This section describes any prerequisites to loading the data and the order in which the data will be loaded.
Note: Before reading this section, review the Data Model section.
Data Import
When importing data using the Rounds Data Loaders:
Due to performance limitations in Rounds Designer, it is recommended that Template Groups contain no more than 150 Measurement Location Templates in a single data load.
Schedule and Date Fields
The Route Data Loaders use a non-standard date format. Data should be formatted as yyyy-mm-dd hh-mm-ss (e.g., 2015-05-23 17-45-34).
All date values are assumed to be in UTC. The time zone of the user loading the data is not relevant.
The sites to which Rounds records are to be assigned have been created.
Users to whom Routes will be assigned have both Security User and Human Resource records.
Load Sequence
When importing data using the Rounds Data Loaders, use the following workflow:
When importing data using the Rounds Allowable Values Data Loader, the data loader will create one Allowable Value record for each row of the worksheet. If the import worksheet specifies an Allowable Value that is an exact match for an existing record, the record is not imported. Since the unique identification of an Allowable Value record includes all its fields, it is not possible to update existing Allowable Value records using the data loader.
Note: Allowable Values records do not support Site Filtering.
When importing data using the Rounds Templates Data Loader, the data loader will create records as follows:
Template Groups: The data loader will create one Template Group record for each row in the import worksheet. If the Template Group ID specified matches the Template Group ID of an existing Template Group, the existing record will be updated.
The Template Groups will be loaded into GE Digital APM, and will be filtered based on the designated site name in the Site Reference Name field.
Note: If you want to set the site reference to be a Global Site Reference, enter the constant ‘*Global*’ in the MI_SITE_NAME column on the spreadsheet.
The following site inheritance rules are applied when Template Groups are created using the data loader:
Measurement Location Templates: The data loader will create one Measurement Location Template record for each row in the data loader workbook. If the import worksheet specifies a Template ID value that matches the Template ID of an existing Measurement Location Template record, the existing record will be updated. If the worksheet specifies values for Category or Allowable Value that do not already exist in the database for the specified type (numeric or character) of Measurement Location, the record will not be imported.
The Measurement Location Templates will be loaded into GE Digital APM, and will be filtered based on the designated site name in the Site Reference Name field.
Checkpoint Template Sequence: The data loader will create one Checkpoint Template Sequence record for each row in the worksheet. Since the unique identification of a Checkpoint Template Sequence record includes all its fields, it is not possible to update existing Checkpoint Template Sequence records using the Rounds Templates Data Loader. Updates to existing Template Groups to add or reorder the related Measurement Location Templates must be performed using the Rounds Designer user interface.
Each Checkpoint Template Sequence record will take the same Site Reference Name that is designated to the Template Group to which it is assigned.
Checkpoint Conditions: The data loader will create one Checkpoint Condition record for each row in the Checkpoint Condition worksheet. This worksheet defines the conditions under which the successor checkpoints for Checkpoint Conditions are displayed in Rounds Data Collection. This worksheet also works together with the Measurement Location worksheet to determine the checkpoint sequence for Template Groups with Checkpoint Conditions.
The values specified in the CPC ID field in this worksheet are used by the Checkpoint Template Sequence worksheet to specify when checkpoints have predecessor Checkpoint Conditions. Additionally, this worksheet uses the values specified in the CTS ID field in the Checkpoint Template Sequence worksheet to specify predecessor checkpoints for Checkpoint Conditions.
Note: For more details regarding how to create a Template Group with Checkpoint Conditions using the Rounds Templates data loader workbook, see the Example Rounds Templates Data Loader Workbook with Checkpoint Conditions topic.
When importing data using the Rounds Routes Data Loader, you can:
When importing data using the Rounds Routes Data Loader, this data loader will create records as follows:
Routes: The data loader will create one Route record for each row in the Route worksheet. The Next Date field on the Route record is populated automatically by existing rules based on the value in the Schedule column. The user can however overwrite the Next Date Value by providing a value in the worksheet. If the Schedule is invalid, the Route record will not be created. The Route ID column in the Data Loader workbook is used for identifying the Routes. If a Route with this ID is already present in the database, it will update the Route.
The Route created will be loaded into GE Digital APM, and will be filtered based on the designated site name in the Site Reference Name field.
Note: If you want to set the site reference, to be a Global Site Reference, enter the constant ‘*Global*’ in the MI_SITE_NAME column on the spreadsheet.
Note: Adding a value in the Schedule column is not mandatory.
Security Users: The data loader will create relationships assigning each Route, identified by Route ID, to each Security User listed.
When you specify a Route ID, only the corresponding users specified in this sheet will be assigned to the Route, regardless of whether other users were previously assigned to it.
For example, if three users are listed, and you want five users to be listed (i.e., you want to add two users), you must include all five users in the sheet. If you include only the two new users, the original three users will be removed from the Route.
If you include a Route ID in this sheet with no Security Users listed, all existing user assignments will be removed.
Note that the relationship created is between the Route and the Human Resource record linked to the Security User; therefore, the Human Resource records must already exist before the data loader is used.
Measurement Locations / Lubrication Requirement records / Checkpoint Tasks: The data loader will create one Measurement Location or a Lubrication Requirement record and one related Checkpoint Task record for each row of the Measurement Location import worksheet. Measurement Location records / Lubrication Requirement records are processed in batches using the Route ID. The MLs/ LRs are identified by the Checkpoint ID column. If a Measurement Location / Lubrication Requirement with this Checkpoint ID is already present in the database, then the ML will be updated.
