Access Production Data


  1. Access the PLA Overview page.

  2. Select the Production Data tab.

    A list of Production Plans appears.

  3. In the Plan ID column, select the link for the Production Plan whose Production Data you want to access.

    The page for the selected Production Plan appears, displaying the Production Data workspace. Each Product that is associated with the selected Production Plan appears as an option in the Product drop-down list box.

    Tip: You can also access the Production Data via a Production Plan. To do so, access a Production Plan, and then select the Production Data tab.
  4. In the Product drop-down list box, select the Product for which you want to access the Production Data.

    A list of Production Data records appears in a table where each row represents a Production Data record. The number of rows corresponds to the number of periods (that is, days or shifts) in the Production Plan, up to and including the current period.

    Tip: You can enter the actual production values and modify the Short Range Plan in the table.

    Note: If the Process Data Integration feature has been configured correctly and an administrative user has linked Production Profile records to OPC Tag records for PLA, the Production Data records will be created automatically as a result of the integration.

    The table displays the following columns:

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