Access the GAA Overview Page

This topic describes how to access the GAA Overview page, on which you can view all the information and perform various tasks related to Generation Availability Analysis.

By default, the information that appears on the GAA Overview page is related to all Hierarchy Levels. You can select to filter and view the information related to either of the following based on the sites to which you are assigned:

By default, the information on the GAA Overview page is displayed for a time period between the first day of the current year and the current date. You can modify the time period by selecting , and then specifying values in the Start Date and End Date fields.

The tasks that you can perform on this page differ depending on the Security Groups with which you are associated.


  1. On the left navigation menu, select Reliability, and then select Generation Availability Analysis.

    Note: You can also access Generation Availability Analysis information associated with a functional location and its children. To do so:

    1. In the upper-left corner of the top navigation bar, select .

      The Asset page appears.

    2. In the left pane, navigate to the function location for which you want to access the GAA Overview page.

    3. In the workspace, select the Reliability tab.

      A list of types of performance related analyses performed on the selected functional location appears.

    4. Select the hyperlink for Generation Availability Analysis that specifies the number of Events Under Review, Approved Events, and Generation Reports generated for the selected functional location.

    The GAA Overview page appears, displaying the following information related to each GAA Unit for the specified period:

    While viewing any of the above charts, you can select in the upper-right corner of the chart to customize the appearance of the plot by using standard graph features.

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