Configure the Meridium Notification Service for PDI

For the Process Data Integration service to work correctly, you must configure the Meridium Notification Service by modifying the file Meridium.Service.Notification.exe.config on the GE Digital APM Server.


  1. On the GE Digital APM Server, navigate to the folder where the Meridium Notification Service files are installed. If you installed the software in the default location, you can locate these files in the folder C:\Program Files\Meridium\Services.
  2. Open the file Meridium.Service.Notification.exe.config in an application that you can use to modify XML script (e.g., Notepad).
  3. If you have not done so already, complete any necessary basic configuration for the Meridium Notification Service.

  4. Within the <notification> tags, within the <notificationSettings>tags, uncomment the following text string (i.e., delete the <!-- and -->):

    <!-- <add key="server3" serverType="external" endPointName="pdiService"/> -->

  1. Within the <system.serviceModel> tags, within the <client> tags, uncomment the following text string (i.e., delete the <!-- and -->):

    <!-- <endpoint name="pdiService" address="net.tcp://PDISERVERNAME/Meridium/PDI/NotifyHandler" binding="netTcpBinding" contract="Meridium.Core.Common.Contracts.INotificationService" /> -->

  1. Within the address attribute, replace PDISERVERNAME with the name or IP Address of the Process Data Integration Server.

  2. If you have only one Process Data Integration Server in your system architecture, save and close the file.


    If you have multiple Process Data Integration Servers, complete the following steps for each additional server:

    1. Copy the string within the <notificationSettings> tags that you uncommented in Step 4.
    2. Directly after the text that you copied (after the />), paste the copied text.
    3. Within the key attribute, specify a unique name for the connection.

    4. Within the endPointName attribute, specify a unique name for the end point.
    5. Copy the string within the <client> tags that you uncommented in Step 5.
    6. Within the name attribute, enter the name for the endpoint that you specified in Step d.
    7. Modify the address attribute to specify the name or IP Address of the additional Process Data Integration Server.
    8. Save and close the file.
  1. Start or restart the Meridium Notification Service.

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