About Viewing the Details of a Scorecard

The page displaying the details of a Scorecard is labeled as <Scorecard_Name>, where <Scorecard_Name> is the name of the selected Scorecard. This page displays a hierarchical view of Perspectives, Objectives, and KPIs.

The page displays the following details:

On the Scorecard details page, Perspectives and Objectives will be sorted alphabetically irrespective of the order that you have specified in the Scorecard design page.

On this page, KPIs appear in tiles and display the values that are stored in the individual KPI records such as current value, percentage change, and a plus or minus sign that indicates the status of the KPI. For example, if there is a plus sign, it indicates that the current value is higher than the previous value. The KPIs are highlighted according to where the value falls within the values assigned to the worst value, critical value, target value, stretch value, and best value. For example, if an actual value is 10.00, and the target value is 5.00, the KPI would be highlighted in green, which indicates that the value falls between the stretch value and the best value.

You can select the name of the KPI to view its details. On selecting the KPI name, the KPI details page for the selected KPI appears, displaying additional information about the selected KPI.

You can add filters to view a subset of the KPIs that are currently displayed in the details page of a Scorecard. You can filter and view the KPIs associated with a Scorecard based on their performance. The following are the filter options that you can use.

You can select to see the grid view of the Scorecard. In this view, you can see the following additional information:

You can modify the Scorecard details by selecting .

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