The Key Performance Indicator (KPI) details page displays the values that are recorded for a KPI, indicating where the actual value falls within the defined limits by using the dial chart or bullet chart. It also show how the values have changed over time by using the trend-line chart.
On this page, you can see the following details of a KPI:
Last Modified On: Displays the date when the last scheduled update was run on the KPI and the name of the person who created or updated the KPI. This field is updated when:
You manually update the KPI by selecting Update Measures.
More Information: Displays links to all the associated Scorecards. The Scorecard name appears as a link that you can select to view the Scorecard details.
Description: A description of the KPI.
Dial chart button (
Red: Below the critical value
Yellow: Between the target value and critical value
Light Green: Between the target value and stretch value
Dark Green: Above the stretch value
Bullet Chart button (
Note: You can add a KPI as a dashboard widget either in dial chart or bullet chart format. For more information, see the Dashboards documentation.
Tabular View button (
Sub-Indicators: Displays the list of sub-indicator KPIs that are assigned to the current KPI. The sub-indicator KPIs appear in tile format and the name of the sub-indicators appear as a link. On selecting the sub-indicator KPI name, the details page for the sub-indicators KPI appears.
Note: If you update a parent KPI, all other KPIs in that hierarchy will also be updated.
In addition to this, you can also perform the following on a KPI details page:
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