Access a Safeguard


  1. Access the Layer of Protection Analysis that is linked to the Safeguard that you want to access.
  2. In the left-pane, select Safeguards and IPLs.

    The Safeguards and IPLs workspace appears, displaying a list of safeguards linked to the LOPA.

    List of Safeguards

  3. In the Safeguard ID column, select the link for the Safeguard that you want to access.

    The Safeguards and IPLs workspace appears, displaying the Definition and IPL Checklist tabs. The Definition tab is selected by default, displaying the datasheet for the selected Safeguard.


    Note: As needed, you can modify the values in the available fields, and then select to save your changes. You can modify values for a Safeguard only if the associated LOPA is in the Planning state. Additionally, if you have linked the LOPA to a Consequence in Hazards Analysis, you can modify the Safeguard only if the Hazards Analysis is also in the Planning state.

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