Overview of the Backup Process
The Backup and Restore Wizard allows you to perform the following types of backup:
- Custom Backup – Allows you to select the specific files within the project path to backup.
- Full Backup – Archives all files, including security and INI files within the project path. This includes all files in the APP, HTR, HTRDATA, LOCAL, PDB, PIC, RCC, and RCM folders.
- Factory Default Backup – Allows you to create a new factory default backup file. The Factory Default is a set of default iFIX files used to perform a clean restore. A standard FactoryDefault.IFD file is provided with the iFIX product. You can create a new, customized one, and save it under another name or the same name, using this option.
The steps below explain how to perform a backup with the Backup and Restore Wizard. For steps on how to use the command line, refer to the Using the Command Line Options section.
To perform a custom backup:
- In the Backup and Restore Wizard main screen, select the Custom Backup option.
- Click the Backup button. The following figure appears.
Backup and Restore Wizard - Custom Backup
- Verify that the Backup Source Info is correct. For more information about modifying the project path, refer to the Best Practices for Managing Multiple iFIX Users section.
- In the Backup File Option section, select the specific files or folders that you would like to back up.
- Optionally, select the Include security files in archive option to backup all of your security files.
- Click the Next button.
- Enter a backup file name and path into the field or browse to select one.
- Click the Finish button to begin archiving your selected files.
NOTE: If the Backup and Restore wizard does not detect any security files in the project path, the Include security files in archive option does not appear.
NOTE: By default, this archive and path is C:\Program Files (x86)\GE\iFIX\ProjectBackup\nodename.FBK; however, you can specify any local path and file name. If you want to use a network path, you must use a mapped network drive. For instance, \\MyServer\folder will not work, but a network drive mapped to Y:\folder (where Y:\ is the map to \\MyServer) would work.
To perform a full backup:
- In the Backup and Restore Wizard main screen, select the Full Backup option.
- Click the Backup button.
- Enter a backup file path and filename into the field or browse to select one.
- Click the Finish button to begin archiving all of your files.
NOTE: By default, this archive and path is C:\Program Files (x86)\GE\iFIX\ProjectBackup\nodename.FBK; however, you can specify any local path and file name. If you want to use a network path, you must use a mapped network drive. For instance, \\MyServer\folder will not work, but a network drive mapped to Y:\folder (where Y:\ is the map to \\MyServer) would work.
To create a new factory default file:
- Start the Backup and Restore Wizard with the /FactoryDefault option. For example:
BackupRestore.exe /FactoryDefault
Refer to the Using the Command Line Options section for more information on /FactoryDefault startup options.
- In the Backup and Restore Wizard main screen, select the Factory Default option.
NOTE: The Full Backup and Custom Backup options are unavailable when you start the Backup and Restore Wizard in Factory Default mode.
- Click the Backup button. The following dialog box appears.
Backup and Restore Wizard - Factory Default Backup
- In the Backup File Option section, select the specific files or folders that you would like to back up.
NOTE: The Include security files in archive option is not available for a Factory Default backup.
- Click the Next button.
- Enter a backup path and file name into the field, or browse to select one.
NOTE: By default, this archive and path is C:\Program Files\Proficy\Proficy iFIX\ProjectBackup\nodename.ifd; however, you can specify any local path and any file name. Most likely, you will want to leave the original Factory Default file, and save the file under another name. If you want to use a network path, you must use a mapped network drive. For instance, \\MyServer\folder will not work, but a network drive mapped to Y:\folder (where Y:\ is the map to \\MyServer) would work.
- Click the Finish button to begin archiving your selected files.
TIP: If you enter a new name in step 7, you may want modify the [WizardSettings] section of BackupRestore.ini file to point this custom Factory Default file. For more information, refer to the Using and Creating FactoryDefault Files and the Sample BackupRestore.ini sections.
See Also
Backing up and Restoring Files
Using and Creating FactoryDefault Files