Copy and Paste Nodes and Connections


  1. Access the policy containing the nodes that you want to copy and paste.
  2. In the Design workspace, on the model canvas, press the Ctrl key and select all the nodes and connections that you want to copy.

    Hint: You can press Ctrl + A to select all nodes and connections in the policy model.

    The selected nodes and connections are outlined in blue, as shown in the following image.

  3. In the Edit section of the toolbar, select .

    The selected nodes and connections are copied.

  4. In the Edit section of the toolbar, select .

    Copies of the selected nodes and connections are pasted to the model canvas and are selected automatically.

  5. Drag the pasted nodes and connections to a new location as necessary.
  1. Connect and configure the pasted nodes as needed.
  2. In the Policy section of the toolbar, select .

    The policy is saved.

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