In order for the service to work correctly in GE Digital APM, you must configure the Notification Service by modifying the file Meridium.Service.Notification.exe.config on all GE Digital APM Servers.
On the GE Digital APM Server, navigate to the folder where the Notification Service files are installed. If you installed the software in the default location, you can locate these files in the folder C:\Program Files\Meridium\Services.
In an application that you can use to modify XML script (e.g., Notepad), open the file Meridium.Service.Notification.exe.config.
Depending on the type of server to which you want to relay the messages, modify the script within the <notification> and the <system.serviceModel> tags.
Note: The complexity of a Notification Service lies in its configuration. Notification Servers can relay messages to two types of servers - apm server (web server) and external server. The entire configuration of the external service needs to be represented by an end point, and the end point name needs to have a wcf end point configuration.