RBI Criticality Analysis Records

RBI Criticality Analysis records are used to determine the results of RBI Analyses. This topic provides an alphabetical list and description of the fields that exist for the RBI Criticality Analysis family. The information in the table reflects the baseline state and behavior of these fields. The Criticality Analysis and What-If Analysis table lists common fields shared across several analysis types. Fields that are unique to a specific component type can be viewed by expanding the proper drop-down heading.

The following families are enabled for site filtering, which means that the records in these families can be assigned to a specific site, and will then only be accessible to users who are assigned to the same site and have the appropriate license and family privileges. See the Site Filtering section of the documentation for more information on using this feature.

RBI Criticality Analysis and What-If Analysis


Data Type


Behavior and Usage


Analysis ID


Specifies the Record ID of the Equipment or Functional Location Record.

When you create an analysis through the RBI Workflow, the GE Digital APM system automatically populates this field.

For a What-If Analysis, the value in this field is in the following format:

W <Analysis ID of the main analysis> <Number>

...where <Number> is the sequential number of the What-If Analysis.

Analysis Start Date


The date on which the analysis began.

You can use the Calendar feature to select the date on which the analysis began.

This field is required.

Criticality Item Type


Describes the type of component being assessed.

This data will be used to select which elements are required to calculate risk.

Date Criticality Calculated


The date on which the Criticality Analysis was calculated.

When you calculate the analysis, the GE Digital APM system automatically populates this field.

Effective Date for Risk Analysis


A designated future date at which time the risk data becomes valid.

You can use the Calendar feature to select the date on which you want to access future risk.

Event Type Character Indicates whether the analysis is a What-If Analysis.

For a What-If Analysis, this field is populated with the value W. For other types of analyses, this field is blank.

This field does not appear on the datasheet.

Evergreen Batch ID Character The ID for the evergreening batch during which the analysis was created.

This field does not appear on the datasheet.

Evergreen Copy Character The entity key of the child analysis that was created while evergreening.

This field does not appear on the datasheet.

Generic Failure Frequency


A Probability of Failure (PoF) developed for specific component types based on a large population of component data that does not include the effects of specific damage mechanisms.

This data is one of the factors used to determine the PoF.

Location ID


Identifies the functional location.


Scenario ID


Identifies a particular set of data or activities.

May be used to query data in GE Digital APM that is all related to a common activity or data set.

Scenario Reference Date


The date on which the scenario occurred.

May be used to query data in GE Digital APM that is all related to a common activity or data set.

Process Data

Operating Pressure


The internal pressure of the asset under normal operating conditions. It is measured in pounds per square inch gauge.

A value is required in this field.

By default, this field populated with the value in the Operating Pressure field in the associated RBI Component. You can, however, modify the value.

The value in this field must be less than or equal to the value in the Design Pressure field.

Operating Temperature


The temperature of the asset under normal operating conditions. It is measured in degrees Fahrenheit.

A value is required in this field.

By default, this field populated with the value in the Operating Temperature field in the associated RBI Component. You can, however, modify the value.

The value in this field must be less than or equal to the value in the Design Temperature field.

Representative Fluid


The fluid that represents or makes up the greatest volume of the asset.

In some cases, the fluid that represents the greatest Cause of Failure (CoF) may be selected. 

Tube Nominal Thickness


The manufactured thickness of the tube wall.


Tube Operating Press Channel


The normal operating pressure for a Tube Bundle.

Required only for the RBI Analysis records whose Criticality Item Type is the Heat Exchanger-Bundle. The value in this field is compared with the value in the Operating Pressure Shell Side field in the Consequence Evaluation family to determine the leaking fluid.

Tube Operating Temp Channel


The normal operating temperature for a Tube Bundle.


Tube Rep Fluid Channel


The fluid that represents or makes up the greatest volume of the asset.

In some cases the fluid that represents the greatest Cause of Failure (CoF) may be selected.

Design Data

Allowable Stress


The maximum amount of pressure that can a component can safely withstand.

If the Allowable Stress Override check box is selected, then this field is enabled, and you can enter a value manually. Otherwise, this field is disabled and populated automatically.

Required only for RBI Analysis records that are linked to Criticality Int. Corr. Deg. Mech. Eval. or Criticality Ext. Corr. Deg. Mech. Eval. records.

Allowable Stress Override


Identifies whether or not a user can enter his or her own allowable stress value.

If this check box is selected, then the Allowable Stress field is enabled.

Area Humidity


A value that based on the humidity of the geographical region in which the asset is operated.

Required only for an RBI Analysis record that is linked to Criticality Ext. Corr. Deg. Mech. Eval. records. This field contains the description of all the System Codes in the MI_RBI_Area_Humidity System Code Table. You can choose from the following baseline values:

  • Low
  • Medium
  • High

Code Year


The year in which the design code that corresponds to the component was defined.

The value in this field is used to populate the Code Year field in the associated RBI Criticality Analysis record.

This field must contain a value in order for the GE Digital APM system to retrieve:

  • The value in the Allowable Stress field in the Piping Stress record from the Piping Stress reference table.
  • Values in the Material Spec list in the Piping Stress record.

Required only for an RBI Analysis record whose Allowable Stress Override check box is cleared and whose Criticality Item Type is not Storage Tank.

Depending on the value in the Stress Lookup Table field, this field contains a list of values that are available in the Code Year field in the associated PV Stress, Piping Stress, or Tank Stress record.

Construction Code


The code to which the asset was originally constructed.

