Select the Production Plans tab.
The Production Plans section appears, displaying a list of Production Plans available in the database.
Select View Summary.
The page for the selected plan appears, displaying summary information for the Production Plan in the Production Summary workspace.
The Production Summary workspace contains the following items:
Cost of Losses: The cost of all losses across all products that are included in the plan, where the value is calculated using the following equation:
Cost of Losses = Σ Losses x Margin
Note: The currency symbol that appears in the Production Summary workspace and the number of decimal places that appear in the Cost of Losses value are defined via the Production Loss Analysis Application Settings.
Cost: The sum of cost of all losses for all days in the plan, where the value is calculated using the following equation:
OEE: The OEE percentage for the products that are selected in the production grid. OEE is calculated using the following equation:
OEE = (Availability x Performance x Quality) x 100
Performance: The performance percentage for the products that are selected in the production grid. Performance is calculated using the following equation:
Performance = [(Good Production + Quality Loss) / (Good Production + Performance Loss + Quality Loss)] x 100
Availability: The availability percentage for the products that are selected in the production grid. Availability is calculated using the following equation:
Availability = [(Good Production + Performance Loss + Quality Loss) / (Good Production + Availability Loss + Performance Loss + Quality Loss)] x 100
Quality: The quality percentage for the products that are selected in the production grid. Quality is calculated using the following equation:
Quality = [Good Production / (Good Production + Quality Loss)] x 100
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