Assess if a Safeguard is an Independent Protection Layer (IPL)


  1. Access the Safeguard that you want to assess to determine whether it is an IPL.
  2. Select the IPL Checklist tab.

    The IPL Checklist section appears, displaying a set of criteria to identify if the Safeguard is an IPL.

    Assess if a Safeguard is an IPL

  3. In the IPL Checklist section, next to each criteria that is applicable for the selected Safeguard, select the check box.

    The IPL Type box and the IPL Sub Type box are enabled.

    Assess if a Safeguard is an IPL

    Note: The IPL Type box and the IPL Sub Type box are enabled only if the check box for all the criteria in the IPL Checklist section is selected.

  4. As needed, select values in the available fields.
  5. In the upper-right corner of the workspace, select .

    The Safeguard is specified as an IPL.


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