Required only for an RBI Analysis record whose Allowable Stress Override check box is not selected.

Depending on the value in the Stress Lookup Table field, this field contains a list of values that are available in the Design Code field in the associated PV Stress, Piping Stress, or Tank Stress record.

Course Number


Identifies which shell course on an asset is being assessed. The course number will impact how the allowable stressed data is used.

For Tanks, the value in this field is used to calculate the value in the Allowable Stress field.

Design Pressure


The pressure at which the component is designed to operate. It is measured in pounds per square inch gauge.

By default, this field is populated with the value in the Design Pressure field in the associated RBI Component. You can, however, modify the value.

The value in this field must be greater than or equal to the value in the Operating Pressure field.

Tip: This value is provided by the manufacturer of the component. You can find it on the nameplate or the UI Form.

If the Allowable Stress Override check box is cleared, then a value is required in this field.

Design Temperature


The temperature at which the component is designed to operate. It is measured in degrees Fahrenheit.

By default, this field is populated with the value in the Design Temperature Pressure field in the associated RBI Component. You can, however, modify the value.

The value in this field must be greater than or equal to the value in the Operating Temperature field.

Tip: This value is provided by the manufacturer of the component. You can find it on the nameplate or the UI Form.

If the Allowable Stress Override check box is cleared, then a value is required in this field.



The width of a circular or cylindrical Asset measured in a straight line.

Required only for an RBI Analysis record:

  • Whose Criticality Item Type is Storage Tank


  • Whose Diameter is null or > 200 (Feet)


  • That is linked to a Criticality Int. Corr. Deg. Mech. Eval. record whose Estimated Minimum Thickness Override? check box is not selected.

The value in this field is used to calculate the value in the Calculated Inventory field.



Indicates whether or not an asset is insulated.

Required only for RBI Analysis records that are linked to Criticality Ext. Corr. Deg. Mech. Eval. records.

Insulation Type


Identifies the insulating material.

The value in this field must be stored in the Insulation Type field in one of the Insulation Type records delivered in the GE Digital APM baseline database

Joint Efficiency


Indicates the extent of inspection used to ensure the quality of welds and the type of weld joints used during construction.

This field must contain one of the following values:

  • 0.35
  • 0.4
  • 0.45
  • 0.5
  • 0.55
  • 0.6
  • 0.65
  • 0.7
  • 0.75
  • 0.8
  • 0.85
  • 0.9
  • 0.95
  • 1.0

Material Grade


The material grade of the component.

Depending on the value in the Stress Lookup Table field, this field contains a list of values that are available in the Material Grade field in the associated PV Stress, Piping Stress, or Tank Stress record.

Material Spec


The material specification of the component.

The value in this field is used to populate the Material Spec field in the associated RBI Criticality Analysis record.

This field must contain a value in order for the GE Digital APM system to retrieve:

  • The value in the Allowable Stress field in the Piping Stress record from the Piping Stress reference table.
  • Values in the Material Grade list in the Piping Stress record.

Required only for an RBI Analysis record whose Allowable Stress Override check box is cleared.

Depending on the value in the Stress Lookup Table field, this field contains a list of values that are available in the Material Specification field in the associated PV Stress, Piping Stress, or Tank Stress record.

Minimum Required Thickness


The minimum thickness that is used as a flagging thickness.

This is a calculated value. This field value is used in calculation if the Override Minimum Required Thickness check box is cleared.

Minimum Thickness - Pressure


The minimum required wall thickness to withstand internal pressure.

This is a calculated value.

Nominal Thickness


An estimated or measured thickness used as the starting point for thickness based remaining life calculations.

Required only for an RBI Analysis record whose Criticality Item Type is Heat Exchanger-Bundle.

Override Minimum Required Thickness Boolean Indicates whether you want to override the Calculated T-min value with the Specified T-min value. If you select this check box, the Specified Tmin field is required and the value is used in calculation.
Piping Circuit Length Numeric Indicates the total length of the piping circuit.

By default, this field is populated with the value in the Piping Circuit Length field in the associated Criticality RBI Component – Piping record.

The value in this field is used in calculating the complexity of the piping circuit, which impacts the value in the Age field in the Criticality Ext. Corr. Deg. Mech. Eval record.

Specified Tmin Numeric Minimum thickness of the component that is specified by the user.

This field is required if the Override Minimum Required Thickness check box is selected.

This field is populated with the value in the Specified Tmin field in the associated component.

Stress Lookup Table


Identifies the type of asset being assessed so that the proper design codes are used.

Required only for an RBI Analysis record whose Allowable Stress Override check box is cleared.

This field contains the description of all the System Codes in the MI_STRESS_LOOKUP_TABLE System Code Table. You can choose from the following baseline values:

  • Piping
  • Vessels
  • Tanks

Structural Minimum Thickness


The minimum required wall thickness to withstand the structural design of the asset.

This is a calculated value.

Analysis Results

Driving CoF


The highest cause of failure identified on the asset.


Driving Inspection Priority(Unmitigated Risk)


The highest Inspection Priority identified on the asset.

The value in this field is used to drive the inspection recommendations on the asset

Driving PoF


The highest Probability of Failure (PoF) identified on the asset.


Inspection Priority (Unmitigated Risk) Rolled Up


The highest Inspection Priority identified on the asset.

For a multi-component asset, the highest Inspection Priority will be used

Risk Category


 The range of Risk for the asset.

This field is required to change the state of the analysis to Risk Completed state.

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