
Failure Frequency |
Lost Production Category - Hole | Criticality Consequence Evaluation | Lost Production Category - Hole |
Lost Production Category - Rupture | Criticality Consequence Evaluation | Lost Production Category - Rupture |
Risk Category | Risk Analysis Mapping | Risk Category |
Risk Category - Safety
The following table provides the values in the Policy Input Node, Source Family, and Source Field fields in the Risk Analysis Mapping Details record for the PL-RISK_MAPPING-SAFETY and PL-RISK_MAPPING-SAFETY policies.
Policy Input Node | Source Family | Source Field |
Failure Frequency |
Failure Frequency |
Flammable Category - Hole | Criticality Consequence Evaluation | Flammable Consequence - Hole |
Flammable Category - Rupture | Criticality Consequence Evaluation | Flammable Consequence - Rupture |
Risk Category | Risk Analysis Mapping | Risk Category |
Toxic Category - Hole | Criticality Consequence Evaluation | Toxic Consequence - Hole |
Toxic Category - Rupture | Criticality Consequence Evaluation | Toxic Consequence - Rupture |
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