The Next Date, Non-Compliance Date, and the Non-Compliance Next Check Date fields on the Checkpoint Task record will be populated automatically by existing rules based on the value in the Schedule column. If the Schedule is invalid, the record will not be created.
Note: Adding a value in the Schedule column is not mandatory.
Each Measurement Location or Lubrication Requirement record will take the same Site Reference Name that is designated to the predecessor Asset. If there no Site Reference Name that is assigned to the Asset, the ML or LR takes the Site Reference Name from the Route to which the ML or LR is assigned.
Sequence Number: The User can provide the Sequence number for the Measurement Locations/ Lubrication Requirement records under a Route in the Sequence column on the import worksheet. The data loader will consider the sequence provided and order the Measurement Locations / Lubrication Requirement records based on it. However, if there is any random / incorrect / blank / non-sequential numbers in this column, the data loader will correct them and place them sequentially while importing them. Any new insertion of Measurement Locations / Lubrication Requirement records under a Route will always be at the end of the Route with maximum sequence number under the Route. The data in the Sequence column is ignored when the Measurement Location / Lubrication Requirement record is standalone or the Measurement Location / Lubrication Requirement record is being updated.
Note: Re-sequencing the Measurement Locations and Lubrication Requirements under a Route is possible using Data Loaders in V4.1.5.0. or later.
The data loader will populate an Asset entity key into the new Measurement Location / Lubrication Requirement records, based on matching the value specified in the Related Asset Key column (i.e., Functional Location ID for FLOCs or Equipment Technical Number for Equipment) in the Measurement Location import worksheet. If there is no Related Asset Key, it will use the related Asset ID field to search the Equipment and Functional Location families for a matching record and link it to the Measurement Location / Lubrication Requirement record and also populate the Related Asset Key.
Note: The Asset ID is not required. If a matching Asset ID is not found, the ML is created without linking to any asset and a warning is added to the import log.
Provided that the Measurement Location / Lubrication Requirement record has received an Asset Key, the family rules will populate additional information in the Measurement Location / Lubrication Requirement records and create a relationship between the asset (predecessor) and Measurement Location / Lubrication Requirement records (successor).
The data loader will link each new Measurement Location / Lubrication Requirement record to an existing Route record that matches the value specified in the Route ID column. If a matching Route ID is not found, the records will not be created.
Standalone Measurement Locations / Lubrication Requirement records can be created without being linked to a Route by specifying <Dummy ID> as the Route ID and the Route Batch ID as 1000000000.
The data loader will link each Measurement Location / Lubrication Requirement record to the Action record which is specified by the Action ID column and is related to the Strategy record specified by the Strategy ID Column.
If the Asset Health Indicator service is configured and started, Health Indicator records will be added automatically for each imported Measurement Location record that is linked to an Equipment or Functional Location.
Note: Health Indicator records are not added for Lubrication Requirements, since there is no Health Indicator Mapping.
Checkpoint Conditions: The data loader will create one Checkpoint Condition record for each row in the Checkpoint Condition worksheet. This worksheet defines the conditions under which the successor checkpoints for Checkpoint Conditions are displayed in Rounds Data Collection. This worksheet also works together with the Measurement Location worksheet to determine the Route sequence for Routes with Checkpoint Conditions.
The following table shows the relationships between fields in this worksheet and fields in the Measurement Location worksheet that determine which checkpoints precede or succeed which Checkpoint Conditions.
Measurement Location Worksheet Fields | Checkpoint Condition Worksheet Fields |
ML Identifier (ROUNDS_ML_ID) | Parent ML Batch ID (PARENT_ROUNDS_ML_ID) |
Parent Condition Batch ID (MI_CHKPCOND_BATCH_ID) | Condition Batch ID (MI_CHKPCOND_BATCH_ID_C) |
Parent Condition Identifier (MI_CHKPCOND_ID_C) | Condition Identifier (MI_CHKPCOND_ID_C) |
When the values in the Parent ML Batch ID and Parent ML ID fields for a Checkpoint Condition match the values in the ML Identifier and Checkpoint ID fields, respectively, for a checkpoint, this indicates that the Checkpoint Condition is a successor of the checkpoint.
When the values in the Condition Batch ID and Condition Identifier fields for a Checkpoint Condition match the values in the Parent Condition Batch ID and the Parent Condition Identifier fields, respectively, for a checkpoint, this indicates that the Checkpoint Condition is a predecessor of the checkpoint.
Note: For more details regarding how to create a Route with Checkpoint Conditions using the Rounds Route data loader workbook, see the Example Rounds Route Data Loader Workbook with Checkpoint Conditions topic.
When importing data using the Rounds Readings Data Loader, the data loader will create one Reading record for each row of the import worksheet. The data loader will attempt to link each reading to a checkpoint record (i.e., Measurement Location record or Lubrication Requirement record) based on the related Measurement Location and Lubrication Requirement records specified in the import worksheet. To properly identify the checkpoint to which Readings are linked, the import must specify either the Entity Key or the Checkpoint ID. If no matching checkpoint is found, the reading is not imported. The Asset ID and Unit of Measure (if applicable) will be populated on the Reading based on the related checkpoint, and the fields on the related Checkpoint Task will be updated according to the applicable schedule.
Each Reading record will take the same Site Reference Name that is designated to the Measurement Location or Lubrication Requirement to which it is assigned.
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