This topic provides samples of the worksheets in the Rounds Templates data loader workbook to illustrate the process of creating a Template Group containing Checkpoint Conditions using the Rounds Templates data loader workbook.
When imported into GE Digital APM, this example workbook creates a Template Group with six checkpoints and two Checkpoint Conditions, as shown in the following image:
This topic assumes that you are familiar with the basic process of creating Templates in a data loader and you are familiar with the fields used in these worksheets. For more information on the fields displayed in the following examples, see the Rounds Templates Data Loader Workbook section of the Workbook Layout and Use topic for Rounds Data Loaders.
The Template Group worksheet defines the values for the Template Group Batch ID, the Template Group ID, the Template Group Description, and the Site Reference Name.
The value specified in the ID field determines the name of the Template Group as it will appear in Rounds Designer after the data load process is complete. For example, note that the ID specified in the ID field above appears as the title in the image of the Template Group in Rounds Designer above.
The Measurement Location Template worksheet defines values for each Measurement Location in the Template Group.
The values in the Template ID and Description fields appear as the names and descriptions, respectively, of the checkpoint in the Template Group in Rounds Designer. For example, note that the values in the Template ID and Description fields in the worksheet appear in the image of the Template Group at the beginning of this topic as the names and descriptions of the checkpoints.
In addition to the fields displayed in this image, the checkpoints with an ML Type value of Character in this example also have the following values defined in the Allowable Values field: Yes and No.
The Checkpoint Template Sequence worksheet specifies the sequence for the checkpoints in the Template Group. This sequence is determined by the value entered in the Group ID/Predecessor CPC ID field, as shown in the following image:
In the Group ID/Predecessor CPC ID field, you can specify whether the checkpoint is a successor of a condition:
If you do not enter a value, or if you enter the Group ID field value specified in the Template Group worksheet, the checkpoint sequence is determined by the location of each checkpoint entry in the worksheet. For example, in the image of the Template Group at the beginning of this topic, note that a 1 appears next to Checkpoint-1 and a 2 appears next to Checkpoint-3. Neither of these has a Checkpoint Condition specified in the Group ID/Predecessor CPC ID field in the Checkpoint Template Sequence worksheet.
If you enter a CPC ID value in the Group ID/Predecessor CPC ID field, the checkpoint is a successor of a Checkpoint Condition. For example, in the image of the Template Group at the beginning of this topic, note that a value of 1.1.1 appears next to Checkpoint-2. This indicates that Checkpoint-2 is a successor of a Checkpoint Condition that is a successor of Checkpoint-1. Note also that, in the Checkpoint Template Sequence worksheet, Checkpoint-2 has a value of CPC-1 in the Group ID/Predecessor CPC ID field. This value specifies a Checkpoint Condition ID (CPC ID) that is defined in the following worksheet.
The Checkpoint Condition worksheet defines the sequence for Checkpoint Conditions as well as the conditions under which the successor checkpoints of the Checkpoint Condition are displayed in Rounds Data Collection.
The value in the CPC ID field is used in the Checkpoint Template Sequence worksheet in the Group ID/Predecessor CPC ID field to specify a predecessor Checkpoint Condition for a checkpoint. As mentioned in the previous section, notice that Checkpoint-2 and Checkpoint-4 in the Checkpoint Template Sequence worksheet both have CPC ID values in their Group ID/Predecessor CPC ID fields.
The value in the Predecessor CTS ID field determines which checkpoint is the predecessor of the Checkpoint Condition. For example, notice that CPC-1 has a value of CTS-1 in the Predecessor CTS ID field, which references the CTS ID defined for Checkpoint-1 in the Checkpoint Template Sequence worksheet.
No value is required in the Sequence Number field. However, if you enter a value in this field for Checkpoint Conditions with the same predecessor checkpoint (that is, sibling Checkpoint Conditions), the value you enter in this field will determine the sequence of the sibling Checkpoint Conditions.
The values you enter in the Possible Condition and Field Value for Character/Numeric Type fields determine the conditions under which the successor checkpoints will appear in Rounds Data Collection. In this example, the successor checkpoint of CPC-1 (that is, Checkpoint-2 as defined in the Checkpoint Template Sequence worksheet) will only appear when the reading value for the predecessor checkpoint (Checkpoint-1) is Yes.
Note: When a predecessor checkpoint has a Type value of Character, the only valid value to enter in the Possible Condition field is is.
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