RBI 581 Inventory Grouping Workflow

The Inventory Grouping feature allows you to group RBI Components that belong to a process unit. After you group the components, GE Digital APM calculates the value in the Inventory Group Mass field for the inventory group.

This workflow provides the basic, high-level steps for the Inventory Grouping feature. The steps and links in this workflow do not necessarily reference every possible procedure. For more procedures, see the links in the Related Information section.

  1. Access the RBI 581 Inventory Groups workspace.
  2. Create an Inventory Group Configuration record for the appropriate process unit. This record stores the details of the name and description of the group, and the process unit that is associated with the group.
  3. Link RBI Components to the inventory group.
  4. In RBI, access the components that belong to the inventory group.
  5. Create an RBI 581 Risk Analysis for each component linked to the inventory group.
  6. Access the RBI 581 Consequence Evaluation record associated with each analysis that you have created in the previous step, and then, in the Common section of the datasheet, select the Use Calculated Inventory check box.

    The Inventory Group and Inventory Group Mass fields in the RBI 581 Consequence Evaluation are populated automatically.

    Tip: If the Use Calculated Inventory check box is already selected, clear the check box, and then select it. This will update the inventory group mass value.

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